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Afib related ventricle size

Posted by Fidrych 
Afib related ventricle size
December 06, 2023 12:18AM
Hi, If this is not specifically afib related enough, give me crap. I saw my EP last week after my first afib episode last month post ablation. Did the tests. Had my appointment. Waiting to see if I have another episode or not before doing another ablation. Anyway, we didn’t go over my test results during the appointment but I took copies home. Echo says everything “normal”. LA is 41. That’s normal. But LV mass is 268g and LVEDV is 186ml. I’m 6’4” 240 if that makes a difference but it has never been that big or heavy on prior echos over last 4 years. Is this something to worry about. Thsnks!!
Re: Afib related ventricle size
December 06, 2023 06:32AM
How much of an increase are these numbers over your previous Echo's? I am reading that a LV mass(g) of 259-292 is "moderately abnormal".

When I was really fighting my heart failure and persistent AFIB, I had many Echo's and TEE's. My numbers particularly on the EF would jump around and vary somewhat, I asked my EP several times about this, and he said there is some variation because different Tech's are doing the test, and different Dr's are interpreting the results, so in actuality my heart was most likely relatively the same.
Re: Afib related ventricle size
December 06, 2023 03:26PM
Thanks for the response. My most recent 5 echos...there's a 6th, but I don't have it.
Feb 18/18 194g
Jan 5/21 187g
Jul 7/21 220g
Jun 10/22 212g
Nov 17/23 268g
The tech on the most recent one is in fact one that I haven't had before.
The reviewing doctor listed everything as normal...."Normal ventricular wall thickness and cavity size with concentric remodelling. Normal left ventricular contractility and regional wall motion. EF = 66%. Normal diastolic function. Normal RV size and systolic function. No signigficant valve disease.
The LV Mass index does fall right inoto the top of the normal range with a 111.67 g/m2
LVEDV Index is high at 77.50 ml/m2...LVEDV is 186ml
Would having been in Afib for the week leading up to the most recent Echo have had any affect on these. Although my LA diameter is listed as 40 which is lower than my usual 41 or 42 on the past echos.
Re: Afib related ventricle size
December 06, 2023 03:47PM
All those numbers are within a reasonable range of variation between techs except the most recent one. It's the outlier, and I would strongly suspect that if you did another echo with a different tech you'd get a number more in line with the previous results. I wouldn't worry about it if your doc isn't worried about it.
Re: Afib related ventricle size
December 06, 2023 04:38PM
Thanks.....is an the increase in size on the most recent echo an unlikely amount of enlargement/growth in the 1-1.5 years? Or can an LV grow that quickly.
Re: Afib related ventricle size
December 06, 2023 06:49PM
A 26% increase in 18 months seems unlikely to me unless something serious was going on during that time. For example, if you've been in tachycardia consistently all that time, that might do it. A serious infection involving the heart could also do it. But if you've been fairly healthy without any unusual events, I doubt the echo is accurate.
Re: Afib related ventricle size
December 06, 2023 10:18PM
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