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Magnesium Oil

Posted by Louise 
Magnesium Oil
April 06, 2013 02:14PM
I am tolerating 600 mg of magnesium now (yippee!) on The Strategy regimen. After reading The Strategy, and many other reports/posts on this wonderful site, I am convinced most people are probably magnesium deficient to some extent. This is a little off-topic (I know this site is for afibbers); but I'm wondering if anyone has tried magnesium oil for anxiety (or knows anyone who has) successfully I was going to suggest it to someone.

Also, I know the oil would be a lesser dosage, even used a couple of times a day, but does it cause the same bowel reaction as taking supplements?

Thank you! Louise
Re: Magnesium Oil
April 06, 2013 04:05PM
My wife has been using magnesium oil for several months now, and finds it somewhat useful for relief of stress/anxiety. It does not appear to trigger bowel tolerance in the manner in which oral magnesium does.

Definitely worth a try.

Re: Magnesium Oil
April 06, 2013 04:48PM
Louise... the magnesium oil is not at all off topic...in fact, it's been a topic of discussion on and off for many years. Many people find that form is more tolerable either used alone as the topical or in combination with oral supplements. Another topical delivery (transdermal) form is soaking either just your feet or your whole body in magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salts)... warm water and a cup or two of the salts for 20 minutes.

If you haven't discovered the report on magnesium absorption, check out this link.

Magnesium Absorption and Assimilation

There are two steps to getting magnesium (Mg) inside heart cells...one is that it must get into the blood stream successfully without interferences and the second is that once there, it needs access inside the cell, itself. The outer envelope of a cell is made of fat...called phospholipid layer.. and when healthy, that layer is soft and flexible. When hardened or distorted by the accumulation of bad fats (trans fats), that outer layer damage distorts nutrient receptor sites .(.think lock and key on that outer layer) .. that allow nutrients to enter the cells. So, even though one may slather on magnesium oils or gobble large quantities of magnesium from supplements or even food, if the receptor sites are blocked, you will be unable to accumulate required optimal levels of Mg inside any and all cells; but heart cells, for this discussion.

I'm just mentioning this because often afibbers report they reach bowel tolerance from high dose magnesium and find no positive heart benefits and that's typically because of the interference at the lipid layer or cell envelope which has damaged and blocked nutrient receptors.

So..as with all things in the body, functionality depends on a synergy of many actions and various component status to reach the goal.

The magnesium oil is fast acting for relaxing muscles and relieving tension. I would definitely add it to your regimen but it may not provide enough as the sole source.

Re: Magnesium Oil
April 06, 2013 08:51PM
I use the oil in combination with the Doctors Best Magnesium. One thing I've noticed for sure is that it helps prevent muscle soreness in my legs post lifting. I usually put a little on before working out, then again some at night.

And Jackie, did you or someone else post that taking higher doses of fish oil can help "unblock " those receptor sites, so that the magnesium can be absorbed better?

Re: Magnesium Oil
April 07, 2013 01:27PM
John - yes - that's correct... the Omega 3 fish oils help soften and repair the outer cell membranes and restore receptor functionality. It takes a while but it definitely is proven to work. Reduces inflammation at the same time so for afibbers, Omega 3's are one of the basic essentials... actually, for everyone and not just afibbers. Dose at least 4- 6 grams daily of the high quality, pharmaceutical grade, molecularly distilled n3's...

Re: Magnesium Oil
April 07, 2013 07:35PM
Srach1943, how much does your wife use and where does she put it?

John21, same question to you.

I'm actually taking enough myself, but was thinking of my husband, who works out hard and has occasional panic attacks.

Thank you both!

Re: Magnesium Oil
April 08, 2013 02:02PM
Louise... on the panic attacks... look to low blood glucose (hypoglycemia)... very often panic attacks are the result of a sugary/starchy meal that stimulates a significant insulin response to manage the sugar... what happens in some people is too much insulin is produced (overkill) and it takes the blood glucose down too low... this results in an adrenaline surge... which is the body's alertive protective mechanism to make sure there is always enough glucose because the brain must have glucose....so when the adrenaline surge occurs, this causes anxiety and often panic... with the idea that this stimulates us into taking in more glucose... Most people who notice they are shaky and anxious often seek out a sweet snack and note they feel better.

The problem comes in when this is a regular occurrence... the reactive hypoglycemia... and it becomes a precursor to metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and ultimately, diabetes. I know of several people who had panic attacks and went on to become diabetic because nothing was ever done to diagnose the reactive hypoglycemia in the first place.

The solution would be for him to eat small snacks frequently that do not include starchy carbs or sugar but rather protein and healthy fat and low or no carb. He may just not be eating enough sustaining protein and healthy fat. Omega 3 fish oils throughout the day are a great addition to one's diet. Sugar is the enemy as is any starchy carb or fruit that turns into glucose quickly and then initiates the insulin demand.

I hope this makes sense.

Re: Magnesium Oil
April 08, 2013 02:29PM
Louise, I usually put it on my calves and hamstrings, as those are the muscles that I used to have cramps in ( calves really), when I ran.

The bottle says just put it all over? I'd stay away from sensative areas. Especially cuts and scraps , because it really burns if you hit one.

Jackie, 4-6 grams of Omega 3s? I take 5 of Carlsons fish oil tabs a day and that is only 1.6 grams. I guess I should get the liquid form and take more. I think I read that a teaspoon is the same as 5 tabs, so about 3 teaspoons a day should do it.

