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blood thinner
January 10, 2023 08:58PM
My daughter has a friend that just had a stroke, he was asked at the hospital if he had the vaccine and he said yes, so they put him on a blood thinner. If he didn't have the shot they don't. So maybe it is a good thing that a lot of us here are on a blood thinner.
Re: blood thinner
January 11, 2023 12:11AM
I think the explanation got lost in translation somewhere along the way because that would be malpractice. It makes absolutely no sense to withhold an anticoagulant due to not being vaccinated.
Re: blood thinner
January 12, 2023 10:25PM
Deep from the QANON files no doubt.
Re: blood thinner
January 13, 2023 02:11PM
Sounds like they meant there was an increased need for anti-coagulation if someone was Vaxxed. Maybe it was misunderstood, or it was a borderline decision. I know of someone that had a clot in there leg, then had a stroke, but no long-term AC was given at first. When the guy later brought it up again with the Dr., then they put him on AC's.
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