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Waller Water
January 12, 2015 01:27PM
Well I did get my ingredients to make my first batch of Waller Water

As I was reading the directions provided, kinda ran into a KINK. Reading beyond the directions in regards to the survey the results given arent very encouraging. In fact they scared me. I dont want to do something to make my condition worse. They in a manner support what my EP always tells me. I am an engineer and work with numbers a lot so I realize a surey of 12 is not very significant but given that only 4 of 12 experienced fewer episodes; SIX experienced more episodes; two with no change. However the overall result was 7 of 12 found it beneficial ??
Re: Waller Water
January 12, 2015 02:29PM
Tim - The focus of using magnesium bicarbonate water is to provide a small and consistent amount of magnesium in a very desirable form... (bicarbonate) which is quickly and easily assimilated into cells. In the recent post on Magnesium - what's in your supplement?, this was re-emphasized.

I continue to encourage readers to use the WW for adding an additional and highly beneficial form of magnesium bicarbonate to their daily intake. Not only is the WW alkalizing for tissue pH which is essential to health, but also because the magnesium bicarbonate ion is the most easily assimilated into the cells. The fact that many people consume the natural form of magnesium bicarbonate water naturally occurring in their area, just validates the safety and also overall health benefits of maintaining an alkaline tissue pH. That spares using either stored magnesium or calcium to buffer an overly acidic system....so it's a health benefit overall regardless of whether one has AF or not.

Whether or not the drinking the WW provides enough magnesium to overcome an intracellular deficiency and therefore help stabilize electrical conduction by allowing potassium to work as it should, is a matter of just how deficient an individual is...and then, how easily and efficiently they are able to replete their IC stores. It also depends on how deficient that individual is in potassium or how imbalanced the potassium-to-sodium ratio is and therefore, when that chemistry is out of balance, arrhythmia or PACs or PVCs are symptoms of that imbalance.

The list of symptoms of an acidic pH which support disease is long and is yet another topic. There is an abundance of science behind the benefits of maintaining consistently an alkaline tissue pH. There is an abundance of previous posts on this topic with the science well documented... including the science that supports the patent granted on Unique Water. If you'd like the links, let me know and I can pull them up for you.

Meanwhile, the fundamental focus is that all of us need optimal magneisum stores inside all cells...especially heart cells. You can't typically get enough from food sources. You have to supplement. The WW offers a both magnesium and the benefits of alkalizing. Whether or not you have an ablation, your body's requirements for magnesium are not going to change. That's basic biochemistry. Magnesium deficiency is a known cause of cardiac fibrosis which interferes with the heart's electrical conduction system.

Here's an excerpt from a 2013 post:

...." I had initially mentioned the alkalizing benefits for you from the WW but failed to mention that equally important is that this form of magnesium – the magnesium bicarbonate-- ion is most likely to provide the best possible magnesium delivery to the inside of cells (where it works). Note this clip on the magnesium bicarbonate water – Unique Water from Australia and keep in mind that your heart is a muscle dependent upon ATP production:

"Magnesium bicarbonate is a complex hydrated salt that exists only in water under specific
conditions. It does not occur in a solid form. Water containing magnesium bicarbonate is
considered to be appropriately mineralised. Indeed, medical research from many countries has
demonstrated that people live longer when they drink water that is appropriately mineralised.

When consumed, magnesium bicarbonate rapidly enters body cells. This occurs because magnesium is an
intracellular element and magnesium functions as a bicarbonate co-transporter into cells.

Magnesium bicarbonate increases considerably the energy production in body cells. This energy
increase occurs in several ways. First, magnesium bicarbonate protects the natural organic and
inorganic phosphate buffers in the cytoplasm of cells. This is important, particularly in muscle cells
and brain cells (neurons). Second, magnesium bicarbonate neutralises the acid produced as a result
of metabolic processes and ATP hydrolysis. This allows more ATP to be hydrolysed; that is, more
energy can be utilised. Third, magnesium bicarbonate buffers the mitochondria in body cells from
excess acid concentrations which improves mitochondrial function and allows more ATP to be
produced. When more ATP can be hydrolysed and more ATP can be produced, body cells have
sufficient energy for optimum function. When body cells have optimum function, the energy levels
and the physical performance of the body are enhanced. See Appendix for details of magnesium
bicarbonate and mitochondrial function.

During strenuous types of exercise, muscle metabolism can increase to sixty times normal. This
increase is higher than the corresponding increase in blood flow which increases to twenty times
normal. As a result, carbon dioxide concentrations increase greatly in muscle cells and tissues
during strenuous exercise and add to the acid load in the muscles. Normally, muscle cells contain
concentrations of organic and inorganic phosphates that are able to buffer the acid load in
exercising muscles. Indeed, there are about twenty times the concentrations of phosphates inside
cells than there are outside cells. However, during strenuous exercise the phosphate buffers are
overwhelmed and the muscles become acidic. Muscle acidity results in poor performance and
fatigue. "

Source: []
Post: [www.afibbers.net]

Re: Waller Water
January 12, 2015 11:03PM

I've used a huge amount and a variety of forms of mag to keep myself in rhythm for over 10 years.

