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statins and afib??

Posted by Jack 
statins and afib??
January 04, 2004 02:43PM
I suppose everyone has read the recent information indicating that statins can help maintain NSR in people with afib. My cardio wants to put me on Lipitor (a statin) to lower my cholesterol (244 total, 60 hdl). I've been fighting her suggestion because my ratio is decent. But I'm more receptive since I've read of the possible aid to my afib condition. (She didn't know of this news when she decided I should be on the Lipitor.) Im taking 50mg of metoprolol 2xday and warfarin. The metaprolol does a decent job of controlling my heart rate but I occasionally have daily short bouts of afib. Should I go with the Lipitor - or maybe Zocor - with the hope that it might help my afib as well as lower my LDL?
Re: statins and afib??
January 04, 2004 04:48PM
Jack - you've undoubtedly read my strenuous objection to statin drugs. If not, check the search feature here. I'd seriously consider all the downsides to statins before you go in that direction.

Just my opinion, based on personal experience.

Re: statins and afib??
January 04, 2004 04:51PM
Jack - I signed off too fast.....

Alert - you absolutely must take Coenzyme Q10 if you do go on statins. You should be taking it anyway, but with Lipitor it is critical to take significant doses.

Your cardiologist may or may not recognize the significance of this, but it is proven that Lipitor depletes CoQ10. Q10 produces energy in the heart's mitochondria. If you deplete the CoQ10, you may have more problems than arrhythmia.

Re: statins and afib??
January 04, 2004 04:58PM
I don't know if you saw my posting a few pages back i also had my blood test a few weeks back for Cholestrol and Platelets. My GP agreed with me not to take Statins and said yes it would be better for me to take Alternative Suppliments.....He said he didn't want me to take statins as there are some side effects to them. My Ratio was HDL 1.57 and LDL 4.26 was told my cholestrol was overall 6.5.

I'm due for another blood test 2-3 months time he want to check how my Thyroid is then.

I'm taking Lecitchin in powder form its quite reasonable to buy in large tin from Holland and Barrett.

Re: statins and afib??
January 05, 2004 06:53AM
Jackie: I did a search (here and elsewhere) on statins as you suggested. VERY interesting. Side-effects on the Lipitor and Zocor sites were not encouraging either but if we heed all of the warnings about all medicatiuons, we'd end up taking none. I just wrote a note to my cardio asking her opinnion about trying policosanol instead of a statin, especially since my cholesterol problem doesn't seem to be all that bad. Very anxious to hear her reply.
Re: statins and afib??
January 05, 2004 06:58AM
Babs: My GP seems to agree with yours. He says I don't need the statin. Yet my cardio says I do. So who do you believe? I guess the only way to make a decision is to do a lot of good research on your own.
Re: statins and afib??
January 05, 2004 08:15AM
Well you can't believe all that Cardio's say....one a few years ago said i had Angina and Diabities.....i had niether.

My GP was all for me taking alternatives. He does work at the hospital as well i think in the Geriatric department.......no comment. I've known him for at least 20 years and think that he accepts the new age theory well it is really the old age theory as many of these things were taken before pharmacuticals took control. The Suppliment i am taking is a natural ingredient.

Re: statins and afib??
January 05, 2004 04:02PM
Jack - you wrote:

"but if we heed all of the warnings about all medicatiuons, we'd end up taking none" and my comment to that is....what's wrong with that?

We don't have deficiencies of Lipitor, other statins, or other drugs, we have deficiencies of basic biochemical substances that allow conditions to surface and we treat these with drugs rather than finding the deficiencies and replacing the missing nutrient.

If you haven't done so, go to the www.spacedoc.com web page and read about the MD who suffered transient global amnesia with Lipitor. That's interesting too.

I'll be very impressed with your doctor if she says to try the policosanol....but don't be surprised if she hasn't heard of policosanol..... the drug companies aren't educating doctors about the natural product that competes with Lipitor and other statins. Could it be too good or too safe?

I have web pages and reference studies I can offer if you want the addresses for your own research.

I hope you get a thumbs up from her. Good luck. Jackie
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