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newly diagnosed in Dayton, Ohio

Posted by Mike 
newly diagnosed in Dayton, Ohio
February 12, 2009 10:12AM
I was recently diagnosed with lone atrial fib. My attacks occur about once a week after eating lunch or at night. They usually last about 4 -6 hours. I have always been an avid exerciser (runner and weight lifting) and from what I am reading I may have over-exercised! I think I might be the vagal form because I have lots of belching going on also but I am not sure. My cardiologist has given me a 12.5 mg of tropol XL to take nightly. It doesn't seem to be helping. I think I need to see an electrophysiologist. Can any one recommend one in my area? I would appreciate any comments on my situation.

Sharon Glass
Re: newly diagnosed in Dayton, Ohio
February 12, 2009 11:49AM
Mike, we always say welcome to the bb, but I am sure you would rather be somewhere else. Sounds like you may have some stomach connections to your afib. I believe that most of my episodes are digestive related. I would make a couple of suggestions. #1. Do find an EP - that is the first step. I don't think you live in Florida or I would recommend mine. Maybe you should post where you live. #2. I would order or download Hans Larsen's first book. Click on the blue bar above "Hans Larsen's Book" and it will be Volume One. #3. Go to the blue bar marked Conference Room, click on it and then click on Conference Room proceedings, scroll down to Session #61 and you will see a number of protocols from people such as myself who have found many ways to either stop or delay episodes of afib with diet and supplements. #4. If you are vagal the Toprol XL will not benefit you very much, in fact for some it causes worse problems. I took it when first diagnosed, but it turned me into a zombie, I couldn't function. It sounds as if you realize you have some digestive issues. You may try backing off eating gluten items to see if that helps. It was a great help to me and others. There is also a session in the Conference Room that addresses the digestive issue, just scroll until you find it. Lots of good reading in that room.

The above things will give you a place to start and please post where you live as many on this bb have great EP's and if they are in your area can recommend. Ask questions, someone will be here to answer. Sharon
Re: newly diagnosed in Dayton, Ohio
February 12, 2009 12:21PM
Hey Mike,

Sorry to hear you're having problems. I'm in a very similar situation. I'm 35 and have been a regular runner for 6 years or so. I was on Toprol XL 12.5mg also for several months and all it did was make the episodes more symptomatic. I would also get sporatic pauses between beats where I had to cough, really annoying. I would ditch the Toprol XL as a continuous med. I now take Inderal (another beta blocker) only during an episode to slow down my heart. It also seems to make the episode less symptomatic.

I also get most of my attacks after meals or after a beer or two. I'm eliminating the beer and cutting back on carbs to see if that helps. I've also started the supplement routine and it seems to be helping some.

Good luck,

Re: newly diagnosed in Dayton, Ohio
February 12, 2009 12:25PM
Thanks for your replies Sharon and Jim.

I live in just south of Dayton in Ohio

Thanks for the advice.

Re: newly diagnosed in Dayton, Ohio
February 12, 2009 01:49PM
Mike - since we have a number of Mike's here - can you add an initial to your signature to lessen confusion? Thanks.

Re: newly diagnosed in Dayton, Ohio
February 12, 2009 03:12PM
Hi Mike,

Prior to my initial, and so far, only bout of fibrillation that lasted approximately fifteen minutes, I also was belching uncontrollably. In fact I had seen my Gastroenterologist regarding this problem eight months prior to this bout of fibrillation because the belching would precede a number of premature beats. However this physician downplayed my symptoms indicating that belching can ONLY occur due to aerophagia, a condition that is usually associated with anxiety. Foolishly I did not check this symptom out further because this severe belching upon waking up precipitated my initial attack of fib. In addition when I work out, especially on a treadmill and at an incline, I experience feelings of tightness in the substernum area along with belching. proton pump inibitors did not eradicate this problem. In order to play it safe, I will be undergoing an echo stress test next week to rule out any coronary blockage.

There is no doubt that significant levels of anxiety and stress can adversely effect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract contributing to myriad symptoms (ie, gastric reflux and functional abdominal conditions). In fact my new Gastroenterologist believes that my referred pain (ie, chest, back, sides) belching, nausea and other symptoms may be due to esophageal spasms or echlasia not aerophagia. I was referred to a doctor who specializes in motility disorders to determine the cause of this symptom if it is not arising from an underlying cardiac condition.
Re: newly diagnosed in Dayton, Ohio
February 12, 2009 05:00PM
Beta blockers are not advised for continuous use by vagal afibbers. Perhaps on demand during episode to control rate.

Might investigate flecainide on=demand (pill in pocket) for quick conversion.

Suggest reading [www.afibbers.org] looking at digestion & also supplements - magnesium, potassium & taurine.

Re: newly diagnosed in Dayton, Ohio
February 13, 2009 06:25AM
Vinny - If after all your diagnostics by the GI specialists, you continue to have symptoms, consider having your diaphragm position checked out by an experienced chiropractor. Often something as simplistic as that makes a huge difference.

mike m.
Re: newly diagnosed in Dayton, Ohio
February 13, 2009 12:47PM
Hello Mike,
Mike M. here. I live in the Dayton Area.
Dr. Kravitz at the Dayton Heart Center (Needmore Road) is an excellent EP. He also has an associate Dr. Khouzham (SP?) that is excellent. These 2 Doc's have treated me and I have no complaints.
There is also a top rated EP Dr. Wasi (SP?) near Good Sam. I do not have first hand experience with Dr. Wasi but have some friends that have recommended him highly.

Mike M.
Re: newly diagnosed in Dayton, Ohio
February 17, 2009 07:07PM
Thanks to everyone for you replies. They are much appreciated.

Mike S.
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