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Alternative to Cardiokinase
November 11, 2018 12:29PM
Recently I turned 75 and my CHAD score went to 2 so I looked in to purchasing Cardiokinase for use as an anticoagulant.
I found that it was very expensive at $60.00 for 90 caps and $30.00 for postage.

I then started to look for an alternative.

But first I looked at Cardiokinase claims and was a bit dubious because at first sight it would seem that Dr Holsworth recommends it.
A reliable source tells me he doesn't endorse any nattokinase products. And then they claim Dr Sumi recommends it, but when you look at the tricky wording of their claim he recommends the nattokinase enzyme they use and not necessarily Cardiokinase.
Also they are the only product to use IU's as a measure where as all other nattokinase porducts are measured using FU's. Why?
This doesn't mean it's not good stuff, but it is very expensive stuff and not at all as special as they would make you believe.
IMO they can't prove their claims.

The alternatives.

Any product that has the 'JKNA' and the 'NSK-SD' mark. You can be sure about these products as being safe.


Jarrow NattoMax 2000, it has the JKNA mark and costs about $20.00 for 90 caps. From iherb with free shipping.

Others to consider are Source Natural or Allergy Research Group and Nutricology.


BTW I found this

Products with Certification

Presently, there is only one JNKA member in the U.S., Jarrow Formulas, that provides genuine, JNKA-certified NSK-SD® Nattokinase as a finished product for consumers.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/12/2018 12:08PM by colindo.
Re: Alternative to Cardiokinase
November 11, 2018 12:45PM
First, a big thank you to Colin, for his keen eye in sleuthing out the discrepancies in nattokinase product labeling and all his extensive efforts to help clarify for us.

Of critical importance:
Those relying on the nattokinase enzyme to reduce or break down fibrin in blood and, therefore, reduce hyperviscosity or the tendency for blood to clot more easily - especially during bouts of arrhythmia - should be using the brand that has the science backing the efficacy and therefore, the safety factor.

In my original posts on the nattokinase topic from long ago..(around 2002 and going forward), all emphasized the importance of the NSK-SD® (label designation) because of the efficacy studies by Hiroyuki Sumi, PhD which are the standard upon which several nattokinase supplements were formulated and marketed. That still stands today. Although many bottlers marketing newer versions claim to be authentic, the label often belies that fact.

The question to ask about the brand of Nattokinase you choose, should always include:

• A significant amount of clinical and laboratory research is based upon NSK-SD brand of Nattokinase.
Does your brand contain NSK-SD exclusively? (emphasis: exclusively)

• It’s also critical to understand that blends of enzymes may block or lyse nattokinase when encapsulated thus negating the therapeutic effect of NSK-SD.

Following are a few of many links to verify the science and efficacy behind the NSK-SD brand/labeling:

NSK-SD produced by Japan BioScience (JBSL) the company that did the testing on the NK enzyme efficacy and patented that strain.

Japan Nattokinase Association JNKA
The JNKA mark is only available for the one specific brand of nattokinase available through JBSL

Both Source Naturals and Nutricology brands have the designation right on the front label of the bottle… NSK-SD ®… and the back label also indicating the NSK-SD dose of 2000 FU’s /capsule or 100 mg/serving.

The Cardiokinase recommendation appeared on the forum in 2010 mentioned in a post
by Bill S
cardiokinase-new improved nattokinase
March 15, 2010 01:26AM [www.afibbers.org]

After reading that and several other reports, I had posted several times referring to the comparison chart at the Cardiokinase website page that indicated this brand appeared to be the best but I am now going back to the science behind the NSK-SD nattokinase products… the one that helped me survive the clot in my heart so many years ago.

Thanks to Colin’s scrutiny and investigation, I am alerting everyone to understand the importance of sticking with the original recommendations on the NSK-SD® labeling.

For those who are concerned about the potential for soy sensitivities, there is the tried and true enzyme, lumbrokinase or Boulouke, that has many years of successful, safe usage as well.

References to Lumbrokinase and the original Nattokinase Conference Room series are listed below so new readers can research. Be sure to read through the posts on Viscosity Risk Factors at the end of the Lumbrokinase report.

Lumbrokinase [www.afibbers.org]

Conference Room 39 Nattokinase [www.afibbers.org]

Conference Room 40 Nattokinase [www.afibbers.org]

Also - Great overall information in Hans Larsen's book: Thrombosis and Stroke Prevention - Third Edition out this past May, 2018.

In closing, keep in mind that a prime influence on the hyperviscosity is silent inflammation so it's important to test for those markers so you can manage those out of range... see the post reference link on "Silent Inflammation - Risk of Stroke and MI" along with other posts on the topic.

Knowledge is power.

Re: Alternative to Cardiokinase
November 11, 2018 10:09PM

Thanks for the head's up. I just sent an email to the company behind Cardiokinase to see if they have any comments to your comments. We'll see if they respond to me or to this forum thread. I'm hopeful they will and more importantly, I'm hopeful they'll have a good response.

If they don't respond or if their response is weak, then that will be yet another red flag against them.


Travis Van Slooten
Re: Alternative to Cardiokinase
November 12, 2018 05:16AM

Hopefully they will reply with some real proof of their claims.
When I asked them to prove their claims, they sent me stuff that the links wouldn't open and it was mostly old information about the benefits of nattokinase, but no real proof.
I asked if they would mind if I contacted Dr Sumi to verify their claims, they said they didn't mind but wouldn't give me his contact details.

Without Dr Sumi verification of their claims you would have to rely on their word, and I would rather take the proven nattokinase from NSK-SD rather than trust their word..
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