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A-fib by laying sideways
December 01, 2003 02:35PM
On occasion, I can cause my heart to beat erratically (off and on) by just
laying on my right side (not my left side). Has anyone ever heard of any-
thing like that before? It gets to be a nuisance since I get tired of having
to lay on my left side so much. I have had one instance of lone A-fib
but not caused by this.
Michele in Pa
Re: A-fib by laying sideways
December 01, 2003 11:29PM
I too will feel erratic beats if I lay on my right side vs my left. I keep reading about having symtoms while laying on the left but it is definitely the complete opposite for me. Laying on my back or stomach is usually ok, too.
I have gone into afib the last 4 times by bending over - does this make it more vagal or adergeneric(sp?)?
Re: A-fib by laying sideways
December 02, 2003 12:06AM
I have to sleep on my back or right side. Left side is absolutely out.
Peggy Merrill
Re: A-fib by laying sideways
December 02, 2003 12:42AM
For some time now there is a left-leaning position i can get in while lying propped up on the couch reading that brings on a few beats of afib, but if i straighten up or lean to the right it goes away.
Bob G
Re: A-fib by laying sideways
December 02, 2003 05:18AM
For a long time it was my left side that brought on AFib or just arrythmias. Am on Tikosyn now and it seems to have changed to my Right side. Not always or as much as the left used to do, but it can bring it on none the less. Kinda crazy isn't it. Our bodies are really quite complicated.
Don R.
Re: A-fib by laying sideways
December 02, 2003 07:59AM
Left side , right side, stomach, back, bending over, these are triggers for me only if I am in a position where I am constricting my airways. In my opinion, after years of observation, I find correct breathing as important as diet and stress management. When I perform a strenuous activity while bending over I can easily go into afib if I don't concentrate on my breathing. If I make sure I am getting full deep breaths I have no worry. Same with sleeping. It is necessary for me to make sure my posture is correct when preparing for a night's sleep.....trying to make sure neck, head and chest is properly aligned. If not I end up in a very shallow breathing mode. Anytime that I am in a position that restricts oxygen flow through the body because of shallow breathing I am at risk for pac's and possibly afib. He who is a shallow belly breather rather than one whom pulls the breath high in the lungs has restricted oxygen flow necessary for healing and life.

Don R.
Kevin J
Re: A-fib by laying sideways
December 02, 2003 09:59AM
Its the left side for me. I generally start out on my left side,as this is more comfortable,and then have to switch to the right to get rid of the AF.
Kevin J
J. Pisano
Re: A-fib by laying sideways
December 02, 2003 02:27PM
Hello all,

Just wanted to point on something obvious to me, but maybe your not making the connection. Many afibbers can attest to GERD or STOMACH problems being a problem for them, it this is the case, than sleeping on which ever side you are may be causing you this afib problem, indirectly through the irration of your stomach lining or esophagus.

Now I know the common thinking is to sleep on your right side so as to allow the stomach to drain more properly but a study conducted by the Graduate Hospital in Philadelphia found that the left sleeping position was best to avoid painful bedtime heartburn. and sleeping on your right side does the most harm. While sleeping on your back causes acid to slip back into your esophagus more often, the acid takes longer to clear out when you sleep on your right side.

Let me add this, perhaps this too is different for all people and you should find a side that alleviates this best for you.

Continued Health,

Chris P
Re: A-fib by laying sideways
December 02, 2003 03:04PM
I seem to buck the trend here. My AFib is triggered by laying on my back. Left side is the least likely to cause AF.

Chris P
Re: A-fib by laying sideways
December 02, 2003 09:39PM
Gosh, it seems with all the positioning problems we should just invent a way to sleep standing up!!!!!

Seriously though, when I am IN afib, I cannot tolerate laying on my left side. It feels like there's jumping beans in my chest.
Re: A-fib by laying sideways
December 03, 2003 12:57AM

VERY WELL SAID! I agree completely about the importance of deep breathing.

Re: A-fib by laying sideways
December 03, 2003 03:06AM
MG - lying on my left side was always a trigger...guaranteed. After I had my diaphragm adjusted, I could (can) lie in any position without triggering an event.

See my post today on diaphragm adjusting.

Re: A-fib by laying sideways
June 28, 2004 05:10AM
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