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7 1/2 Weeks post ablation - Bump in the Road

Posted by Chukker 
7 1/2 Weeks post ablation - Bump in the Road
April 06, 2013 10:39PM
7 1/2 weeks from ablation and was doing good until yesterday. No AF skips, etc. Yesterday I noticed my resting HR @ 90, usually 58 - 60. Was low 50's prior to ablation. That lasted maybe half hour that I noticed. It felt regular. Today HR went to 100 - 110 and stayed there a couple hours. I was working around the house nothing too strenuous. Still felt regular. I realize my heart is still healing and at this point I will just keep a watch on it. I am off Multaq for about a.week and a half. Still on Xarelto. Before yesterday I was feeling completely healed now feeling a little vulnerable.
Re: 7 1/2 Weeks post ablation - Bump in the Road
April 06, 2013 11:04PM
I think it was Hans that said after Ablation, you heart beat may be around 100 bpm for about a year. I think it was because the ablate the vagas nerve endings that usually slow the heart.
Re: 7 1/2 Weeks post ablation - Bump in the Road
April 07, 2013 12:32AM
Hoping it's just the healing period. Was told possibility of AF during this time. This just felt rapid and regular.
Re: 7 1/2 Weeks post ablation - Bump in the Road
April 07, 2013 12:58AM
I have had runs of rapid and pounding heartbeat, regular rhythm, in the 80's and 90's so not really rapid, just very uncomfortable. These seem to have tailed off now (10 months). Normal pulse rate has settled at about 70, used to be 60.
Re: 7 1/2 Weeks post ablation - Bump in the Road
April 07, 2013 11:53AM
My rapid HR was kind of pounding, that is how I noticed it. Back at 59 this AM. Fingers crossed.
Re: 7 1/2 Weeks post ablation - Bump in the Road
April 07, 2013 01:13PM
I'm almost at 6 months since ablation now. I've had no provable AF at all, but have seen more ectopics, but those seem to be related to dehydration with me. I've noticed several things along the way. From a HR of 50-55 pre ablation, to 70-75 now. There was a week a few months ago where HR went down to 50-55 again. What was that about? Cardiologist seemed to think not much of that. I am more relaxed now. If AF comes back then it will but as you posted with that study, 70% are successful and that was 10 years ago - the odds are probably a lot better now if you use a very experienced EP everything else being equal. I see the recovery period now as being longer - there must be inflammation up to a year after the ablation. I know there is inflammation with most surgery, even relatively minor. I see the journey from ablation to the present as being the heart finding a new basis of operation, in unscientific terms (I am of course a layman, not a medical professional). So I see the ectopics, the change in HR etc as all being part of that. Not sure if this helps or not ..
Re: 7 1/2 Weeks post ablation - Bump in the Road
April 07, 2013 01:37PM
Chukker - while it's true that the HR can remain elevated post ablation for quite some time... you can help support both the energy factor required for normal rhythm and reduce inflammation resulting from the insult of the burns. If you were using the Essential Trio protocol prior to ablation, you can go back on that to help stabilize and support. After mine, I started my supplement protocols immediately and my HR normalized around 3 months later. I had no runs of ectopy and I credit the electrolytes for that. I continued with Omega 3 fish oils in lesser doses for inflammation.

Re: 7 1/2 Weeks post ablation - Bump in the Road
April 07, 2013 04:51PM
I have been and continue to take magnesium, potassium (including my V-8) and fish oil. I have not taken Taurine, so maybe I should consider it. I am just getting back into walking, doing about 1 1/2 miles. Was doing 3-4 miles pre-ablation. My HR was a little higher during my walk than in the past but not real high. Thanks for your reply.
Re: 7 1/2 Weeks post ablation - Bump in the Road
April 07, 2013 04:55PM
You are probably correct about the recovery period. Since getting A Fib, I pay much attention to my heart rate. Until the other day, not even a hiccup.
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