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Cold Hike, didn't make it 200 yards

Posted by John21 
Cold Hike, didn't make it 200 yards
January 25, 2013 10:10PM

I've been feeling well, since adding Potassium 500 mg 3 x /day and taurine 1000 mg 3 x day to my magnesuim. Very few skipped or irregular beats in the last two weeks. But I just tried a hike in 20 degree weather and went right into afib. Very frustrating. 3rd episode this month, all with outdoor activities. I thought the additions to my program were really making a difference, and maybe they were with the vagel componant, But the cold exercise ( and very light exercise ) just set me off.

This is my worst winter in 7 years of having afib, Thinking of calling Dr Schweikert. I can't bear the thought of not even being able to hike in the cold. And how long until it starts with activities in normal weather?

Very Frustrated,

Any thoughts would be helpful.

Re: Cold Hike, didn't make it 200 yards
January 26, 2013 06:47AM
I have the same thing...
Anonymous User
Re: Cold Hike, didn't make it 200 yards
January 26, 2013 09:55AM
I am a recluse in the winter, everything is covered in ice and treacherous underfoot and i am afraid to fall.
Re: Cold Hike, didn't make it 200 yards
January 26, 2013 02:17PM
Frustrating because I love being out in the winter, used to cross country ski, hike, whatever. Still in afib from yesterday's attempted hike. It was 18 degrees, Maybe if I would have started really slowly , and aclimatized to the temp, it wouldn't have triggered, but I dont know.
Thinking of persuing the ablation. I'm at least scheduling an appt with Dr Schweikert in Akron ( 3 hour drive for me).. Back in NSR now after a 20 hour episode.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/2013 08:33PM by John21.
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