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which magnesium supplement is best?
October 13, 2019 08:15PM
originally was taking Cardiocascular Research Mag Taurate but ran across info online citing it tested high for arsenic sad smiley Switched to Pure Formula Mag Glycinate but not sure its working so wondering if there is a powdered form of mag so one can bypass capsules/pills that is not fizzy like Calm?
Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 14, 2019 01:51AM
originally was taking Cardiocascular Research Mag Taurate but ran across info online citing it tested high for arsenic sad smiley Switched to Pure Formula Mag Glycinate but not sure its working so wondering if there is a powdered form of mag so one can bypass capsules/pills that is not fizzy like Calm?

The NOW brand bisglycinate powder has the TRAACS (R) product made by Albion. I happened to be traveling and had miscalculated the powder I brought with me and purchased this at the local health food store. Albion is recognized has making a good product. <[www.iherb.com]

I typically take the dimagnesium malate powder, made by Albion, but I purchase through an equine supplier. I've used this for nearly 10 years. <[shop.performanceequinenutrition.com] If you get it, make sure you choose the powder, not pellets. This product is 20% elemental magnesium by weight. From memory, 1/2 tsp is about 600 mg magnesium. I'd have to reweigh to be sure as I did that a long time ago. I just know I usually take 1.5 tsp/day.

Any magnesium works for me, as long as I take sufficient quantity. Both of these products are made by Albion, and they are a quality company.

Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 14, 2019 02:21AM
thnx for the info, will look into the Albion products, I feel that powder for sure gets in the system vs tablets/capsules smiling smiley
Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 15, 2019 02:27AM
thnx for the info, will look into the Albion products, I feel that powder for sure gets in the system vs tablets/capsules smiling smiley

I rechecked on the weight/mass of the dimagnesium malate powder tonight on a milligram scale. 1/2 tsp is about 3 g, so 20% of that is 600 mg. Hence my memory is correct on that product - 1/2 tsp =600 mg of elemental magnesium.
Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 16, 2019 09:35PM
Wow George thanks for the equine link. Kind of hard to believe any magnesium product is 20% elemental magnesium as virtually all the others are 9-11% elemental magnesium. Wonder what their secret is...?

Anyhoo, there is no one best magnesium really. The issue is finding the right delivery vehicle to get the elemental magnesium into your system without disturbing the intestines. The key issue is absorption and then cost, convenience, taste maybe, and obviously purity. The thing about Albion is that their magnesium is fully chelated so its absorbed well and doesn't cause gastric issues.

After trying lots of different magnesiums, nowadadys I get bulk magnesium supplements as they are a lot cheaper and with the right ones work great.

This is a really good one I've used: [www.vitaspace.com]. Its only $36.00 per kg. and I have experienced no gastric issues with it. Magnesium Taurate is a pretty good one because it contains taurine which is good for the heart.

For pills, Now is a great brand and Doctor's Best chelated is good as well.

Another whole angle is the companies who talk about how tiny their magnesium particles are, for the sake of enhanced absorption. These are typically in liquid form.
I've used this one: [www.amazon.com] put out by magnesium guru Dr. Carolyn Dean and it seems fine. This is another one: [www.amazon.com], I have not tried it.

I stay away from cheap, poorly absorbed varieties like magesium oxide.
Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 17, 2019 01:41AM
Wow George thanks for the equine link. Kind of hard to believe any magnesium product is 20% elemental magnesium as virtually all the others are 9-11% elemental magnesium. Wonder what their secret is...?

I stay away from cheap, poorly absorbed varieties like magesium oxide.

Without looking at the formula, I'm guessing it is because it is DI magnesium malate, or two magnesium atoms in the formula. Many of these compounds are large organic molecules, so there is a lot in there besides the Mg++.

Speaking of oxide, it is ~60% magnesium as the molar mass of mag oxide is 40.3 and that of magnesium is 24.3. Mag chloride is around 25% magnesium. Though it isn't my regular magnesium, the oxide works for me as well. There was a magnesium researcher, the late Herbert Mansmann <[www.afibbers.org], whose work I studied extensively years ago when I was first looking at magnesium. He used the oxide to good effect. He took as much as 20g of mag/day for a year to mitigate his diabetic neuropathy. I've used just about every form of magnesium you can consume and they all work for me if I take enough. Not saying anybody else should do this, just reporting my results.
Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 17, 2019 01:52AM
GeorgeN or others-
I’m sensitive to supplements. Back in 2004 I took ginkgo biloba for memory and went into my second af. Cardiologist said it was from supplement. So I stay away from brain food supplements.

Can you look at this supplement?


It doesn’t give me the runs or pain. However I started it in August after disconnecting flecainide and had some nasty high 180+ Af so I’m thinking it is from the Magtein formulation of magnesium L-threonate. I have been taking it and have been complaining here of pvc marathons. I stopped it 3 days ago and my pvc has declined. Not stopped completely but way better.

