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Questions re Nattokinase

Posted by Gill 
Questions re Nattokinase
January 30, 2023 12:43PM
1. Is there any known reversing agent?

2. How does Nattokinase compare with Eliquis (Apixaban)? If you have a choice what are the things to consider?

Re: Questions re Nattokinase
January 30, 2023 08:34PM
Were i in active afib id want eliquis. Im a yr since my Watchman and choose no eliquis. I take natto on empty stomach ea am. I also use olive oil garlic ginger bromelain wobenzyme. No reverse is necessary to my knowledge. Its always a personal choice following educated opinions given you.
Re: Questions re Nattokinase
January 30, 2023 08:48PM

1.  Is there any known reversing agent?

2.  How does  Nattokinase compare with Eliquis (Apixaban)?  If you have a choice what are the things to consider?


As far as I know there is no reversing agent needed for Nattokinase, just have to stop it for a few days.

I did some tests some years ago and although nattokinase thinned my blood it is nothing compared to Pradaxa which I am taking now. (I have just had an ablation)
I will resume eating Natto in a few weeks, and continue taking half dose Pradaxa after the blanking period rather than Nattokinase.
Re: Questions re Nattokinase
January 30, 2023 11:41PM
I don't think there's any research comparing nattokinase to Eliquis, so there's no way for a layman to make that comparison. I don't think trying to compare them is even wise.

Without question, if I needed an anticoagulant, I wouldn't risk using something that has very little research behind it. How much is enough? How much is too much? What's the half-life so I know how often to take it? Does it address the types of clots I'm trying to prevent (legs vs atria vs valves, etc)? Is it a little bit effective, a lot effective, or not effective at all? What other foods, supplements and medications does it interact with? Does it work the same in an 80-year old as it does a 60-year old?

I don't know the answers to those questions and don't know anyone who does, so I would never take that risk.
Re: Questions re Nattokinase
February 04, 2023 09:19PM
Agreed with above. When the SHTF you want the best.
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