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Does Inflammation In The Digestive System Trigger Afib?

Posted by KirkSellman 
Does Inflammation In The Digestive System Trigger Afib?
March 15, 2022 04:08AM
I was diagnosed with afib in 2003, had an ablation, and been on Flecainide since. I've learned that I can't drink caffeine, alcohol, or dairy products because they trigger afib. I believe that there's inflammation in my digestive system that a bowel movement will irritate and trigger afib. My cardiologist rolls his eyes at this and so does my gastroenterologist. Before Covid, if I keep my diet healthy, I wouldn't have afib. Now that I've had Covid, it occurs every other day. Could Covid cause inflammation after I've tested negative?
Re: Does Inflammation In The Digestive System Trigger Afib?
March 15, 2022 11:43AM
The vagus nerve is amazingly long, its two main branches running from neck to bowels, near throat, oesophagus, heart, stomach...
It's said that vagus nerve pinching or irritation may cause afib.
Re: Does Inflammation In The Digestive System Trigger Afib?
March 15, 2022 12:36PM
2022 and some Cardiologists still roll their eyes at what many people instinctively know about their Arrhythmias.
Definitely, for me, if my esophagus is inflamed or reflux is really bad it can and will trigger, an episode
But it's just one of many things that can trigger it on any particular day.
Laughing, talking, riding my bike, eating, coughing, sitting at my desk, getting up suddenly etc etc, and the list goes on.
Re: Does Inflammation In The Digestive System Trigger Afib?
March 15, 2022 03:13PM
I believe its possible from what i have read, but i am not a doctor. I wouldn't rule anything else out though. You just have to keep getting tested and to live a healthy lifestyle. Keep moving forward and hopefully you can narrow it down to what it might be.
Re: Does Inflammation In The Digestive System Trigger Afib?
March 15, 2022 04:55PM
It seems like people can test negative, yet still have residual long Covid. Certainly vagal triggers are commonly reported in the afib world.

I had a person here contact me in Sept, 2020. He and his wife had long Covid, primary symptoms were temperatures up to 102 F and heart rates up to 130 BPM, nearly daily. He and his wife (and 4 kids) originally contracted a relatively mild case of Covid at the first of July. In early November, I read a paper out of Cleveland Clinic (as I recall) where patients who'd been taking modest doses of melatonin did better with Covid. Having been part of an online group where folks took high dose melatonin (some over a gram a day), I texted him and said here is an idea and I sent him sources for melatonin powder. I didn't hear back for a while. Then, he texted me excitedly in early Dec saying he'd finally tried the idea with 50 mg/day melatonin and now it was as if he'd never had Covid, thanking me profusely. Same for his wife. I continued to follow up with him monthly for about 6 months to make sure the benefit was maintained, and it was.
Re: Does Inflammation In The Digestive System Trigger Afib?
March 15, 2022 11:18PM
Here s my 2 cents. No 1 George is in my top 3 most respected people on this site. Incredible. I had covid 12/29-1/10. Rough. But no hospital no meds etc. for The next 4 weeks i had rapid heart beat headaches numb feet fatigue: i HAD long covid!!! My opinion now: there is no such thing as long covid. It cannot be diagnosed. What I believe happens : our autonomic nervous system is reved up due to trauma and fear. That then causes physical symptoms that are real but not tissue damage. I sought therapy weekly. Im 95% recovered. Lifted weights 2 hrs today. Our minds control so much. The fear of covid for 2 yrs! Deaths cases ventilators hospitalized the news!! Then we get it omg. I allowed myself to be traumatized. My HR is now 68 resting not 82 then 95 upon movements zero headaches etc
Some suffered lung damage heart damage due to covid. Micro clots ? Auto antibodies? I dont buy it. Hogwash. Dr Natale in Austin told me that my autonomic nervous system was reved up. His nurse whispered to me: calm down do fun things exercise. So Natale is not a psychologist but he was. Im 99% its our minds. Is afib our mind? No. But it can enhace it. 2021,was my yr from hell. 2 ablations 2 cardioversions 3 trips to austin. A watchman and covid! Im still here and im mentally stronger for it. Natale did 3 things an ablation a watchman and some psychological help. God Bless him
Long covid is not real. I learned the hard way
Re: Does Inflammation In The Digestive System Trigger Afib?
March 16, 2022 12:06AM
So Kirk. My point is this: your gastro issues could be due to long covid but caused by mental trauma not a real tissue damage physical condition. Just my personal opinion from experience. I even had 2 days of fever weeks after covid. Why? Psychogenic fever. A real thing. Not every single heath malady has a physical damage cause. Our minds make water come out of our eyes. Our minds increase HR. Our minds can cause diarrhea etc etc. i think everyone will agree. So…….what else can our minds do. Our mind can heal as well I know many have tried to beat afib thru many alternative means. George to my knowledge has done that. Rare. Very, but he has
Re: Does Inflammation In The Digestive System Trigger Afib?
March 16, 2022 12:34AM
Re: Does Inflammation In The Digestive System Trigger Afib?
March 16, 2022 01:12AM
I know many have tried to beat afib thru many alternative means. George to my knowledge has done that. Rare. Very, but he has

I would not characterize what I've done as beating afib, I've merely been able to keep it from advancing as is common. It is also something I have to continually pay attention to, otherwise I'd be jumping on a plane to Austin post haste. In addition to my initial year, which included a 2 1/2 month episode starting at month 2, I've had several years (out of nearly 18) where episode frequency increased and I thought the game was up for me. Then I've managed to tweak my protocol and reduce episode frequency to where I again have very long periods of quiescence. I certainly can't guarantee I can do this for life.
Re: Does Inflammation In The Digestive System Trigger Afib?
March 16, 2022 12:28PM
George i guess ive watched you here for years and you’ve managed it. I know no cure but the tweaking etc is pretty amazing
Re: Does Inflammation In The Digestive System Trigger Afib?
March 17, 2022 02:46PM
George i guess ive watched you here for years and you’ve managed it. I know no cure but the tweaking etc is pretty amazing

I agree

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2022 02:51PM by Pixie.
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