I need a new magnesium. I only have magnesium Aspartate which also is mild in my GI. GeorgeN, did you or someone else post magnesium Aspartate is not good?
Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 17, 2019 03:04AM
GeorgeN or others-
I’m sensitive to supplements. Back in 2004 I took ginkgo biloba for memory and went into my second af. Cardiologist said it was from supplement. So I stay away from brain food supplements.

Can you look at this supplement?


It doesn’t give me the runs or pain. However I started it in August after disconnecting flecainide and had some nasty high 180+ Af so I’m thinking it is from the Magtein formulation of magnesium L-threonate. I have been taking it and have been complaining here of pvc marathons. I stopped it 3 days ago and my pvc has declined. Not stopped completely but way better.

I need a new magnesium. I only have magnesium Aspartate which also is mild in my GI. GeorgeN, did you or someone else post magnesium Aspartate is not good?

Yes, I did post about aspartate not being great for the brain. Susan, you might try the equine version of di-magnesium malate. It is in the product you posted, but has nothing else in it. Likewise it is made by Albion. Hard to say what product is best for you, since you are so sensitive. 200 mg (the dose on the product you posted), would be about 1/6 tsp of the equine product. If you have a gram or ideally a milligram scale, you could weigh out exactly a gram of the powder to get a 200 mg dose.
Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 17, 2019 05:35AM
What about either of these two? I read the one star negative feedbacks. Lots of headaches and runs. I never had headaches with magnesium Aspartate, dizziness and unexplainable syncope.


Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 17, 2019 10:51AM
What about either of these two? I read the one star negative feedbacks. Lots of headaches and runs. I never had headaches with magnesium Aspartate, dizziness and unexplainable syncope.



Susan, given your sensitivity, I'd choose the first one as it has a much shorter list of ingredients. For most folks, either likely works well.
Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 17, 2019 11:04AM
George; according to Prescribe for Life website, which sells DiMagnesium Malate, a slightly rounded teaspoon weights just 2 grams and contains 400mg elemental magnesium. 1/2 a teaspoon would be slightly under 200 mgs.
Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 17, 2019 11:34AM
George; according to Prescribe for Life website, which sells DiMagnesium Malate, a slightly rounded teaspoon weights just 2 grams and contains 400mg elemental magnesium. 1/2 a teaspoon would be slightly under 200 mgs.

So still 20% by weight. All I know is I've weighed the product I use on a milligram scale. It may have a higher density than the product you refer to. Since mine is marketed for horses, they include a scoop to dose it for the horse. Other than the 20% by weight, they do not list how much is in a teaspoon or other kitchen measure. I also know, from using other sources of magnesium, that my 1.8-2g/day of mag is about right. If I were taking materially less, I'd be in afib. Can't say why the products differ in density.

{edit} I can also say my product is more crystalline-like than a light and fluffy powder.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/17/2019 12:10PM by GeorgeN.
Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 18, 2019 02:20PM
Sorry if I've got what you are saying wrong, George. I assumed you worked out how much you were taking by the teaspoon but I see you weighed it in which case the 20% by weight is, of course, correct.

So, just to be absolutely clear: when you say you take 1.8 to 2 grams of mag a day you weigh out and take 9 to 10 grams of DiMagnesium Malate to give you 1.8 to 2 grams of elemental magnesium?
Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 18, 2019 09:10PM
you were taking by the teaspoon but I

So, just to be absolutely clear: when you say you take 1.8 to 2 grams of mag a day you weigh out and take 9 to 10 grams of DiMagnesium Malate to give you 1.8 to 2 grams of elemental magnesium?

Yes 9-10 g’s, though on a daily basis I use tsp measure. I periodically check the measuring spoon with the scale to make sure I’m on track.

I’m not sensitive to minor variations so a 200 mg or more variance of elemental magnesium doesn’t bother me. I just need to be in the ballpark.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/19/2019 10:01PM by GeorgeN.
Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 19, 2019 03:53PM
Thanks, George.

Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 27, 2019 01:20PM
Wally Water works great. The recipe and science behind it are in this forum in numerous spots. It's ridiculously easy to make, inexpensive and extremely bioavailable.
Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 27, 2019 11:18PM
Wally Water works great. The recipe and science behind it are in this forum in numerous spots. It's ridiculously easy to make, inexpensive and extremely bioavailable.

The recipe for Waller Water is here: <[www.afibbers.org]
Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
October 31, 2019 11:03AM
Pure Encapsulation Mag/Glycinate 120 mg
Re: which magnesium supplement is best?
November 04, 2019 08:35PM
Pure Encapsulation Mag/Glycinate 120 mg

that's what I have been using but I just bought a bottle of Nature's Truth Magnesium Glycinate with the Albion Traacs label. 120 mg per capsule. Got it at Sam's Club. Less than half the price of the Pure Encapsulations so it would be nice if it worked as well.
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