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gradually exertional Shortness of Breath after ablation

Posted by JW 
gradually exertional Shortness of Breath after ablation
January 31, 2022 05:21AM

I was diagnosed paroxysmal Afib in 2016, then had ablation on 2019. I started Tikosyn right after this ablation. My paroxyamal Afib remains, even on Tikosyn. I used to be very active physically. But since my ablation and being on Tikosyn, I started feeling chest tightness and shortness of breath while walking or do any exertional physical activity. My ECHO showed EF 60%. I am not sure are there anyone experience the same symptoms after ablation. Is my symptom due to pulm vein stenosis or side effects of Tikosyn ?

Thank you !
Re: gradually exertional Shortness of Breath after ablation
January 31, 2022 07:26AM
Precribing dofetilide is not allowed here in Belgium.
I don't say it's a bad drug. I'm no scientist. But my opinion is that rhythm drugs (or betablockers) and exercise are usually bad combinations, unless you exercise mildly.
Re: gradually exertional Shortness of Breath after ablation
January 31, 2022 02:49PM
There's no way for anyone here to guess what the cause is, but pulmonary vein stenosis is unlikely. If you've been on Tikosyn since the ablation and you're still experiencing afib, then clearly your ablation was not successful. Have you had a conversation about this with the EP who did the ablation? Have you described your symptoms to them? If not then you need to have that conversation. And whether it's with them or another cardiologist, you need to investigate the cause of your symptoms. They aren't normal and shouldn't occur after an ablation. Could be a side effect of the Tikosyn but there's only one way to find out, and that's by stopping the Tikosyn. Since you say you're still experiencing afib despite the Tikosyn, I think that conversation you need to have should include what other drug options are available to you.
Re: gradually exertional Shortness of Breath after ablation
January 31, 2022 09:59PM

I was diagnosed paroxysmal Afib in 2016, then had ablation on 2019...... I started Tikosyn right after this ablation. But since my ablation and being on Tikosyn, I started feeling chest tightness and shortness of breath while walking or do any exertional physical activity........... I am not sure are there anyone experience the same symptoms after ablation. Is my symptom due to ..............side effects of Tikosyn ?

Thank you !

Just a brief note, JW. After my ablation in 2019, and then being put on sotalol, etc., I immediately got a newfound shortness of breath. I have been experimenting to this very day with what med to be on so I can get my lung capacity back to normal. I have been off the sotalol a long time, but have been on carvedilol (beta blocker) just 6.25 mg BID & they tell me it should only affect you if you have "asthma." Not really so, I was sent to pulmonologist & diagnosed with mild paraseptal emphysema, but not bad enough for meds. I have seen on Internet too how these beta blockers can be contraindicated in any kind of COPD even though asthma is the most affected.

Also, like Carey said, doing the experiment of getting off the med, then back on showed me it is definitely not in my head & the BB causes my slightly diminished lung capacity when I am on it & I almost feel immediately better in a day or two when I even lower one dose (evening). I don't even know if this is okay to do, but I don't have too much of a problem with rate & BP & so far the drs have not come up with a solution for me. But...........I also like to control moderate benign essential tremor of hands, so that is why I am having trouble finding another med. Good luck. :0
Re: gradually exertional Shortness of Breath after ablation
January 31, 2022 11:45PM
Thank you for all your response. You have very good points.
One more thing, I forgot to mention that my baseline resting heart rate is low (50-58). Before my ablation in 2019, my HR will very gradually reach to 80-90 even while I was climing stairs or uphills. But after ablation, and being on Tikosyn, my heart rate have been easily going up to 100-120, even when I was slowly waliking at flat road for less than 50 steps, and not during Afib episodes.
Re: gradually exertional Shortness of Breath after ablation
February 01, 2022 02:55AM
I take Tikosyn. Currently I am taking it because I am schedule for an ablation (I am in afib).. and don't want the 3 day hospital stay to get back on it. I started at 500 mg. then 250 and then 125 b/c of the pesky QT interval. I have a heart surgery history so I am not the best example but I can tell you that before I went into afib (that didn't convert) in July, I was doing my usual exercise (walking 3 mph for a bit over a mile...). In afib I am only slightly slower. Again this isn't like the great example but it didn't seem to impact me in any way negatively. I have been trying experiments where I go off it for 2 days and see how I sleep... but it does take 3 days to get out of your system and technically you should go back in the hospital if you go longer than that without it.
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