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Thanks so much, George. After I responded, I got sidetracked and just now came back to begin. I really appreciate your finding that for me. Best to you, Jackieby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Yes, Erling's recipe is posted... it's called Waller Water. I'll look through my files on the topic...and post the results.... if not this evening, then, tomorrow. Sorry, I'm late checking posts today and now out of time. Jackie Burgessby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Hi Travis - I recall reading a caveat about fish oil. Contaminants in the water of fish farms can be a consideration and for some, can cause PACs. etc. Not sure if I have the resource, but the topic was the impurities that can be in some types/brands of fish oil... ie/contaminants... as in harvested oil from fish in commercial beds where fish are fed various types of feed that contain cby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Hi Bettylou... Sorry about your sleep issues. Your comment about forgetting magnesium at bedtime reminded me of my sleep issues many years ago. After a trying various 'methods'... I had read about the benefits of taking magnesium at bedtime. As I recall, it took some time, but eventually, it did help me get to sleep but it wasn't totally 'restorative'. Also, I hadby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Hello Madeline - I'll respond to your post shortly. We've been dealing with the aftermath of severe wind damage which came through our area as "side effects" from a tornado that was in the area farther South of us. Fortunately, we were not in the direct path. No Internet service.... but we did have basic electricity thanks to a natural gas generator. Jackieby Jackie - GENERAL HEALTH FORUM
Hello Lois - I wanted to let you know I saw your post and I'll respond shortly. Just overly busy at the moment. Sorry for the delay. Jackieby Jackie - GENERAL HEALTH FORUM
Thank you , Carey. Appreciate your time and efforts. Undoubtedly, frustrating. Hope you can take a break and do something pleasant. Best to you. Jackieby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Check these previous posts that I offered on the use of Nattokinase for reducing 'clot risk' ... but not to help manage afib. Jackieby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Hello, George - and thanks for bringing the " No More Heartburn" link forward. My digestive problems of the past remain that way, thankfully... but I continue to use digestive enzymes with meals and betaine HCl with meals containing animal protein, just to be sure. Be well, Jackieby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
JohnG.. Regarding your comments and observations about Taurine,... this may be the archived report to which you refer. .... posted about 20 years ago… and I continue to use Taurine as part of my routine nutritional supplementation…using Designs for Health’s Taurine. Their tech/data sheet indicates the following benefits… along with other relevant info. If you’d like to read that, send mby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Sunshine... So sorry I'm late in reading posts...just saw yours and the comment that your dental procedure will be to put a crown on a tooth that has had a root canal. The root canal removes the nerve from the tooth so you should have no pain issues when placing the crown... so no need for numbing unless it's a very unique situation. Best to you, Jackieby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Thank you, Carey and Thank YOU for your constant forum diligence. I hope you were able to have some 'time off' for a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration. Best to you, Jackieby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
WindyShores - Long ago, when I offered the post that Dean listed, I had been treating with a chiropractor known for his successful management of a 'displaced diaphragm'. I had mentioned in the post that therapy was so effective, I nearly cancelled my first Natale ablation (2003)... but didn't and was glad because I did have more bouts of AF which the Natale ablation managed foby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
KingFizzy - Don't delay in following the advice to 'get a full assessment of my clotting factors'... I hope you are already scheduled. What types of 'heart doctors' are you scheduled to see? With the angina symptom, I can appreciate the preventive aspect of taking the Eliquis, ASA and Natto/Serra but I also think that might be a bit risky taking that combinationby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Hi Lance - FWIW: I've been using the MK7 product by Jarrow... from iHerb.. when I take Vitamin D3 during the+ months when sunshine exposure isn't possible (here in NE Ohio). I have not found that causes palpitations for me. Jarrow Formulas, MK-7, 90 mcg, 120 Softgels Many years ago, I had severe muscle pain and weakness... diagnosed as fibromyalgia and I was treated byby Jackie - GENERAL HEALTH FORUM
