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Workout with weights?
August 31, 2020 10:33AM
What ar thoughts on working out with weights triggering afib? I am mostly vagally mediated....and I've worked out with weights for years....nothing too crazy but most mornings at gym for 3--35 minutes medium weight workout. Never wqas really a problem, as activity usually eradicated my afib if nothing else.

Lately however, workouts seem to be triggering ectopics, which start and last for hours, and somtimes leading to a bit of afib.

Re: Workout with weights?
August 31, 2020 02:37PM
Lately however, workouts seem to be triggering ectopics, which start and last for hours, and sometimes leading to a bit of afib.

First thought is we are all different, so listening to your body makes sense.

Second is that perhaps super slow strength training might be less likely to induce ectopics (like Dr. Doug McGuff's Body by Science).

Third is KAATSU/BFR while lifting also might be less likely to induce ectopics. I linked to several references about this in my post here. A good overview here.
Re: Workout with weights?
August 31, 2020 04:05PM
Been lifting weights for 65 years (but not in the last 5 months). Never had an issue with lifting and afib or ectopics. Medium weights too, usually in the area of 10-20 reps. Usually two sets, but for a few lifts, I do three sets.
Re: Workout with weights?
August 31, 2020 07:52PM
Has your medications or something else changed during this time?
Re: Workout with weights?
September 01, 2020 09:13AM
Wonder how your breathing is during your workout? I've been nasal breathing for a long time.

Here is an interview with breathing instructor, Patrick McKeown on the topic. Also posted links to a number of books on the topic at the bottom of this post.

In my afib career, I've not generally had a problem with lifting. However, when my calcium intake was high in 2012, many things that generally were not triggers became triggers. I don't remember weight lifting specifically being a problem, but I do remember moving heavy furniture being a trigger. When I got the electrolytes back in balance, all the new triggers went away.
Re: Workout with weights?
September 02, 2020 06:47PM
Thanks to all of you for the responses...some things to work with!
Re: Workout with weights?
September 03, 2020 02:44PM
stay strong - lift weights
Re: Workout with weights?
September 06, 2020 10:10AM
Maybe see if a certain time of day is worse for the workout ectopic. I have a tougher time with them if I lift in the afternoon. You may be opposite since yours seem to creep up during morning workouts. Just an idea.
Re: Workout with weights?
September 16, 2020 05:07PM
I have experienced a distinct delay, primarily after doing legs (squats, lunges, cleans) with any type of weight. Body weight to heavier. The delay is 2-12 hours post workout, but without fail, it is about 75% effective to induce AF. I also have noticed when doing bent over rows, this elicits similar 'results'. Spoke to my cardio...his response. Not something I have seen or heard of, but if you tell me it is happening, I believe you (in other words, AF is so individualized, its hard to say what works for me will work for you).
Re: Workout with weights?
September 18, 2020 08:18PM
Been lifting throughout my experience with AF. No issues, but don't overdo. Start slow. Bring your pulse-ox with you to the workout.

Over time, you'll learn how much time you'll need to recover between sets. This is key. No super-intensive sessions (e.g., max lifts).

Good luck!

Re: Workout with weights?
September 19, 2020 06:03PM
Do you know your Red Blood Cell Magnesium level or Exatest Magnesium level? If you are low in Mg, or below optimal and still in the "normal" range, the muscles you use lifting may "burn up" what little extra Mg you have. If you are under any stress at all on top of that, which we all are, you are burning up magnesium big time. I'm just learing all of this, but try to take a little extra magnesium when I work out harder or longer. I'm trying to build up Mg, so I take it to bowel tolerance. On days I may mtn ride bike dirt trails for 2+ hours, or take a 5 hour hike where I may have sweated out more Mg, I can extra Mg and my digestion handles it fine, like I needed it. If you don't already have Dr. Carolyn Dean's book called the Magnesium Miracle, it's a great resource. Her ReMag has more than acceptable levels of Lead though. Shannon turned me onto MagSRT by JigSaw Health. Tested by Consumer labs free of Lead
Re: Workout with weights?
September 19, 2020 11:30PM
That’ll pretty heavy work you’re doing there, Lani!

Re: Workout with weights?
September 24, 2020 11:28PM
When I first started having short runs of afib I was pretty heavy into weight lifting. My episodes would happen in the evening when I was just sitting around relaxing or when I would lay down for bed. Never had issues during a workout. Weather it was a normal day at the gym or Saturday morning group workouts which were pretty intense.

There was never any correlation between types of workouts and having an episode later that day or evening. Nor did it happen every day. Man, that was a long time ago.
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