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November 21, 2003 01:45PM
This bulletin board has been been very valuable to me and I wouldn't use it as a bully pulpit unless I thought it was absolutely necessary. I think it is. The current "perscription drug" bill before the U.S. Congress does very little to give real and continuing benefits to Seniors (and all of us will get to that point at some time) and is far more beneficial to drug companies and special interests. Most of us plagued with afib take a number of drugs and will possibily have to continue indefintely (Unless a cure is found - my nightly prayers). The vote has not yet been taken but the President in pressuring the legislators to pass this bill before the coming holiday recess. If you disagree with the bill make your views known to your representatives. AARP, for some unknown reason, has chosen to support this bill without ever having explained its reasons! If you disagree with their decision please call them. Their number is 1-800-424-3420. It's our health! Thanks.
Re: Medicare
November 21, 2003 04:17PM
I totally agree with you-I and many others have now cancelled our aarp memberships and contacted our legislators-The hypocrisy of these politicians and organizations is painful to watch as they suddenly care about the old and the sick, while they have been busy screwing all of us most of the time and now hide behind this while they try to destroy medicare-write your legislators online now, before its too late-
Re: Medicare
November 22, 2003 01:11AM
Stevie and Jerry: I think it's already too late to make a difference, as the bill has passed the senate and is up to the house, however, the recess begins this year before thanksgiving.
Your sentiments reflect most of medicare recipients I'm sure. The only true benefits to the proposed program are pharmaceutical companies and big business, while the tax payers pay for the benefit and that means middle america. Who does the true benefit actually go to?

Re: Medicare
November 22, 2003 02:55AM
Does anyone know if this is accurate? An email was sent to me by a friend a while back, but unfortunately I didn't save it, but it was saying that when immigrants come to this country and apply for SS, they automatically get it, whether they paid a dime into the pot or not. This was passed under the Clinton administration.

Re: Medicare
November 22, 2003 05:09AM
I just applied for and got SS and SSD. To get the social security, I had to prove that I had contributed during 20 consecutive quarters in order to qualify. I applied 1 year ago this month, and those were the guidelines.

Re: Medicare
November 22, 2003 10:40AM
I goofed!!! The bill passed in the House after a several hour delay while a few republicans who were wavering, were talked into a pro vote. Now it's up to the Senate and if not decided before Thanksgiving, the Senate doesn't reconvene until well after New Years. Maybe there's a chance with the Sente.

Re: Medicare
November 23, 2003 01:42AM
There is a big difference in SSI and SSDI. On SSI and supplemental, the total payment a month is $602.00. Try living on that!!!
Re: Medicare
November 23, 2003 05:27AM
The basic issue is who should pay for my drugs? Me, or someone else.

Re: Medicare
November 23, 2003 10:47AM
Newman - etal

The basic issue is .... why should everyone pay for people who neglect and abuse their health all their lives and then need heroics with expensive medicine.

Before there were medical benefits and insurance to cover drugs, people paid out of their pocket and thought nothing of it .... and they tried to stay healthy. Now people seem to think disease can be fixed with a drug and ignore prevention....and they want others to pay for their neglect.

Again, it boils down to taking responsibility for one's health.

I am not in favor of government subsidies for drugs because people will continue to rely on them versus cleaning up their lifestyles. For every drug taken, there are at least 2 to half a dozen side effects..often more.

The only people who benefit from drugs are the pharmaceutical giants.
That's why they push the FDA so hard to control or eliminate natural supplements.

Just my opinion. Jackie
Re: Medicare
November 23, 2003 03:20PM
The drug companies of course benefit from the sale of their drugs. However, there are millions of people who also benefit greatly from their products. The Versed that Dr. Natale uses on ablation patients is one drug that I was personally thankful for recently. Also the Toprol XL which has done a marvelous job of controlling my heart rate. Also the novacaine that numbs my nerves when the dentist is drilling. Also the Coumadin which gives me some peace of mind. At least that option is available. The cocktails for HIV patients. The drugs for chemotherapy for cancer patients. Anesthesia for major surgery. Sulfa drugs when I was young. Flu vaccines. Hepatitus A and B vaccines. Polio vaccines. DPT vaccines. Yellow fever vaccines. A huge array of antibiotics. The list goes on and on. I have just scratched the surface. I view the drug companies as my friend, and the friend of society. Check out the life expectancy and the misery in some areas of the world where few drugs are available. The cost of many drugs seems high, but do not forget the costs to drug companies of the many failures they encounter when trying to develop new drugs. Research is very expensive, and usually results in failure. As Milton Friedman said: There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Peggy Merrill
Re: Medicare
November 23, 2003 10:58PM
Newman, i agree with you about TANSTAAFL, but why should we pay so much more for our lunch than, say, the canadians do?
Re: Medicare
November 24, 2003 06:42AM

Once again, my hero, Milton Friedman, would answer your question. He is a great believer that governments cause much more harm than good. Milton would say that buyers and sellers should be able to buy and sell unfettered by government intervention. The issue is freedom. Do the people have the freedom to lead their lives as they wish, or should the government take away this freedom in the name of protecting the people. I think behind all of this is the U.S. Government wanting to maintain power over the people.

Of course we should be allowed to purchase our drugs from Canada or Mexico or the moon if we want, and John Ashcroft should be fired and sent back to Missouri. As to the DEA, they should all be made to stop feeding at the public trough and be given a one way ticket to Siberia.

What do ya think?

Re: Medicare
November 24, 2003 07:24AM
The curse of the Nanny State(s).

Peggy Merrill
Re: Medicare
November 24, 2003 10:26AM
I'm with you, Newman.
To Newman
November 24, 2003 01:08PM
I get almost all of my meds directly from the drug companies that help those of us in need and I'm truly grateful to them because I wouldn't be able to purchase the needed prescriptions on $600.00 a month.

Peggy Merrill
Re: To Newman
November 24, 2003 10:57PM
Debbi, i get my blood pressure medication from one of those drug company programs too, and i am truly grateful for it, but i still think the prices of drugs in this country ought not to be substantially larger than the prices the same companies charge for the same drugs in other countries. Nothing about the difficulty and expense of developing new drugs can explain this price differential.
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