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I was diagnosed with GERD one month after my PVI ablation at Cleveland Clinic. I still have doubts as to the accuracy of the diagnosis because my symptoms don't seem to follow the typical burning and sour taste. Mostly belching and feeling of a fist pushing against chest cavity. And symptoms don't seem to have an apparent pattern.

I was told to take Nexium. At first it didn't help. Doc says take it twice a day. Symptoms disappeared, so I stopped taking it because of things I read on this board.

Then symptoms returned but in different location - my posterior chest cavity on the right side of spine about breast level. I started using something from my childhood -- Milk of Magnesia.

Still had pain. Nurse told me she has symptoms in that part of body, so I've resumed Nexium and stopped peanuts. Better lately except in stressful situations.

Jackie or anyone else? Do you think there's sufficient magnesium in Milk of Magnesia so that it would be a substitute for supplementing with magnesium?
Re: Milk of Magnesia substitute for magnesium supplenment?
December 31, 2003 01:31AM
njb - My first reaction is that if Nexium works....take it. And do alot of research on digestive problems meanwhile.

I haven't thought about your comment - just taking MOM to get the magnesium..... enough to answer you correctly. My first inclination would be - in order to get enough, you'd most likely suffer the laxative effect.

The MOM is the basis for the Waller Water, we introduced over a year ago and from time to time has been brought forth again. Even drinking enough of that water will produce the bowel intolerance.

Tell me again - can you not take the supplements? Let me think a while on this.

I do believe your problem is a digestive one that could be corrected with digestive enzymes - I'll get back to you with some references so you can read and compare your symptoms with what is said. The answer has to be in that you don't digest the food you eat and it produces the symptoms of GERD... believe it or not, the most acid reflux problems come from not enough stomach acid. Difficult as that is to "swallow", it's true.

The MOM is alkalizing so it probably makes the situation better, temporarily, but in the long run, it doesn't help digest the food properly.

By all means - stop the peanuts. They are difficult to digest and are among the most highly allergenic foods known...plus they are full of molds that cause problems in some people.

Stay tuned. I'll offer you some options and reading references.

Have a Happy New Year! and NSR


If you don't mind sharing, what is your diet like and do you take any supplements? Also, did you suffer from any indigestion before having the PVI and did you have any triggers that you noticed that would cause you to go into AF? I don't think MOM would be a good substitute for getting magnesium, as it is the least absorbable (Mg oxide), and as Jackie said, has a laxative effect, which would further cause you to loose electrolytes. How is your heart doing since the PVI and are you feeling well, besides the gastric upset?

Glenn Camp
Re: Milk of Magnesia substitute for magnesium supplenment?
December 31, 2003 04:55AM
Locate a source whre you can purchase THORNE RESEARCH'S product called "BIO-GEST". Take one capsule before each meal and see if that doesn't help you. THORNE RESEARCH is one of or possibly the highest grade of supplements you can buy anywhere. I in no way am connected with them by way of promoting, selling or anything else. I only know what a Pharmacist friend of mine and a Chiropractor/nutritionist that have thoroughly researched all brands of supplements have told me. Personally I do take them. Do a search of THORNE on a search engine.

Bio-Gest worked very well for me, but I'm out of them presently, so am using Metagest by Metagenics and they work well too.

Thank you , Jackie, Richard, & Glenn.

Jackie - I never tried the supplements. I just stopped Coumadin about 2 weeks ago. I had decided not to try anything new until I was off Coumadin because I had so much trouble keeping it at a steady level.

I just realized that maybe I don't need magnesium because I no longer have afib. But I did have a lot of PVC'S show up during my recent 30 day event monitor which I started at my 3 month PV ablation followup.

The Nexium seems to help sometimes. It's not very clearcut and I haven't had the ambition to really log my food and symptoms -- suppose that's what I should do. I've always had a tendency to be constipated. Even since I've started taking the antiacid dosage of MOM. I think the Nexium makes me more constipated.

