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Latest on Waller/Magnesium Water?

Posted by ln108 
Latest on Waller/Magnesium Water?
August 21, 2013 02:57PM

I read this recent discussion with interest:

Magnesium Hydroxide Q

Indeed, I read it through several times, but am a bit confused. Could someone who has been using the magnesium hydroxide powder help me (and perhaps others) pull this together?

(1) Did we decide whether or not the powder from Larry's PureBulk.com source was sufficiently pure? If not, did we decide on a better source?

(1) How much powder per liter of seltzer water? (I don't have a metric scale, so teaspoon measurements would be more helpful.)

It might be nice--if anyone has the time--to pull together this information and do a revised and updated Waller Water instruction set, since magnesium is such a key aspect of our discussions and health protocols. (I note the mention by Jackie of the sodium hypochlorite that is in the current formula for MoM.)


Re: Latest on Waller/Magnesium Water?
August 21, 2013 06:20PM

In the thread you cited, Jackie quoted Erling:

"Mike - in the post titled From UW to WW with love it says to use 3600 mg powder (about a teaspoon) per 2 liters concentrate.instead of 6 tbs MoM: <[www.afibbers.org] "

If you don't have a scale, I'd start with the teaspoon measure per two liters. It may vary depending upon the density of the actual powder you purchase. If you see some white sediment in the bottom of the bottle after it is fully reacted, then reduce the measure a bit and try again. The sediment won't hurt you to drink, you just won't be getting benefit from it. If there is not sediment, then add a little more next time. Continue to adjust till you are putting in just a little less than an amount that would give you sediment. In the mean time all of your experiments would be fine to use as normal.

Even using the MoM, my measure isn't always perfect, so I end up with sediment at times.

Re: Latest on Waller/Magnesium Water?
August 21, 2013 06:57PM

I believe the 3600 mg of magnesium hydroxide powder is what is required for 1 liter of carbonated water. For 2 liters you would need 7200 mg in order to end up with 1500 mg of elemental magnesium per liter of "Waller Water". Also from my previous post on the subject:

If you are using magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 (molecular weight 58) then you would need to add 3.6 grams to 1 liter of carbonated water in order to end up with a concentrate containing 1500 mg of elemental magnesium. The bulk density of powdered Mg(OH)2 varies between about 0.4 g/mL and 1.0 g/mL, so 3.6 grams could be anywhere between 9 mL (2 teaspoons) and 3.6 mL (about ¾ teaspoon) depending on the fineness of the magnesium hydroxide powder.

Re: Latest on Waller/Magnesium Water?
August 21, 2013 06:59PM
In the US, I found a minor brand (Leader) of Milk of Magnesia that does not contain sodium hypochlorite.

Lone paroxysmal vagal atrial fibrillation. Age 62, female, no risk factors. Autonomic instability since severe Paxil withdrawal in 2004, including extreme sensitivity to neuro-active drugs, supplements, foods. Monthly tachycardia started 1/11, happened only at night, during sleep, or when waking, bouts of 5-15 hours. Changed to afib about a year ago, same pattern. Frequency increased over last 6 months, apparently with sensitivity to more triggers. Ablation 6/27/13 by Steven Hao.
Re: Latest on Waller/Magnesium Water?
August 21, 2013 09:30PM

Of course you are correct. I did not go back and review the source, only Jackie's post.


Re: Latest on Waller/Magnesium Water?
August 22, 2013 12:51AM
Lance - when using the powder and as mentioned... depending on the powder, itself, as obviously the larger crystals would require a bit more than smaller crystals finely compacted....

You'll need slightly less than 1 teaspoon for a liter of seltzer .

And for the 2 liters of seltzer, just slightly less than 2 teaspoons of powder.

Erling uses a pharmacy scale for accuracy and he has found that these measurements of powder work extremely well with a lot of caving in of the bottle as the reaction takes place. Remember to pour out and reserve some from the seltzer before you add the powder as it roils considerably and will overflow quickly if you don't. Add the powder slowly. Let it settle down and then add the reserved seltzer back into the bottle. Mix and chill.

I've been making the WW for about 10 years with the liquid MoM and I've found that since the seltzer can vary according to how much 'charge/carbonation' there is in the bottle, you don't have to be totally precise with the amount of liquid magnesium hydroxide - (MoM) that is added. If it's slightly over or under the measurement, it really doesn't matter. As Erling says, there may or may not be a bit of sediment in bottom of the seltzer bottle once the reaction is completed. I shake it again after an hour or two to see if more combines or remains in the bottom. Either way, the resulting concentrate is sufficiently alkaline to get the job done.

I have the MoM without the sodium hypochlorite but apparently some bottlers add it for antibacterial properties. The chlorine amount is undoubtedly a trace by the time you dilute the concentrate for a batch of alkaline drinking water. Compared to drinking a glass of municipal water, you’d probably consume a lot more chlorine from muny water than from the final WW water using the MoM with the hypochlorite....unless, of course, you're adding it to municipal water which I wouldn't recommend.

Here are some links to research the topic of 'grade'





Re: Latest on Waller/Magnesium Water?
August 22, 2013 01:27AM
In the US, Walmart carries the Equate brand of unflavored MoM that contains magnesium hypochlorite.

Nancy M
Re: Latest on Waller/Magnesium Water?
August 22, 2013 01:08PM
Nancy - can you verify that you copied the words... magnesium hypochlorite?

We prefer just the pure magnesium hydroxide and not with the added preservative which would be the hypochlorite designation.

Re: Latest on Waller/Magnesium Water?
August 22, 2013 01:29PM
The Equate MoM has sodium hypochlorite as an inactive ingredient. See:


Re: Latest on Waller/Magnesium Water?
August 22, 2013 01:47PM
The MoM purchased at the Dollar Store nearby lists only magnesium hydroxide on the label.

Re: Latest on Waller/Magnesium Water?
August 23, 2013 09:53PM
Many thanks to all of you who replied. I appreciate especially the information that the measurement doesn't have to be absolutely exact for the mixture to work.

Re: Latest on Waller/Magnesium Water?
August 26, 2013 05:57PM
Sorry, I did make a mistake. The Equate MoM has magnesium hydroxide1200 mg as its active ingredient.

Nancy M
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