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Worthy of Its Own Thread

Posted by benj 
Worthy of Its Own Thread
July 07, 2007 05:07AM
Yes, the NY Times' article had a link to Han's BB and what a great information source that will become to many more afibbers. From my initial diagnosis more than 10 years ago and the information gleaned from Hans's books along with the many contributors to this Board, I know I speak for hundreds, if not thousands like me, who learned so much and as a result took charge of their afib. There is no doubt that where I am today, post ablation by Dr. Pinksi, is due to the information obtained from this site. Hans, and of course Jackie, and so many other regular contributors have made this board what it is and I for one have to express my deepest and sincerest gratitude for their efforts and great service they and this board has and hopefully will continue to provide.

Thanks to everyone.
Re: Worthy of Its Own Thread
July 07, 2007 05:29AM
benj - thanks for sharing this fantatic news!

Hats off to Hans for making the NY Times - and for sponsoring this website. It's certainly been a life-line for me on this afib journey thanks to the many wonderful and knowledgeable people who share their time, experiences and wisdom.

Let's all celebrate!

Wil Schuemann
Re: Worthy of Its Own Thread
July 07, 2007 07:42AM
Let's also recognize that the content here is a work in progress. For most of us here now, this web site was part of an adventure full of unknowns and many false hopes, most of which were retired as understanding grew.

While its been years since I've read through Hans' books, I suspect that much in them, while still interesting and useful intellectually, is becoming irrelevant. The distilled essence of what is important to new a-fibbers does not require knowledge of the many twists and turns we've explored.

While it would be wrong to view understanding of a-fib as having matured, it is certainly true that it has stabilized, hopefully just temporarily. For the currently available options available to a-fibbers, the unknowns have been mostly adequately quantified.

For at least a year, and probably longer, we have been rehashing and refining old knowledge. Nothing much new has appeared here, and as far as I am aware, there are no new ideas on the treatment horizon. That could change at any time, of course.

So, this web site has become less of a collective experiment and increasingly a source of important information for new a-fibbers.
jean brassell
Re: Worthy of Its Own Thread
July 07, 2007 09:28AM

You stated "So, this web site has become less of a collective experiment and increasingly a source of important information for new a-fibbers."

I, for one, am extemely grateful for finding this site as a new a-fibber. The experience that everyone shares is extemely helpful for me. Even though, all of you who have had AF for a long time may feel you are repeating yourself, it is very beneficial for those of us who are trying to learn as much as we can about this affliction.

I have done a lot of research on my own, but this site has helped me acquire much more knowledge than I was finding on my own. I still have a lot to learn, so, please continue sharing your stories for the benefit of others. Thanks to all of you for the help you are giving others.


Re: Worthy of Its Own Thread
July 07, 2007 11:21AM
Jean - I've found in dealing with repetitive instructions with patients over the years that each time they hear the speil, something new resonates with them that either clears up a concern or creates another area of interest or focus and generates a broader understanding of the topic at hand.

Repeating is just part of the educational process helpful to new readers who are attempting to get up to speed if they are newly diagnosed. While it may be redundant to seasoned readers, some guidelines along the way certainly serve to save some time in getting to the correct focus. The amount of data to sift through here is overwhelming and if I were just beginning, I'd be ever so grateful for some guidance - so I'm just giving back where I can.

Everything is a work in progress including ourselves; unless we choose to stagnate in complacency.

jean brassell
Re: Worthy of Its Own Thread
July 07, 2007 11:30AM

Your unselfish attitude of "giving back" is very much appreciated, and I am so glad Hans developed this site.

Thanks again,

Wil Schuemann
Re: Worthy of Its Own Thread
July 07, 2007 02:16PM
Jackie, you are not giving back. That is a crazy inverted unexamined cliche of our modern era. You are giving unselfishly to others, and are suitably admired for your contribution (and should be).

The giving back cliche is usually a way for those receiving something to not have to be adequately grateful for what they are freely given, because it is somehow owed to them.

