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Paxlovid and Eliquis

Posted by hds 
Paxlovid and Eliquis
June 26, 2024 06:20PM
My wife has Covid and despite all precautions we took (which are exhaustive) I may have contracted Covid as well (5th time it would be). My HRV has dumped to lowest value I have seen last 2 days and my resting HR is pretty high (probably POTS returning).

I just spoke with my GP and once I test positive I can get Paxlovid. The GPs advice (an MD) is to reduce Eliquis to 2.5mg 2x per day from 5mg 2x per day.

I also texted my cardiologist and Post Covid clinic to be sure.

Has anyone been in this predicament? What did you do?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Paxlovid and Eliquis
June 26, 2024 09:22PM
That's standard advice as I understand it.

How the heck did you get COVID 5 times? Are you unvaccinated?
Re: Paxlovid and Eliquis
June 27, 2024 01:50AM
That's standard advice as I understand it.

How the heck did you get COVID 5 times? Are you unvaccinated?

Received confirmation from my GP and also the cardiologist that I would need to reduce Eliquis to 2.5mg.

Yes, how the heck indeed (sensing some form of judgement here ;-) I received 6 Covid shots so far. Will be going for the 7th soon.

The last Covid infection caused/triggered AF, so here I am.

By the way, it's a misconception that Covid vaccinations avoids you from being infected. It reduces the likelihood of severe illness/hospitalization.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/27/2024 01:54AM by hds.
Re: Paxlovid and Eliquis
June 27, 2024 02:55AM
No, definitely no judgement; it's just that I've never heard of someone getting it 5 times. I understand the vaccine doesn't necessarily prevent infection, but it usually reduces symptoms to the point that people aren't even aware they have COVID and just mistake it for a cold. Sorry you've had to go through this.
Re: Paxlovid and Eliquis
June 30, 2024 03:42PM
My predicament was different because it wasn't an issue with Eliquis but Flecainide. I (fully vaxed) had two bouts of Covid and each time I was turned down on Paxlovid because I'm on Flecainide! I asked the Urgent Care doc if I could stop taking the Flec and get the Pax but he said it would take a few days for Flec to get out of my system and the timeframe for Pax would have passed. So I don't get the chance to benefit from Pax! Also, both covid episodes didn't cause my afib to kick in (thank God) but my PVCs rose to an uncomfortable level for a while. Hope you don't have it again!
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