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Today is 1 Year Ablation Anniversary - REPORT CARD

Posted by Poppino 
Today is 1 Year Ablation Anniversary - REPORT CARD
August 21, 2013 01:03PM
Aug 21, 2012 I had a PVI and Flutter Ablation here in Charlotte NC by Warren Holshouser of the Sanger Clinic. I had afib/flutter for 7 years and finally waved the white flag. My afib by number of episodes was not too bad....3 or 4 a year...but! about every year I had to get cardioverted as the episode went 24 to 36 hrs and I went in to the cath lab.

Since my ablation which came with no adverse side effects at all I have had short breakthroughs at weeks 4, 14, 16, 22, 6 months and 9 months....all lasting 1 to 3 mins. My last one in June of 2013 came right after I began using Rhodiola thinking it would help me with stress......I read more and see it can cause a racing heart!

Overall I am so glad I did it.......a handful of very short events does not bother me much......My Final Grade - A-

I am not nearly as cautious but still avoid alcohol and use many supplements, Ubiquinol, Mag Gly etc and I still maintain a high K and low Na diet and use no MSG or related food, those were my big triggers

I of course realize that this horrible crap and make a return appearance but for now I hardly think about it.....I was cardioverted 10 times so 12 months of not even going to the EP's office has been a delight.

Tom P
Re: Today is 1 Year Ablation Anniversary - REPORT CARD
August 21, 2013 01:41PM

Congratulations on your one year anniversary, what a delight not really thinking about afib. I am 7 weeks post ablation and not having
A blip for 7 weeks has felt like heaven, I look forward to my one year anniversary.

Re: Today is 1 Year Ablation Anniversary - REPORT CARD
August 21, 2013 02:35PM


Re: Today is 1 Year Ablation Anniversary - REPORT CARD
August 21, 2013 03:18PM
Sounds good Tom P! You must have made your doctor and hospital a lot of money with all those cardioversions. I think the ablation may have been cheaper in the long run.

Re: Today is 1 Year Ablation Anniversary - REPORT CARD
August 21, 2013 03:27PM
Congratulations Tom!!

Keep it up.

I'm now at 1 week post ablation (PVI/Flutter). No post procedure issues to date, no afib. Avoiding triggers (msg, alcohol, caffeine), doing supplements and going slow on exercise for 5 weeks. Limiting myself to easy walks.

Keep us up to date and take care.

Re: Today is 1 Year Ablation Anniversary - REPORT CARD
August 21, 2013 03:43PM
Good deal, Tom
Enough of this stuff... eh?

Re: Today is 1 Year Ablation Anniversary - REPORT CARD
August 21, 2013 04:44PM
Congratulations, Tom.

When you say breakthroughs, do you mean real afib or palpitations?

Lone paroxysmal vagal atrial fibrillation. Age 62, female, no risk factors. Autonomic instability since severe Paxil withdrawal in 2004, including extreme sensitivity to neuro-active drugs, supplements, foods. Monthly tachycardia started 1/11, happened only at night, during sleep, or when waking, bouts of 5-15 hours. Changed to afib about a year ago, same pattern. Frequency increased over last 6 months, apparently with sensitivity to more triggers. Ablation 6/27/13 by Steven Hao.
Re: Today is 1 Year Ablation Anniversary - REPORT CARD
August 21, 2013 06:22PM

Great report. Keep it up! NSR to you!!

Re: Today is 1 Year Ablation Anniversary - REPORT CARD
August 21, 2013 06:33PM
Can't believe it has been a year. Good to hear you are doing well. Looking forward to your two year post. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Re: Today is 1 Year Ablation Anniversary - REPORT CARD
August 22, 2013 01:03AM
Hey Tom - That's great news. It's been a long road getting there and I'm just delighted to see your post. Enjoy life in blessed NSR.
Nothing compares.

Be well,
Re: Today is 1 Year Ablation Anniversary - REPORT CARD
August 22, 2013 04:11PM
Tom. good news! manyhappy returns. Dennis
Re: Today is 1 Year Ablation Anniversary - REPORT CARD
August 22, 2013 09:09PM
Great to hear Tom P!

That year flew by pretty fast didn't it! You were wise to get after it early before your underlying AFIB progressed too much which has no doubt contributed to your good success so far on the first PVI ablation.

Enjoy your NSR, stay with all the good supplements, good diet and efforts to keep stress under wraps as much as possible and hopefully that NSR will continue for many years ahead unbroken.

All the Best, Shannon
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