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Nattokinase Interactions

Posted by The Anti-Fib 
Nattokinase Interactions
January 27, 2023 03:39AM
For those of you that have researched Nattokinase, Can you take it with the NOAC's, like Eliquis or Zarelto? Or is there an issue with Statins? I have heard of an issue with Warfarin, involving the Vit K issue.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/27/2023 03:40AM by The Anti-Fib.
Re: Nattokinase Interactions
January 27, 2023 08:17AM
I did some tests some years ago and although nattokinase thinned my blood it is nothing compared to Pradaxa which I am taking now. (I have just had an ablation)
So, I would expect nattokinase would have very little effect.
I was eating natto while taking Pradaxa up until a week before my ablation with no effect and will resume in a couple of weeks.

There is an issue with Statins, in that they interfere with the production of vitamin K2
Re: Nattokinase Interactions
January 27, 2023 03:36PM
Colindo, how do you know how much it thinned your blood?

Anti-Fib, why take natto if you're already on a NOAC?
Re: Nattokinase Interactions
January 27, 2023 05:27PM
Colindo, how do you know how much it thinned your blood?

I carried out some tests with and without nattokinase by launching my finger with a size D launce, and timed how long it took to stop bleeding.
I timed this by dabbing finger on blotting paper every 10 seconds.There was a noticeable difference.
Also when i went for a blood test I was asked if I was taking blood thinners.

BTW natto is not nattokinase.

The reason for eating natto is for the large amounts of vitamin K2 and the other large nutrition benefits.

Re: Nattokinase Interactions
January 27, 2023 06:59PM
BTW natto is not nattokinase.

I know that. I was just using it as an abbreviation.
Re: Nattokinase Interactions
January 27, 2023 09:03PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/27/2023 09:07PM by The Anti-Fib.
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