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Visit with Sergio Pinski Today

Posted by benj 
Visit with Sergio Pinski Today
March 01, 2007 03:39PM
Well, after a 2.5 hour ride along Alligator Alley in FL I made it to the Cleveland Clinic in Weston. I will dispense with the "we don't have your appointment scheduled" debacle and cut to the chase.

Let's say I got to see Dr. Pinksi. He looked at some of my lab results and concluded after an examination I would be a good candidate for the PVI ablation procedure. He was very candid and asked if my afbib bouts really affected me physically and I said not really but it was mainly psychological. I am doing more when in afib such as heading to gym, yardwork, etc. and being on Coumadin he felt I was managing quite well. I mentioned my heretofore bouts were once monthly and now are every 2 weeks, with bouts lasting 3-4 days we both thought that was quite a chunk of life to donate to the beast. So, I will chat with my cardio and get his take (he keeps saying the techniques will continue to improve and I should wait). Up to now I have agreed but I know these more frequent bouts will lead to permanent afib and that will create a different approach to solutions. Ok, I am now weighing that decision and the way things are, I could get the procedure scheduled withina few months. That is encouraging and could be a nice birthday present for me in July.

Have any of you been treated by Dr. Pinski? I would appreciate all of your comments as I weigh this decision. Heck, had he said, I have some time this afternoon I would have jumped at the chance. Right now I am leaning toward a yes but would appreciate and respect all replies. By the way, being bradycardic I was concerned about a pacemaker but he said after the ablation he would expect my heart rate to increase a bit.

I am 66, no weight or bp problems and nothing earth shattering with regards to heart anatomy.

As Hans has said so many times and echoed by Dr. Pinski, there comes a time when it is YOUR time...and only you will know. How I feel in NSR is like a million bucks and when in afib, well, we all know how we feel.

I look forward to your replies and esp. from those who have been treated by Dr. Pinski.....thanks

Re: Visit with Sergio Pinski Today
March 01, 2007 03:45PM

Gosh, I just noted the posts by Marian and wish we could have met. My opinions of Pinski are the same...down to earth and candid. He made me feel very comfortable and being a retired pharmacy college dean was very respectful of my background. I was glad I made the trip.

Marian from Miami
Re: Visit with Sergio Pinski Today
March 01, 2007 04:11PM

"very respectful of my background"

Yes, Dr. Pinski was respectful of my many years as a cardiac nurse, too. He was so impressed with the rhythm strips I had recorded, and wished that all of his patients could have a monitor like mine. "They're so clear, " he quipped.

You mentioned the progression of Afib. That's just the reason I am going ahead with another ablation. That's what happened before the first PVA and now is proceeding along the same line afterwards. I'm sure that techniques will improve in the future, but I don't like to think of the struggle my poor heart goes through, especially the valves (which are leaky) every time I have an episode of fib/flutter.

Sorry about the mix up with your appointment. I received an appointment schedule in the mail with a map, and received a phone call two days before, confirming the date and time.

Let me know when you will be there again. My husband and I may be able to have lunch with you.

GeorgeN v/51/na
Re: Visit with Sergio Pinski Today
March 01, 2007 04:20PM

I'd search on Pinski Bob, checking all search fields in the 5th, 4th & possibly 3rd message boards. Bob sometimes has his name as BobG or Bob G, but he was treated by Pinski and thought very highly of him. He may have had an ablation done by Pinski, I don't remember.

Ed B
Re: Visit with Sergio Pinski Today
March 01, 2007 04:53PM
I am in a similar position and came to the same conclusion. Right now, I am managing my episodes by taking Flec and Nadalol, as well as watching my diet and activity level, but it still dominates my life. If this will work, then it is worth the relatively small risk.

I asked Dr. David Callans at Penn if he knew of any new procedures or treatments likely to come on line in the next 5 years, and said basically, no. They will be always perfecting techniques and introducing new tools, but basically, the treatment is stable.

My cardio said the same thing - put it off as long as possible. Downside is you keep getting OLDER, and you will never be as strong as your are now, so having it done now, rather than when you are 75 is also a consideration.

Re: Visit with Sergio Pinski Today
March 02, 2007 06:01AM
Good points...Because of my bradycardia I tried one dose of Rhythmol in the hospital but when my rate went to 26 bpm that ended that approach. It was not bothering me but the monitors went nuts. Frankly, I believe that medical intervention with drugs was a short time thing anyway and glad I did not go that route. It seems the only way to approach this now is via an ablation and I am almost ready to make the move after I chat with my cardio.
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