Giving back presupposes that what you've earned doesn't really entirely belong to you. It presupposes that what you've earned is somehow an ill gotten gain, and part of it must be given back, to those who didn't earn it, just to make it fair.

I've commented here before about how, increasingly, Envy is becoming embedded in our culture. Nothing good comes from Envy. Numerous previously peaceful modern countries have been torn apart when a demagog appears who appeals to human Envy. Envy is the basis for the giving back cliche, and because the cliche inevitably diminishes the amount of admiration owed to whoever gives unselfishly, use of the cliche should be condemned.

In addition ... as Jackie well understands, too ... our efforts here are not altruistic, but driven by a strong sense of enlightened self interest. We know we are just one errant cell short of seeing a-fib return, and that is the primary reason for our continuing efforts here.

And, dammit, Jackie. Don't forget that I am supposed to be the bad cop here. Your expose on compulsive disorder was stepping on my territory.
Re: Worthy of Its Own Thread
July 07, 2007 02:44PM
Wil - ho ho. winking smiley

I am giving back - in kind - the extraordinary support given me to by others at the time I joined the BB and the help they gave to point me in the right direction for my own enlightenment. You can call it what you like. I was so impressed by the self-less giving of time, support and knowledge that I want to do for others something similar to that done for me. I'd call that an act of kindness which is what I originally received.

Long before I found this forum, I was doing this sort of thing with my professional group in the same form of creating awareness about natural alternatives to the typical drugs and surgery advice given for so many conditions that are simply nutritional deficiencies. I published by own subscription newsletter just for dental hygienists and eventually opened it to interested lay persons as well. It's just a passion of mine to stay in this focus and I've already planned to continue something similar but at a higher level in my next life. Keeps my mind nimble and helps me stay young at heart.

You're going to see another post on that compulsive disorder so stand by.... as soon as I have the time to organize and type, I'll submitting.

Your title of bad cop is still intact - I'm just creating awareness.

Be well,

Re: Worthy of Its Own Thread
July 07, 2007 03:40PM
Bottom line...'good cop or bad cop'....'give back or take away'..to sum it all up.. in my opinion, this site is the best forum and information source for anyone with afib regardless of any semantics.

Re: Worthy of Its Own Thread
July 07, 2007 05:57PM

You have certainly blessed us with your kindness and willingness to share. We appreciate it very much.

I certainly am grateful that I found this board. Hans's information plus posts from many others 1) kept me from allowing a cardio to prescribe me digioxin, and 2) gave me the information to create an individual program that has let me manage my afib to the point that the only time I have had it in over 2 years was when I discontinued my supplement program for a few days (as an experiment).

Re: Worthy of Its Own Thread
July 08, 2007 02:22AM
Jackie, isn't it wonderful that both you and Wil can be super "givers" in your own very different but equally valuable ways. Whether you are giving or giving back is a semantic issue that does not affect in the least the incredible good that you do and have done, and we all know that. And for Wil, his insistence on proper wording at all times should be a valuable lesson for us all, a nice 'plus' to the very thoughtful and sophisticated analyses he provides. In human history, all too many a trap has been baited with slippery wording, so his cautions are well taken.

Bless you both!!! Kagey
Carol A.
Re: Worthy of Its Own Thread
July 08, 2007 03:46AM
I know that labels aren't really important, Wil, but what you say sounds Ayn Randian (Libertarian?).

Thanks for using your copious intellect to set things right!

Sharon Glass
Re: Worthy of Its Own Thread
July 09, 2007 07:08PM
Benj -- Ditto to this, "Bottom line...'good cop or bad cop'....'give back or take away'..to sum it all up.. in my opinion, this site is the best forum and information source for anyone with afib regardless of any semantics."

I feel this board was my lifeline almost two years ago when I was first diagnosed. The people on here reached out to me from all over the world. I felt their concern surround me and each time I went on the board I learned more. I took baby steps and fell many times, only to get up because someone was holding my hand. Eventually I could walk on my own and then I began holding the hands of others as they took their baby steps. I think it is a form of "Paying it Forward." Sharing is the best way of caring. Sharon
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