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2nd ablation and now junctional tachycardia :0(

Posted by bneedell 
2nd ablation and now junctional tachycardia :0(
November 03, 2022 03:49PM
I had a 2nd ablation on Halloween, first one May 16.....this one focused on redos on both right side for flutter (I apparently have a challenging anatomy there) and some patching up on PVIs and then a search on left side for other flutter sites but nothing found. After a good night in Sinus rhythm, the next morning still in hospital I developed what the ECG report calls junctional tachycardia or 1st degree A-V conduction delay. (HR100-120) . It comes and goes.. I came home anyway with a followup call with EP tomorrow...have not been on meds except Eliquis until now and prefer not to take them unless I really have to. Yesterday felt pretty good with a few brief tachy episodes but last night at 3 am, woke up and HR about 110 for over an hour . This high HR feels different than any I have had before, and does not go down if I relax, deep breathe, etc. It just stops when it want to. Has this happened to others? Could it possibly just be a blanking period thing? Thanks so much. I had my hopes up. Any suggestions for what I should ask doc?
Re: 2nd ablation and now junctional tachycardia :0(
November 03, 2022 06:07PM
Is it a regular rhythm? If so, it's probably flutter, and it could definitely just be a blanking period thing. All sorts of wonkiness is possible over the next few weeks.
Re: 2nd ablation and now junctional tachycardia :0(
November 03, 2022 07:58PM
the EP called it junctional tachycardia..looks like SINUS but no p-wave? I will hope for the best. Also they prescribe Prevacid for 2 weeks to help protect the esophagus and I read that it may cause rapid heartbeats (?). but I will be done with that med in 2 weeks--no colchicine this time...no chest pain :-). I am hoping it will pass...when I am not having an episode I feel great. :-) thanks
Re: 2nd ablation and now junctional tachycardia :0(
November 05, 2022 07:41PM
ok..;My EP said is not junctional tachycardia...despite what the EP analyzing the ECG said.. Rhythms are regular, but going up to 115 at rest intermittently...sometimes for an hour or two, then goes down under 100...not taking any meds beside Eliquis and would prefer not to...don't want to hurt my heart.
Re: 2nd ablation and now junctional tachycardia :0(
November 23, 2022 04:17PM
Hi bneedell, I had 2 ablations 2013 and 2015 with Dr. N, noticed same thing, it went up to 130 bpm at some times, it was daily, Started with Nebivolol 5 mg twice a day and it reduced well, now still with that pill and eliquis of course and it goes up just after eating too much or having soy, gluten, alcohol or caffeine. Years ago they told me it will go away in 1 or 2 years.... it did not.... but it is ok now with medication. Good luck !
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