Richard - I usually have whole wheat toast with tiny bit of butter and honey or preserves,yogurt or cheese, &/0r almonds or walnuts for breakfast.
Lunch is usually a large salad of Spinach with balsamic vinagairette, Progresso lentil soup topped with All Bran & cheese.
Dinner is usually plain chicken, beef & potato or a Lean Cuisine meal.
The stuff I consume which I've been told could aggravate GERD is:
Altoids, beer or wine,chocolate chips, club soda with fresh lime juice, bananas, ice cream, about 2 cups caffeinated coffee and 3 cups decaf. If my symptoms are really bad I'm alot more motivated to avoid these things. Usually I just consume in moderation.

I've noticed the problem with belching for several years. In fact, I even had it right before the PV ablation and a month later before another stomach procedure--i.e. on an empty stomach. Maybe I swallow air. The pain/pressure started up 1 month after my PV ablation.

Before I had the ablation, I would often feel my afib(first flutter) start up right after lunch and continue until I fell asleep. But never after breakfast.

My heart is structurally fine since ablation. Have some PVC'S and HR often around 106 when I check it . Sometimes feel very fatigued, but in general feeling o.k.
Richard - forgot to say I take Vit. C, B6, & B Complex.

You knew this was coming, huh. Although, it seems that you're eating a pretty healthy diet, if it's representative of your daily regimen, your seriously lacking fruits and vegetables. I'm eating 3 fresh salads per day, with usually 2 helpings of lightly steamed vegetables. I eat blueberries, bananas, almonds, other nuts, strawberries, and various other fruits in between meals. The raw items have enzymes, which I know aid in my digestion, however I take digestive enzymes to help with the process of digesting my meat, since it is cooked. I eat protein with every meal.

I know you've read this info, time and time again, on this BB, but you really could be served by eliminating any processed foods (Lean Cuisine-free glutamate and starchy carbs), and the starchy carbs, such as potatoes and lentils, and possibly the bran and cheese. If chocolate or bananas bother you, it's the tyramines, and that indicates a problem with your liver, because it's not metabolizing these toxins, thereby leaving them at greater levels in your blood. You know what caffeine does, as it's hard on the liver, as well, besides the toxins and pesticides that it contains. Something isn't settling well with you, and by experimenting with a day or two of strictly Paleo, it may give you the answer. I also didn't see any good fatty acids in your diet, i.e. cold pressed olive oil or fish oils, or even the lecithin from eggs. Read my post under Vegan vs. Paleo, about how important this is.

I had no more indigestion or GERD, on the second day of my dietary changes, and I can't tell you how amazed I was. Bread was the worst culprit, and I think this has to do with the gluten. The potatoes, rice, and corn, were not as bad, but somehow I think when eating protein, they interfere with the digestive process, not to mention their glucose factors.

Anyway, I'm just trying to help, but it's entirely up to you. I wish you the best, and hope you find the answer for yourself.

Richard - Yes, I knew it was coming. I was almost afraid to read the responses to my diet. I guess I'm finally accepting that I have to make some major changes in my diet. Although, I was rather proud of my healthy lunches and I thought fresh lime juice with club soda was a heck of alot healthier than diet pop. Thank-you very much for your input, Richard.

While reading about GERD, I learned that chocolate & peppermint & CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS can relax the sphincter which keeps acid from backwashing. I know I have to stop all of that -- I have cut back alot.
(haven't taken calcium channel blockers for over 6 months, but did for years)

Has anyone ever heard if decaffeinated tea aggravates GERD?
Re: Milk of Magnesia substitute for magnesium supplenment?
January 03, 2004 09:41AM
njb - MoM will not deliver the magnesium you need intracellularly.

If you want to increase your magnesium, try one of the forms we've discussed - magnesium glycinate, magnesium taurate.

I was keeping quiet about your diet - but now that Richard has opened up the topic.... I just want to encourage you to read about healthy eating, make up a plan for yourself out of the things you enjoy but that would still be considered healthy, and make the appropriate adjustments... you have a really good start.... it's just difficult to eliminate the old favorites and the ease and convenience of packaged foods... and you already know why.

But, rather than risk regression, you know it needs to be done. What better time than at the beginning of a new year.

Incidentally, it could be the polyphenols or tannins in the decaf tea...try an herbal tea - just be sure it truly says, herbal.

And remember, if you drink the requirement we all need in water, you won't be looking around for something else - eventually, we find that water is really all we need or even want.

Good luck - be well

Thanks again Jackie.
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