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Thankful for this Forum and Normal Sinus Rhythm

Posted by Doreen 
Thankful for this Forum and Normal Sinus Rhythm
November 25, 2015 05:13PM
It's been nine weeks since my ablation with Dr. Schweikert, and all is well. I'm been off the rythmol for over a month - my weekly EKG transmissions have been normal (albeit with a higher heart rate in the upper 80s), and I go off the lopressor in a month. Other than occasional PACs, it's been bliss so far after 7 years of not knowing when afib would appear.

I am truly thankful for the wisdom of the board, experiences shared, and tireless efforts by Shannon, Jackie, George, and others. Shannon, an extra thanks for being our advocate in the medical community and I so appreciate your thoughtful response to Dr. Mandrola's "one size fits almost everyone" strategy, which we well know doesn't work for many of us here on this forum. Sometimes our only escape from this afib is to go for the ablation by a highly recommended physician, after exhausting all the strategies outlined on this board (working so far for me...).

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Re: Thankful for this Forum and Normal Sinus Rhythm
November 25, 2015 05:38PM
Great News Doreen,

Im very happy to hear it's all working out so well, though again, Im not at all surprised as you followed the guidelines pretty much to a 'T', including a real dedicated effort at life style and dietary/nutritional repletion as we strongly urge folks get the ole' college try with and then choosing very skilled and experienced hands to entrust your heart and ablation too at the right time to add in that often key step in an overall successful AFIB abatement plan.

Best wishes to you and your family over the holidays Doreen!

Re: Thankful for this Forum and Normal Sinus Rhythm
November 25, 2015 06:25PM
So pleased to read your news, Doreen, and also pleased that you received benefit from our collective efforts here to help guide afibbers.

Long may you enjoy blessed NSR and Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. (and everyone else reading!!!)

Best to you,
Re: Thankful for this Forum and Normal Sinus Rhythm
December 13, 2015 02:23AM
Great news Doreen!! I had my ablation from Dr Schweikert 16 months ago and I'm doing great. Continued Success!!!!

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