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The cardiogastric interaction

Posted by ben saif 
The cardiogastric interaction
February 05, 2020 11:46AM

Can the stomach - esophagus-Gerd issues be the root causes of atrial fib for some afibbers?
If so why not first treat the root causes ?
May be that is why some ablations are not 100% successful.
Same is valid for other conditions like sleep apnea .

Re: The cardiogastric interaction
February 05, 2020 04:09PM
It's interesting. Thanks for the link.

PPIs didn't work for me. They made things worse, but the relationship between AFIB and GERD is a well known fact. Many posts here already talk about that.

It seems that, in some cases like mine, the problem is not acid reflux, but something more "mechanycally" related. More like some pinching or irritation of the vagus nerve due to stomach bloating. I mean : it's as if the inflated stomach was pushing upwards against the diaphragm. Hence pressure against the heart, lungs and esophagus...

I'm still experimenting, but my recent changes in diet seem to give positive effects. Too soon to conclude, but I'm full of hope.
Re: The cardiogastric interaction
February 05, 2020 07:58PM
Yes... there definitely can be a connection. These posts address some of the potential areas.




There was also a post Hiatal Hernia and Vagus Nerve Impingement...by Steve Rochlitz, PhD.
that offers the potential for an irritated Vagus from hiatal hernia.

Re: The cardiogastric interaction
February 05, 2020 09:39PM
There was also a post Hiatal Hernia and Vagus Nerve Impingement...by Steve Rochlitz, PhD.
that offers the potential for an irritated Vagus from hiatal hernia.

I bought a number of Steve Rochlitz's books from reading a post by Jackie. I was interested specifically in the vagus nerve info. Because my afib is very well controlled & I have a lot of higher priorities in my life (like being a caregiver), I've yet to read them. Here is his website <[www.wellatlast.com] I did have some email communication with Steve and he is very responsive!

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