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When you're ill/vomiting/sniffling/coughing etc

Posted by SueChef 
When you're ill/vomiting/sniffling/coughing etc
January 01, 2020 05:26AM
Hi, I was just wondering what do I do if I get sick with vomiting & can't take my meds because they won't stay down--go to the ER? Get admitted to the hospital?

Also, what kinds of OTC or other meds are ok to take if I have a cold and become a stuffed-headed mouth breather --should I quiz my EP about this now before anything happens? BTW, using a nasal rinse never really helped and taking zinc lozenges didn't work so well that I could tell, & that was before a-fib.
Sue, who likes to have Plan A and Plan B and Plan C etc just in case
Re: When you're ill/vomiting/sniffling/coughing etc
January 01, 2020 09:08AM
Zinc lozenges only do something for me if I suck on maybe 5 of them in a day starting when I get the very first sign of a post nasal drip, and then they only sometimes do much good..

The water pick attachment for nasal irrigation works wonders for both me and my wife who has bronchiectisas. You can get a pretty good idea if you have an infection or not from the color and form of what comes out.

You can get a lot of medicines in rectal suppository form if you're that desperate.

This is definite cold season onset and it's certainly better than the flu which also is hitting pretty hard this year.

Hang in there and try to lower your anxiety. If you can do that it probably will help your afib as well.
Re: When you're ill/vomiting/sniffling/coughing etc
January 01, 2020 10:11AM
I have a standing current Rx for Tigan for years just in case. I then toss at expiration date and get a new Rx. It’s not liver friendly but one or two capsules a year I feel is worth it. It’s the only Rx for me that can stop nausea in its tracks. In the past vomiting triggered AF. Big time. It was a sure thing trigger. Since I am anal type A person, I’m particular in only eating fresh food and make a rule not to keep food out long. Trips from the market I keep my cold foods together in an insulated bag. All to protect myself. My Harvard trained GP tells his patients if you leave food out more than an hour it’s not fit for a dog. My first AF was after vomiting from tuna fish that was left out.

In the past Tigan (trimethobenzamide) also came in rectal suppository form which was a benefit. I can’t get suppositories anymore. Just be aware it isn’t the most liver friendly drug (nor is Tylenol) and I only use it sparingly and I time Rx dosing a few hours before or after taking your other drugs. Hospitals and ERs don’t stock it. I carry in my purse, along with my nitro, a Tigan for emergencies.

I was told by multiple cardiologists that Reglan triggers AF. I have it on my list of allergies to drugs. My first AF occurred after the ER gave me two shots of Reglan. I blame my AF from that. I was hooked up to IV so I don’t think it was dehydration.
Re: When you're ill/vomiting/sniffling/coughing etc
January 01, 2020 10:19AM
Read the cardio side effects of Reglan for vomiting and nausea:
Re: When you're ill/vomiting/sniffling/coughing etc
January 01, 2020 11:17AM
Our doc has us take 3x50000 IU's D3/day for 3 days at the inkling of a cold. This protocol is supposed to stimulate the immune system. My experience is that it mitigates symptoms dramatically. The cold may still last a while, like 10 days, but in a very mild form. I will also do this if my spouse presents with a cold and it seems to ward it off.
Re: When you're ill/vomiting/sniffling/coughing etc
January 01, 2020 05:50PM
Thanks for all the helpful info, folks!!!

I had no idea about Raglan (bad!) or about D3 (good!).
I've used a Neti-pot and also a NeilMed sinus rinse squeezy system. I think the waterpik attachment is along the same lines, although I don't have one.

As for leaving food out, after I retired from teaching, I started up again as a personal chef and a caterer. We were taught about the 2 hour "window" for food safety, but I've always erred on the side of caution in terms of leaving food out and/or refrigerating food, temperatures, etc. I'm ok with food out for one hour, but I feel tingly about it at 90 minutes, and definitely, for me, food left out for 2 hours is unacceptable.

Thank you all again!
Happy New Year!
Re: When you're ill/vomiting/sniffling/coughing etc
January 04, 2020 03:06PM
I use zicam with or zinc lozenges to fight off colds. Works 99% of the time for me. Good hand washing habits are probably the best way to keep from getting sick.
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