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Nov. 17 Ablation report - CCF with Dr. Natale
November 20, 2003 11:05AM
I'm writing to give a brief report on my recent PVI/PVA at Cleveland Clinic this past Monday - it's Thursday night. My wife and I are in the Intercontinental Conference Hotel adjacent to the CC Heart Center. Although I'm not a regular contributor on this bulletin board, I'm a regular reader...like many others, I suspect. This group has provided much encouragement and information. You're the ones who led me to consider CCF and Dr. Natale.

I'm 53 year old male, I've been in paroxysmal (nearly pesistent, recently) afib since December of 1998. Meds didn't work for me. Most recently, on Flec, Dilt, and Coumadin....with no regular control of afib. Tried Digoxin, Atenelol, Rhytmol and higher doses of Diltiazem....to no avail. The past four months have been miserable - nearly persistent afib, with rates in 150's plus - and I decided the ablation was my only hope.

My ablation was on Monday. I was out of hospital by Tuesday afternoon. The procedure was deemed "successful" by Dr. Natale. I had a bit of a complication - they think I may have had a slight stroke during the procedure. I couldn't move my right arm when I was being taken off the sedating drugs. By the next morning, I had most of my feeling back in my left arm - though I have some residual mobility problems in my left hand. I saw a colleague of Dr. Natale today (Dr. Saliba?) and he did some testing...concluding that if anything, it was probably a "slight" stroke. Not that there is anything they plan to do about it. I will see how things go during the next few weeks and I am hopeful that there will be no long term limitations. (By the way, note that I am typing on the computer...so the effects aren't THAT bad!)

More importantly, I am now on the post-ablation protocol - Flec, Dilt, Coumadin, and Lipitor. This will go on for two months. Then, they want me to go off Flec, Dilt and Lip to see how I am without drugs (except Coumadin). If I'm OK, they will consider it a successful "cure." I'll be heading back to CCF for a "spiral CT scan in February to see if there is any "Pulmonary Vein Stenosis." I'm sure this is all familiar to my "ablation" friends. For the rest of you...even if you're wondering about going ahead, I'd encourage you to go for it. My ablation wasn't as "smooth" as I wished, but I'm still glad to have gone through with it. It was really my only hope. I'll let you know how things go.

Thanks again for the support and encouragement.

Oh, and did I tell you...I'M IN NSR RIGHT NOW...and ever since the PVA! I know it may not last, but right now, it feels fantastic!

Yours for NSR,

afib wife
Re: Nov. 17 Ablation report - CCF with Dr. Natale
November 20, 2003 11:29AM
Good for you Billo and thanks for posting!!! We all know that the stroke is possible, I pray that you have no continuous problems, it sounds like they are behind you!!!!

J. Pisano
Re: Nov. 17 Ablation report - CCF with Dr. Natale
November 20, 2003 11:38AM

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us! It means much to those of us who are considering an ablation or scheduled for one soon. Please keep us posted.

I am heartened to hear your stroke was not dibilatating, and you are doing well.

Godspeed! Please be well!

Re: Nov. 17 Ablation report - CCF with Dr. Natale
November 20, 2003 02:34PM
clarification - after reading my post I discovered that i wrote "right arm" first, nd then "left arm." For the record, I meant "left arm" both times.
Re: Nov. 17 Ablation report - CCF with Dr. Natale
November 20, 2003 03:31PM
keep up your spirits. Sounds like you are on the right track. I look forward to hearing reports of your progress toward cure.
Re: Nov. 17 Ablation report - CCF with Dr. Natale
November 20, 2003 07:43PM

It is nice to welcome still another new member to the club.

Please keep us informed how you are doing. Best of luck.

Think positive. The odds are very much in favor of success.

Congratulations, and I hope that things continue to go so well for you. I'm surprised that they didn't do a CT brain scan or MRI if there was any possibility that you had had a stroke. I hope that continues to improve also.

Wishing you NSR,
Mike F. V42
Re: Nov. 17 Ablation report - CCF with Dr. Natale
November 21, 2003 03:59AM

Thanks for the post mate, and best wishes for a full and permanent recovery (-:

Mike F.

I am so glad to hear you are in NSR!

Re: Nov. 17 Ablation report - CCF with Dr. Natale
November 21, 2003 06:06AM
Billo - welcome to the CCF ablation connection!

You were 5 days after mine. I'm terribly sorry to learn of the stroke, of course, but as I understand it, when caught as yours was and with the ability to dissolve the clot immediately, you should soon be good as new. They know it's a risk and they watch closely. I was impressed at the diligence with which they checked me for cognitive reflexes - for the whole 24 hours - post ablation.

Sounds as if Dr. Natale has another successful ablation notch on his belt.
Thank God you were in a facility that keeps such close watch on patients.

Please keep us posted on your progress.

NSR - Isn't life grand!

Be well. Jackie

Natale - ablation 11/12/03
Re: Nov. 17 Ablation report - CCF with Dr. Natale
November 21, 2003 02:01PM

Thank you so much for sharing your story. I, too, wish you NSR forever. Good to hear that the possible stroke was minor.

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