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Home made electrolyte drink

Posted by Dennis 
Home made electrolyte drink
August 26, 2007 05:44PM
My last af episode was after a 30 minute run on the treadmill (5/07). I cooled down for 5 to 10 minutes and then bent over to get something from the frig and af struck as if a switch was thrown. I was electro cadrioverted the next day and all is well since. However this last attack has me thinking about what the trigger was. Formerly it was related to overindulgence in food and drink. This time I suspect it was electrolyte imbalance.
I have been reluctant to push myself aerobically since 5/07 fearing another attack. I enjoying walking but I want to do more.

Today I reused a bottled water bottle by adding a teaspoon of K gulconate powder and a couple of mashed Mg pills and headed out. I walked briskly for 30 minutes and drank my concoction. I averaged a 100 BPM heart rate(resting hr is around 50) and had no problem. I now think I can up the pace and hopefully progress to something more than walking.

Does anyone have a comment on reusing water bottles with these two electrolytes added? Would adding taurine to this mix be beneficial?


Re: Home made electrolyte drink
August 26, 2007 06:54PM

My own experience with K, Mg and taurine is that 2x/day (morning/evening) is sufficient and that I don't need to supplements during exercise. The only time I worry about taking a supplement during exercise is if I violate my exercise in "moderation" motto and do something fairly extreme like compete in a race up a 14,000' mountain. In this case, I add KCl to the water.

I don't worry even if I'm backpacking, rock climbing, kayaking or skiing hard all day. It has to be really extreme for me to worry about adding the potassium in.

There are some general warnings about reusing disposable water bottles because of the plastic leaching into the water. You may wish to consider getting a bottle that won't leach to carry with you.

I'm not suggesting that putting the supps in your exercise water is not a good plan for you, only that I don't need to pursue this.

Good luck!

Sharon Glass
Re: Home made electrolyte drink
August 27, 2007 04:31AM
I have been up and down about the plastic issue for some time. Just about everything is plastic. I went to a site that I usually check out before passing on something by e-mail and here is what it says about re-using plastic water bottles or other such plastic items.
I don't trust all sources, but I try to use balance. I do re-use some of my water bottles, usually not over 2-3 times, because I usually have a new supply for them. I like the taste of some bottled water even if there is a big controversy about that now.
I say...do everything in moderation and hopefully you will be okay. Sharon
Re: Home made electrolyte drink
August 27, 2007 05:07AM
Dennis - Aside from the re-using plastic bottle issue, I think your adding electrolytes to your water bottle make a good deal of sense. Depending on the temperature when you walk or exercise, and if you lose minerals through perspiration, it just makes sense to add some before, during and after the workout.

The thing many people don't know is what their status is before starting the workout... and exercise as a physical stress is also a depleter of magnesium in its own right, not to mention what will be lost through the skin in perspiration right along with potassium.

These two are the key, but I'd also consider adding just a touch of sea salt to your mix and if you can get the taurine to dissolve, that would be fine as well. You can also consider adding some ribose to that mix as it helps restore energy to the heart.

Whether you take it with you or take a dose before and then again after your workout is a good move as we all need to make sure the levels are optimal.

Re: Home made electrolyte drink
August 27, 2007 06:12AM
Thanks George, Sharon and Jackie.

I have been hospitalized quite a few times with AF. Each time, as best as I can recall, I was given potassium pills because my levels were low. I was was on complete bed rest each time (no exercise, no excess perspiration) eating hospital food and my levels were low on days two three and four of the hospitalization. Electrolyte supplementation is apparently a key for me.

It is really comforting to have such knowledgeable friends (I visit this BB virtually daily and read almost all postings and feel like I know most of you) respond so directly to a question. Compare the responses one gets here to what we often hear at the doctors office and you will know how i feel about this BB.


Re: Home made electrolyte drink
August 27, 2007 08:04AM
"Compare the responses one gets here to what we often hear at the doctors office and you will know how i feel about this BB. "
.....hear! hear! ...and so say all of us!
best wishes Dennis,

Re: Home made electrolyte drink
August 27, 2007 12:02PM

In my mind, the half life of potassium in the system is fairly short. Magnesium and taurine much longer. So you might be OK to just take the Mg & taurine morning & evening or 3X/day with meals, keeping the potassium in your drink.

I think that a cause of my afib was intermittent hypokalemia (low serum K). Therefore my goal is to keep the serum K above 4 or 4.1 mmol/l 24x7. I've done fasting blood tests 14 hours after supplementation and my serum K is now 4.2-4.4. In a non-fasting test at 1PM five or six hours after a meal and supplements, my serum K is 4.8 mmol/l.

This contrasts to 3.2 mmol/l during my first afib episode.

Good luck,

Bob Kalish
Re: Home made electrolyte drink
August 27, 2007 06:32PM
I've been using a product called elete (www.eletewater.com) as a way to replenish electrolytes during exercise. You add it to water and it supples a fairly even mix of sodium, potassium, chloride and magnesium. Not a large amount of the minerals, but it adds almost no taste to filtered or bottled water.

A glass of OJ is also a good way to boost potassium before/after exercise and rehydrate.


faith v.
Re: Home made electrolyte drink
August 28, 2007 07:34AM
There us also one that Dr Mercola used to sell

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