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Suggestions for EP in the Southeast that treats all arrythmias, not just AFIB

Posted by sldabrowski 
Suggestions for EP in the Southeast that treats all arrythmias, not just AFIB
April 07, 2023 07:51PM
I have a friend who has limited travel options and looking for a EP in the Southeast who treats all complex Arrythmia conditions, not just AFIB.

Thanks for any suggestions.
Re: Suggestions for EP in the Southeast that treats all arrythmias, not just AFIB
April 07, 2023 09:14PM
An EP who treats only afib would actually be a bit unusual. Some EPs specialize in the supraventricular arrhythmias, and some specialize in ventricular arrhythmias, but their training covers both.

There about a dozen types of arrhythmias. Why does he need an EP who treats them all?
He is looking for an EP that treats more than AFIB. The local EP's in my area tend to send complex cases like AFIB combined with other arrythmias to centers like Birmingham, Nashville, Atlanta. He specifically is interested in PVC/PAC ablation. I understand that some EP's do not like to treat those types of cases since that seems to require a specific expertise and mapping process as well as patience . He is running about 10% burden. On multiple meds to try and control. The episodes are also trigger AFIB, I know of one in the Birmingham area. Dr.Osorio and one in SC- Dr. Henderson in Anderson that will take these types of cases.
Re: Suggestions for EP in the Southeast that treats all arrythmias, not just AFIB
April 08, 2023 12:30AM
He is running about 10% burden. On multiple meds to try and control. The episodes are also trigger AFIB

So, he has afib and he's thinking that stopping the ectopics will fix the afib? Sorry to say it won't. He's kind of thinking backwards. Fix the afib and the ectopics will disappear, improve, or at least stop provoking afib. Just fix the ectopics and he'll still have afib, and it won't get better with time.

Treating ectopics can be quite difficult, which is why most EPs won't even consider interventional measures until you reach about a 20% burden. Almost any EP can run him through trying the limited number of drugs that can make a difference. All EPs are familiar with those drugs, so he doesn't really need some super-specialist. He needs someone to treat his afib.

Tell him to join here and we can address his questions directly.
Re: Suggestions for EP in the Southeast that treats all arrythmias, not just AFIB
April 13, 2023 05:35PM
I still love my EP here in Charlotte: warren Holshouser. I did go to Dr Natale for my atypical flutter ablation 8-6-21. Holshouser did a pvi on me in 2012. Went very well 9 yrs. He ablated the flutter march 2021 but it didnt work thus Austin
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