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Touch up or not.
June 22, 2022 02:37AM
I have a question. I’m scheduled for a second ablation in July. I have cancelled twice, due to my nervousness and some other medical issues.
I suffered for decades with hundreds of episodes of AF and possibly Sinus issues.
Original Cardiologist totally unhelpful. Forward 25 plus years, new Cardiologist and new EP.
My EP is excellent and extremely experienced and the centre has unparalleled safety records for the procedure.
Ablation March 2121. Changed my life.

Since my first ablation , I have had approximately 40 episodes, a few long, some brief, and also recently, two bouts of flutter, one lasting 11 days and the other 8 days.
Since my second CV in March this year things are a bit quieter. I’m still having the odd brief run of AF, and at least once a day I experience sudden nausea and dizziness, and almost pass out. My fitness band shows my HR has jumped up to 150 plus. but it goes away.

My question is regarding a second ablation , and whether to have it, or just hope it will settle. Because of my age, I tell myself not to wait, just do it. But I then talk myself out of it again.
Also I noticed in a couple of posts that it was suggested that a member hold off-for a Pulse Field Ablation. Is that because it is considered a better and / or safer than RF ablation?
Re: Touch up or not.
June 22, 2022 02:54PM
It's not going to get better. If it changes at all, it will just get worse. And those near-syncope episodes are dangerous. Do the touch-up.

The advantage of PFA is primarily that it's safer. It It has some efficacy advantages but improved safety is its main claim to fame. Just keep in mind that with a highly experienced EP the differences are going to be minimized. If you wait for PFA to be widely available, you'll probably be waiting a year or more unless you can get into a clinical trial, and then it will most likely be some other EP. I wouldn't wait.
Re: Touch up or not.
June 24, 2022 09:53PM
Go for it JOY...if i were you i would be dreaming about my next trip to the EP's Table esp. since your chances of being whole again go up with every Ablation....Esp. from #1 to #2....so show up in July with Bells + Whistles on but Carey is right of course the EP's skills are very important.
Lets put it this way if your not whole again after your #2 aka the July trip then it is 100% time to go elsewhere for your heart needs if you can that is.

All the Best JOY
Re: Touch up or not.
July 11, 2022 03:08PM
Happy (very!) to be corrected, but my understanding is that at present at least PFA is only used for index PVIs - not touch-ups.
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