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Flecanaide, Toprol and shaking

Posted by h 
Flecanaide, Toprol and shaking
July 06, 2007 08:34PM
I just discovered this forum, got a lot to read!
I'm a 48 yrs old male, with known Afib for 2 years. I was lucky to find out about it during a routine check-up before getting a sleep apnea procedure. I may have had it for a while, and one blood clot....
I take, Coumadin, Toprol, Digitek and Flecanaide. I am taking 200MG of Flec twice a day. I'm a little worried about taking that much medecine daily. My heart beat doesn't go too fast anymore, but is irregular half the time. And sometimes, it stops. I have used a King of Arts monitor in the last few weeks, and recorded some long pauses (up to 5 secs) without a beat, or a very faint one. In the past, when my most serious incidents of slow-no heart beat happened, I sometimes would shake uncontrollably. Last one I shook for about 3 secs, glad I was seating down. It does feel great when the blood is pumped back in though.
So the doctor just stopped my Toprol (Beta Blocker) prescription for now, these no/low hb episodes haven't come back, but i'm still irregular and sometimes on high rate.
Is the ablation a good option in this case? Is the flecanaide dose too high or causing some of these symptoms?
And is there a place on the forum for Drs recommendations in Los Angeles?
Thanks to all who participate in this forum, lots of great info I'm happy to find.

Re: Flecanaide, Toprol and shaking
July 07, 2007 06:34AM

As to LA docs, I'd use the search function on this forum and in the archives.

As to an ablation doc, if I were you I'd contact Dr. Chun Hwang of Provo UT [yellowpages.heraldextra.com]

He trained at and does ablations sometimes at Cedars Sinai (regularly commutes). He is one of the best ablation docs, doing 2-3/day for many years. You can search on his name here and in the archives for comments. Also, the web for his pubilcations. One of the first comments was from a doctor in AZ who was also an ablation patient of Dr. Hwang. Here is a quote from the Afib Report, Dec, 2002:

"Mark Murphy, MD

I now realized I had to actively seek out some way of dealing with this disease process. I began to travel the country and interview electrophysiologists who were truly familiar with the pathophysiology of LAF. It seemed that a cure was a real possibility if the site of origin could be located and ablated with RF. I finally decided on an electrophysiologist in Provo, Utah. Although various centers around the country were performing the procedure and doing more research and development than this individual, I felt that his clinical skills offered me the best hope for a cure. In February of 2000, I underwent the procedure. It required one night's stay in the hospital and minimal discomfort. There was some associated chest soreness and groin pain from the catheter insertion sites. My postoperative course was complicated by one episode of AF, but after that time all ectopy gradually diminished and I was able to wean myself off all medications. I would say it took about three months to feel completely normal and without fear of going into AF. "

Here is another comment about Dr. Hwang:


Read the whole thread and all of Bob's posts, but here is one of the posts:
"My initial referral to Dr. Hwang, praise and 10 on a scale of 10 remarks came from C.Tom Peter, M.D. (director of electro-physiology) and P.K. Shah (director of cardiology). They are wonderful."

Re: Flecanaide, Toprol and shaking
July 07, 2007 08:02AM
200 Mg of Flec the max dose per my EP is 300Mg per day I realize why you are soaced out.
Re: Flecanaide, Toprol and shaking
July 07, 2007 11:00AM
That's a really high dose of flecanide. (I was told that's the max dose).

Did you start with that dose or work up that high in order to control afib?

FYI - many of the the afibbers in California have opted to sign on with Marin General in SF - Dr. Natale goes there a couple times a month and he has trained both Drs. Hongo and Hao with his expertise. Consider looking into that option.

Re: Flecanaide, Toprol and shaking
July 07, 2007 11:14AM
If I remember correctly, Digitek, is another name for Digitalis and a big no no for people with A Fib as it can increase episodes and do nothing positive for you. Read further on drugs at this site for clarification. It is especially bad if you are a vagal A Fibber. Best wishes to you on your search for better health.
john w
Re: Flecanaide, Toprol and shaking
July 07, 2007 06:09PM
MY EP in OKC preswcribes 200 mg BID Pretty often..Im taking 100 mg in morning and 150 mg about 1 hour before evening meal and doing pretty good..Doc says go to 200 mg when/if this stops controlling afib
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