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New Study: alcohol not good for the heart (afib)
January 18, 2023 07:19PM
Re: New Study: alcohol not good for the heart (afib)
January 18, 2023 07:27PM
I wonder if the binge-drinking form of alcohol intake that we were told in the press about five years ago is the reason this study was done. I recall reading that young people, many in post-secondary education settings, were tying one on on the weekends, but many were making themselves very ill. Shortly, they also published that women, especially, ought not to drink excessively. In any event, I think alcohol is just another rented item. You do get to enjoy it, but inside of 8 hours it has changed to the hangover-inducing acetaldehyde (which apparently women's bodies do a better job of and which thus makes excessive alcohol quite risky, even dangerous for them). I believe they also tied alcohol to breast cancer several decades ago, but that may have turned out to be false. The way fat/bad, sugar/somewhat better turned out to be bogus, and sponsored 'research to boot.

Oh well, it IS Tuesday. I expect news about health to come out on Tuesdays, and it's either chocolate good or chocolate bad, grapeseed the best wonder, or now it's not so great the next week. It gets tiresome.
Re: New Study: alcohol not good for the heart (afib)
January 18, 2023 07:43PM
Yes agree the : its good no its bad gets tiresome. Besides we re all different
Chocolate: im a dark chocolate alholic lol. Coffee too albiet one cup but very dark
I will always believe alcohol sent me to afib. 1990s i started drinking scotch 2-3 every night!
Why? No idea. Its still an Achilles heel so i limit to one. 1
Im 69 my dad 96. Hes never had afib zero heart anything and also never drank. Zero
Re: New Study: alcohol not good for the heart (afib)
January 18, 2023 09:48PM
Alcohol is a toxin. Of course it's bad for organs.

Re: New Study: alcohol not good for the heart (afib)
January 19, 2023 03:11PM
Just about everything out there that you can eat, drink, or put in your mouth is bad for you in excessive quantities. Common sense and restraint are the control factors, and it takes many folks a long time to figure that out.
Re: New Study: alcohol not good for the heart (afib)
January 19, 2023 03:40PM
I'm a member of the Inebriati.

Re: New Study: alcohol not good for the heart (afib)
January 19, 2023 06:06PM
Just about everything out there that you can eat, drink, or put in your mouth is bad for you in excessive quantities. Common sense and restraint are the control factors, and it takes many folks a long time to figure that out.
I agree. But "excessive" does not necessarily mean the same quantity for anyone. For some, it may even mean zero.
Re: New Study: alcohol not good for the heart (afib)
January 19, 2023 06:11PM
I attended a lecture by a 'reformed' alcoholic who was now counseling other alcoholics to help them to get back on their feet. He stated that, if a police person pulls someone over and that person blows 0.08, they've just made a big mistake, and it's going to cost them. Hopefully no other damage to anyone or to other property. But, if that person gets pulled over for another reason, and the cop suspects/smells alcohol, and the measure shows 0.22, that person is an alcoholic and probably driving rather well, except for the infraction.

What I mean is, for some, 0.08 is too much, and for others, it's just the first reading of the day...while still cranky. I know it's not quite the same as what we're discussing, intolerance to alcohol for cardiac issues, but really it's highly analogous. It's what your 'system' can handle.
Re: New Study: alcohol not good for the heart (afib)
January 19, 2023 08:47PM
Yes true. My oldest dearest friend since 1966 died 3 yrs ago. Alcoholic. Brutal alcoholic so much we would be amazed. He never had afib far as we know just everything else
Re: New Study: alcohol not good for the heart (afib)
January 23, 2023 06:25AM
Just read that alcohol is considered a Class #1 carcinogen, as carcinogenic as tobacco, asbestos and radiation. Canada just changed their alcohol safety guidelines. Yikes. That sounds ominous besides being a trigger for afib.
Re: New Study: alcohol not good for the heart (afib)
January 23, 2023 04:06PM
It's among several scores of chemicals that must be dealt with by the hapless liver. It's added to fructose, drugs of all kinds, colecalciferol, proteins, amino acids, etc.

Alcohol is metabolized to acetaldehyde: [blogs.cdc.gov]
Re: New Study: alcohol not good for the heart (afib)
January 23, 2023 07:59PM
I often wonder if alcohol was the cause of my original outbreak of Afib. I confess to being a wino. I would have a glass, which would lead to another and another until I would finish the bottle. The night of that oubreak, I had drank an entire bottle, along with a bag of licorice that I ate earler. When I arrived at the ER, my Magnesium and Potassium levels were almost nil. Nobody bothered to ask me, what I had done before the attack, which happened roughly two hours after going to sleep.
Re: New Study: alcohol not good for the heart (afib)
January 23, 2023 10:26PM
Ken, it has been well-established in the medical community for ER visits and subsequent referrals to cardiologists that weekend/holiday partiers often present with arrhythmias. Holiday Heart Syndrome is what it is sometimes called. I don't want to sound judgemental (British/Commonwealth spelling), and am not intending that this should come across as a finger wag...but drinking an entire bottle of wine each evening is something no ethical medical practitioner would recommend. Apart from weight gain (my younger brother and his wife have done well professionally and used to love polishing off a bottle of wine each night between them. That had to stop two years ago when she developed AF and the two decided they didn't want to be visiting hospitals and waiting rooms as they entered retirement.) and heart problems, there is a large burden on the liver which will eventually result in 'fatty liver disease' if not out 'n out cirrhosis. You can't live without your heart, but your liver is every bit as critical.

I tell anybody who will listen to me that, as you age, the progression and acceleration to your terminal state rises. As you are looking forward to at least ten or more good years before things begin to sour, enjoy the time before you begin to place an even greater burden on your liver, kidneys, and heart with all the medications it will take to get you to most of another decade worth living through. If it were me, I'd baby everything I have and promise them good things if they'll only continue to work for me as hard as they've done in the past. >grinning smiley<
Re: New Study: alcohol not good for the heart (afib)
January 24, 2023 07:29AM
Alcohol is a toxin. Of course it's bad for organs.


Loved the video! Thanks Pavan!
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