Hi Barb - Definitely, if you are on a blood thinner, you must be informed and cautious about adding in supplements. As you may recall, I've been taking Eliquis for many years. After my LAA isolation touchup in 2014, I was told to continue with the half-dose Eliquis for life. Additionally, about 25 years ago, when I became a patient of a local physician who practices Functional Medicby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Susan - Genova Diagnostics.is one .. Jackieby Jackie - GENERAL HEALTH FORUM
Well, I certainly hope not – but I understand. However….quote: “ Never say, ‘never.” My history In 1995, at age 59, I had my first AF event starting with “infrequent “and progressing to much more regularity. After eight years of escalating frequency, I had my first ablation with Dr. Natale when he was with the Cleveland Clinic. I live in a distant suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. 20by Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
WindyShores... GI gas can be related to a dairy sensitivity and/or lack of appropriate natural production of enzymes that manage digestion of dairy and cause a lactose intolerance issue. Remedy options include eliminating all dairy consumption... read labels on packaged foods, etc. for dairy ingredients. ( even some supplements contain dairy). A less-restrictive remedy would be to stby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Hello Todd - I use magnesium threonate by Designs for Health…a product called Neuro-Mag … at bedtime, along with my standard magnesium bisglycinate capsule; and, if I feel exceptionally stimulated at bedtime, I’ll add a chewable tablet of PharmaGaba by Natural Factors. While I typically do not have sleep issues, on occasion, the day’s events can linger in my thoughts and this calming combo woby Jackie - GENERAL HEALTH FORUM
Hi Larry - I'm late in reading your response on this post...sorry. Lots going on here... I'm very pleased that you are finding improvement with your adjusted management. As we always say... this can be highly individualized so it's important to take time and 'experiment' ...as you have done. I'll be watching for your news on continued success. Best to you,by Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Just FYI - Note that my prescribed dose of Eliquis is a half-dose... but I wanted to comment that I use the liposomal Vitamin C form (by LivOn labs) if I become symptomatic of cold or flu... to assist in preventing it from escalating to full-blown. It's very effective, albeit, pricey; but I always have a supply on hand; and, while I only take the half-dose Eliquis, I have not experieby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Well, 'Hello' Lynn!. So good to hear from you after all these years... but sorry it's Afib-related. Based on my ablation experience with Dr. Natale starting in 2003, I consider him the very best choice if it's possible to see him. In 2014, I had a second Natale ablation for flutter which involved LAA isolation; and, in 2015, a touchup. I'm on 1/2 dose Eliquis for lby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
OK Susan... I'll ask my doctor and post. Thanks for your input. Jackieby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Periodically, the physican I use for nutritional evaluations/testing orders the Intracellular Magnesium test (Exatest) collected/scraped from the buccal mucosa.... She is the first and only physician that ever evaluated my intracellular Mg. As indicated in my archived posts on this topic, initially, I was very low. I learned that (for me), the magnesium glycinate form of magnesium woby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Two 'reminder' reports on magnesium - info on why it's important to make sure our magnesium levels are optimal. Jackieby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Congrats, Tom. I am so glad you made that very important decision to consult with Dr. Natale. You may recall that I had my Natale ablation in 2003. My AF surfaced in 1995 and I tried various ways to help reverse it …but nothing lasted. During that time, Dr. Natale was featured in a Cleveland newspaper about his joining the Cleveland Clinic's cardiology group and talked about his ablaby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM
Hi Sam - Do you also have to urinate frequently during the day as well? If so, then first, I'd consider having a urinalysis with your doctor. Often, if there is a bladder infection, a major symptom is the frequent urination. Would be good to rule that out. Best to you, Jackieby Jackie - GENERAL HEALTH FORUM
Hi Larry - It can happen. When we are taking a lot of magnesium, we can get symptoms like yours. I was very reluctant to cut back on magnesium, and found a solution by managing the acidity needed for proper protein digestion. In the General Health forum, I just offered this response ... .... " For those who also have heartburn/GERD issues, there is an archived report titledby Jackie - AFIBBERS FORUM