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Need a good anti-inflammatory...Zyflammend changed?

Posted by tobherd 
Need a good anti-inflammatory...Zyflammend changed?
April 17, 2014 06:48PM
A few weeks back, i restarted taking Zyflammend, to reduce overall inflammation in the body, especially important after an ablation. I had taken it soon after my ablation last Fall, with no problems. However, a few weeks back, I took a pill and noticed it seemed 'spicy" in smell and taste. I had some bathroom issues later that night/early morning. So I assumed it was the Zyflammend. Then I waited for another 3-4 weeks and reordered it. Took my first pill from this batch and today, my stomach has been upset most of the day...
Has anyone noticed if they've changed the ingredients or perhaps made it stronger? Not sure why I was fine with it before but dont' seem to be now... I would like to be taking a good antiflammatory, as I'm quite sure my inflammation is higher than it should be still...ablation plus stress over the past 6 or more months...and some bad eating too...it was a cold, depressing winter.

~ Barb
Re: Need a good anti-inflammatory...Zyflammend changed?
April 18, 2014 01:55PM
Hi barb. I've been using zyflamend for years and sometimes I taste the very strong ingredients in the capsules. I usually take them with food which eliminates the aftertaste most of the time. I think p&g promised not to change the formula when they purchased the product line from new chapter. However I think the alternative health food/supplement people do not like nor trust p&g. Dennis
Re: Need a good anti-inflammatory...Zyflammend changed?
April 18, 2014 03:07PM
Barb - As Dennis notes, taking with food usually helps... however, you could try taking the individual ingredients separately. More pills but maybe that way you can learn which you tolerate better than others. Curcumin is a well known anti-inflammatory. There is the Mervia preparation. I use one called C 3 Complex from Designs for Health that is standardized to 95% of the curcuminoids and has all three forms of curcumin. Ginger works well too.

Check out DFH's Inflammatone product which is a combo of all the well known antiinflammatories... I use that as well. If iHerb doesn't have it, you can get it online from Rockwell Nutrition.

Re: Need a good anti-inflammatory...Zyflammend changed?
April 18, 2014 11:23PM
Thanks for your responses. Not sure why I was able to tolerate it in the past but now I don't seem to be. I think I will look into some of the separate ones like you mentioned, Jackie. I've already been taking the Zyflammend with food, so....

~ Barb
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