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buteyko breathing for atrial fibrillation

Posted by Todd 
buteyko breathing for atrial fibrillation
September 24, 2023 02:27PM
I was looking into buteyko breathing for something else, and searched it for AF. A lot of stuff in this search to go through.

How does “wrong breathing” affect our body?
Respiratory system: wheezing, stuffy nose, loss of taste and smell, runny nose, runny nose, difficulty breathing, coughing, chest pressure, frequent respiratory infections, frequent yawning and snoring.
Nervous system: poor concentration, dizziness, numbness of arms and legs, fainting, trembling and headache.
Heart: rapid heartbeat, chest pain, irregular heartbeat.
Mind: restlessness, frustration, irritability, tension, depression, lethargy, stress.
Other symptoms: dry mouth, fatigue, insomnia, nocturnal awakening, insomnia in the morning, decreased productivity, bad dreams, nightmares, dry skin, itchy skin, sweating of the palms, frequent urination, frequent urination at night, bedwetting, diarrhea, constipation, general weakness, chronic exhaustion.

Re: buteyko breathing for atrial fibrillation
September 24, 2023 03:17PM
I find that list of symptoms rather ridiculous. Bedwetting, diarrhea, constipation... seriously?
Re: buteyko breathing for atrial fibrillation
September 24, 2023 03:38PM
I had to research this and found: [www.healthline.com]

All the issues Tom listed above is way more over the top than reality. As an athlete who has continued to work out throughout my lifetime, proper breathing is essential for maximum performance as well as training efficiency. However, for afib to show up as a result of less than optimal breathing seems more than silly.

While it is beneficial to develop/learn proper breathing techniques while exercising / preforming, training oneself to modify normal breathing seems unlikely or at best, very difficult.
Re: buteyko breathing for atrial fibrillation
September 24, 2023 08:49PM
That's what we need to be cognizant of, that when when searching the Internet for medical issues, the results bring up a comprehensive wide range of symptoms and causes, although the likelihood of these events occurring may be very slim.
Re: buteyko breathing for atrial fibrillation
September 25, 2023 10:09AM
I find that list of symptoms rather ridiculous. Bedwetting, diarrhea, constipation... seriously?

Snarts are a genuine problem for some people.

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