How do I know that it is the mag that works you ask... Because I've done A B A experiments (mag, no mag, mag). I did one when I'd kept myself in rhythm for 2 years and then thought the fillers in the mag were causing other issues. I quit the mag and had afib within 48 hours. I immediately saw the error in my ways and added the mag back in.

For me mag is the centerpiece of keeping my afib in remission. Will it work for everyone else? No. Will it work for some others? Yes, I have afibber friends where I live whom it works for. I've corresponded with some where the mag makes things worse. If you could get a good sample it might look like the results you quoted. That being said, I buy mag chloride in 40 kgs at a time. It works for me.

Waller Water is part of the mix of mag I use. I drink 150 ml of concentrate/day. That equates to 225 mg of mag/day. This is a small portion of the ~4.6 grams of mag/day I consume. I consume this form for the bicarb.

I too am an engineer.

When I tried to figure out a remission program for myself, I scoured Pub Med, plus any annecdotal & n=1 stories I could find. I figured that if I reacted negatively to any agent, the results would be reversible if I quit taking it. I got a beat-to-beat recording heart rate monitor and sampled while quiet during meditation. I used PAC and PVC counts as a metric to see whether things were getting better or worse. Some example monitor data are shown in <[www.afibbers.org] and <[www.afibbers.org] Today, I use an iPhone the HRV Logger app and a Polar H7 chest transmitter to accomplish the same thing. For viewing, I export the data through Dropbox & create a file I can view in the Polar Windows software (I can be more explcit if anybody cares).

10 years ago, my ectopic counts were in the 30-60/hour range, and sometimes more. Today, they are 0-2/hour.

In summary, what works for others are a starting point and something for me to try. Their approach may or may not be helpful for me. Likewise, my approach may or may not help others. Mag to bowel tolerence is a big deal for me. If the water is a negative, you'll likely know it quickly and you can just stop it.

Here is a thread from Erling (Anonymous User) pulling stuff off the "Wayback Machine" to access the Aussie info: <[www.afibbers.org]


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/2015 01:45PM by GeorgeN.
Re: Waller Water
January 13, 2015 01:10PM
Thank You George great info
Re: Waller Water
January 13, 2015 02:57PM
I drank the WW water for several months but I noticed it caused Acid Reflux for me. I DID NOT drink the WW water during meals. I generally drink half apple juice/half tap water for my meals.

After I stopped drinking the WW water, the acid reflux went away. Now I will say my Tap water which I filter is very soft with a PH of 7.8 to 8 right out of the tap. Maybe this was causing my PH to be to high on the WW water since my tap water is already i a alkalized PH?

The acid reflux was so bad at times that I would belch up food particles. It was rather disgusting at times especially when eating out.
Re: Waller Water
January 13, 2015 06:50PM
Well I dont want that either I already have bad acid reflux if i am not careful. Seems if it was making your stomach more alkaline it would lessen acid problems ???
Re: Waller Water
January 13, 2015 07:19PM
tsco Wrote:
> Well I dont want that either I already have bad
> acid reflux if i am not careful. Seems if it was
> making your stomach more alkaline it would lessen
> acid problems ???

BUT your stomach has to have some acid in it also. Here is a little information I copied off a website:

When I used to drink alkaline water, I tried not to drink it within an hour before or after a meal. This is important for high protein meals, which need an acid stomach in which to digest. Most people need more acid in their stomachs, and can improve their digestion by supplementing with hydrochloric acid. A glass of alkaline water does not help with the digestion of your protein food!

I also want to say again I NEVER drank WW water with a meal and I do not generally have acid reflux.

I feel it is important that the water used with the concentrated WW solution have a PH of close to 7 which is neutral. My water is around 8 making my WW solution more on the alkaline side than most. Just my opinion, since most house tap water is around 6.8-7.4 in PH. Bottled water is generally acidic around 6.6 - 7. 7 is neutral.

I have very soft high PH water at my home.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/2015 07:26PM by smackman.
Re: Waller Water
January 13, 2015 09:20PM
Smackman - as I commented previously, I think you were probably getting too much alkalinity by adding the WW to your already alkaline pH of your filtered water and your overall system could have been far too alkaline. That's not typically the case as most people tend to have acidic tissue pH.

People who experience GERD often don't have enough of the proper nutrients to produce their own stomach acid to break down food so that's a source of gastric problems. Vegetarians are highly likely to be lacking the zinc and B12 used in the production of stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) and as a result, they have a prevalence of digestive ailments including reflux and heartburn because foods aren't broken down well enough so just lie in the stomach a putrify...causing bloating, gas, belching etc.... which would be similar to your situation if too much residual alkalinity cancelled out your stomach acid production or at least the effectiveness of it. (I realize you didn't drink the alkaline water with meals).

This is why it's important to get those pH test strips and test the first urine of the morning to monitor your tissue pH.

Re: Waller Water
January 19, 2015 03:59PM
George, do you find that over the years you need more and more Mag to stay in NSR?
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