Re: Magnesium Oil
April 08, 2013 02:46PM
John and Jackie, thank you. Yes, my husband tends to get nervous and cranky if he goes too long without food! I guess I shouldn't say "panic attacks," although years ago he got them. He also works out with a group 3 times a week really hard and often has aches.

I read somewhere that putting it it the crook of the elbow had relatively quick calming effect. He's a tough one to get on supplements of any kind and I know magnesium would help so I'm trying to "make it easy!" I know "dabbing" on a little will not have the same effects as regular supplements, but my thought is if I can get him to see any positive results that might push him to taking supplements.
Re: Magnesium Oil
April 08, 2013 04:45PM
Crook of the elbow, and behind the knees, are good places to start with the magnesium oil, in order to maximize absorption into the bloodstream, as well as for convenience. For motivation, tell him that Derek Jeter rubs it on his bad ankle!

Re: Magnesium Oil
April 08, 2013 09:20PM

Wow....!! I have been meaning to ask about hypoglycemia. I have been told several times I have this and also have had those long 6-8 hours test where you have to drink that horrible syrup sad smiley Anyways.... since starting the low carb diet.... I went ONE whole week (last week) without one Ectopics. That is a rare for me. I also was taking since last Sunday 30 and 40 meq's of Potassium and 800 mg of the Magnesium. I had the best week.... and THEN yesterday, Sunday, I had a benefit to go to regarding a close friend of mine since childhood. I didn't eat lunch....or anything until about 3 pm and I had one small cookie. I also had a glass of wine. I noticed a few Ectopics so I started drinking water and gave up on the glass on wine. I also was very hungry so I made a plate of food. I didn't eat much... and got home around 10 pm. I grabbed me an Atkins meal bar and off to bed I went. I was wasn't in bed long, and I sleep propped up, when my sternum felt tight so I went to rub it. When I did this my heart beat became increasingly loud and fast at about 95 beats a min. Then came one after another irregular beats........and then Afib (I thought).... it was really bugging me and I was getting light headed and I couldn't keep track of my heart beat. I think mainly it was because has soon has I felt the abnormalities I became stressed. I ended up in the ER. Only thing they got on the heart monitor was the darn Ectopics. The doctor came in and talked to me and told me she thought it was the wine. I am not sure what it was, although my labs came back with my mag at 2.1 and Potassium at 3.9. The doctor said they where normal and of course I told her that the Mag count was up from last week and the Potassium was exactly the same. I told her what the doctor said the week before about the potassium and that he double my dose at the hospital. She replied that my level was not low or borderline and it was perfect and me taking anymore could kill me.

so after all that I was released 4 hours later.... and home and to sleep I went finally and thankful I could.

what you wrote struck me has interesting because, I know for fact that within 30 and sometimes 40 mins of walking at the gym I would get the fight or flight response and I would keep walking. I didn't call it a panic attack because I didn't flee although I know that it was the same thing I suffered from in the past and the reason why the doctors put me on ALL those Benzo's for 33.5 years *sigh*...... and all along I think it is me crashing, low blood sugar. I know I can eat small meals... often and honestly I also know that works best for me.... and LIKE last night when I think I can get away from the regimen I know is best... I like a fool opt for the dreadful alternative. I have been tested over and over for diabetes too and I don't have it. I am wondering how the doctors would treat low blood sugar??? I believe I have been treated for the wrong aliment ........for too long.

I am starting to confused myself here... and can see I got off topic in me trying to explain what is swarming around in my head. This whole last week I was thinking, all those whom have Afib, and here I am taking the supplements and feeling better, then why in the heck do our doctors choose to ignore the results from these??? I get so frustrated when I think like that..... why do so many have to suffer with the panic and the afib IF it is only blood sugar levels OR our Mag and Potassium levels???

Thanks so much Louise for bringing that topic up smiling smiley I was feeling out of sorts today and looking for a way to get me uplifted and YOU ALL here have done this again.... its hope once again you have given me. It's knowledge that is helping me understand that not only am I not alone in this, although there are many others who are taking the time to reach out and help those who deal with the same challenges. When that "Light" goes off in my head.... its awesome because I don't feel like that nutcase who is just some darn emotionally sensitive hypochondriac who needs to get her act together.

Thanks everyone smiling smiley

Hope you all have an awesome week smiling smiley

Re: Magnesium Oil
April 09, 2013 03:29AM
Mike, thanks for the "manly" tip! smiling smiley I'll try it.

Noreen, I know you have expressed your desire to lose weight, and besides keeping your blood sugar in tact, eating something (not stuffing yourself) every couple of hours keeps your metabolism burning calories as well. I soooo understand being at an event and going for the wine and cookie (what a combo, huh?) Slowly, we live and learn!! Very best to you.

Re: Magnesium Oil
April 09, 2013 07:56PM
Noreen... it's well documented that when blood glucose is low among the first physican signs or symptoms are an uneasiness or restless or unexplained anxiety or feeling 'unsettled'..some people start to perspire.... at first they are subtle symptoms... then they progress to much more physical as the adrenaline and cortisol kick in.... as in shaky, panic attacks, heart palps and often AF.

For people who relate to those symptoms, it's smart to carry a snack of raw almonds and a few raisins... raisins are high sugar and help level off the shaky feeling, the nuts slow down the fast metabolism of sugar from the raisens. Normally, raisins are too high glycemic foods to eat with regularity, but they are virtually instant lifesavers in the case of LBS... however... that is a temporary fix and you can worsen the whole cycle if proper eating is not part of the overall plan. That's just a temporary SOS.

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