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AliveCor iPhone ECG device

Posted by PH 
AliveCor iPhone ECG device
April 17, 2014 12:48AM
Check it out on the web. It's a $199 ECG device that you stick to your iPhone or Android and you can do an ECG on the fly anytime anywhere. You save it as a PDF and can email to your EP on the fly. I showed it to the team in Texas post ablation and they said its suitable as a follow up device. Check it out, I have no incentive whatsoever, just nice to own a permanent monitoring device and there are no monthly fees, just the upfront cost, and need a prescription from your EP.
Re: AliveCor iPhone ECG device
April 17, 2014 10:36PM
Hi PH, c

Thanks for the tip, but please check on the search function, there are numerous threads on the Alivecor dating back well over two years when the first hints of this device made the news and many of us here have had one for quite a long time. I've had mine for just at a full year when they first became available in the -phone 5 format. Its a great little tool and you should get one for sure!

Re: AliveCor iPhone ECG device
April 19, 2014 03:20AM
Just when I thought I was cool winking smiley
Re: AliveCor iPhone ECG device
April 19, 2014 07:19PM
Now available for Android phones? Outstanding! I'm going to look and see! I want concrete printable proof of skipped beats, PACs, PVC's or aFib episodes going forward. Hoping that I will be in a position to request ablation in June at my recall with my EP. The side effects of the TIKOSYN are knocking the heck out of me more and more. Increasing insomnia, fatigue, trembling, a feeling of electricity coursing through my chests, nausea, etc. It is killing half my day until I feel well enough to get out the door and do some chores and work. I am up at 4 - 5 a.m. like clockwork these days which may be the cause of fatigue.

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
Re: AliveCor iPhone ECG device
April 20, 2014 02:50AM
If you want to sign up for an eheart study you can get an AliveCor monitor for free. I did and have one. The results go directly to the study, but you don't get an analysis unless you pay for it ($2-11) approx. The study questionnaire is quite lengthy, but easy and you can start and stop until you complete it. The link is www.health-eheartstudy.org

The results of each ecg are saved on the monitor if you want to compare.

Re: AliveCor iPhone ECG device
April 21, 2014 09:51PM
Does anyone know about getting one of these in Canada? I've looked on the website and it seems they only sell them in the US....or Ireland or England, as I recall, but not Canada.
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