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celery juice and "the list"
August 27, 2007 12:56AM
Hi all,

In Han's book he mentions drinking celery juice to possibly abort an AFIB episode. Does anyone know whether this is something you can buy or do you use your own juicer? If you use a juicer, do you use only celery or are other vegetables mixed in?

I remember reading that there is a way to use the search function of the Bulletin Board to get to all the stories of people who made their way out of AFIB but I can't remember what to search.

Thanks for all your help.

Re: celery juice and "the list"
August 27, 2007 02:12AM
Leo, i cannot help with the celery juice, but i sure can with The List. Do it like this:

Click on search in the green strip at the top of the posts.

Scroll down a little to see the searchbox, and type in "The List" as a search term.

Uncheck all the little checkboxes except the one in front of the word Subject.

Click Search.

Happy reading.

Re: celery juice and "the list"
August 27, 2007 05:10AM
There is a "green juice" which is part of the Primal diet recommended by
Aajonus Vonderplanitz, the great California guru of the raw food movement.

IIRC it is celery and parsley, both organic and fresh. It is made in your own juicer.

IIRC it is a good alkalizer and source of minerals such as potassium etc.

I hated the taste.

Re: celery juice and "the list"
August 27, 2007 05:11AM
Leo - when I juice vegetables, I often add celery. My blender juices to a very fine particle so it isn't pulpy or stringy. I presume the natural potassium content is what is said to be helpful... and probably some magnesium as well. I

Re: celery juice and "the list"
August 28, 2007 05:49AM
Celery has Coumarin in it and works in essence like Coumadin....it is a blood thinner, how effective it is and how much you have to take is a mystery to me. It makes my Coumadin work better according to the drugmaker.

I use celery almost everyday and make lots of blenderized soups with a 3 to 1 ratio of carrots, one onion, parsley (small amount). I also eat it raw or in other cooked food.

Re: celery juice and "the list"
August 28, 2007 06:06AM
Michael Murray, ND, writes about celery seed extract as beneficial for lowering blood pressure. Many of the attributes of this extract would apply to celery except that the extract would be far more potent. You'd probably have to consume a very large amount of celery to equal some of the extract benefits but celery does act as a diuretic etc.

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