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Changing brand of supplemental taurine - not advisable?

Posted by DavrosT 
Changing brand of supplemental taurine - not advisable?
September 12, 2019 12:00PM
Hi guys, just wondered whether any of you had had issues when using different brands of supplements?

I ask as I picked up a different brand via amazon the other day, to the one that I'd been using for over a month and I don't know whether it's coincidence but after taking them for 48 hours I've noticed an increase in ectopics and they're really kicking in my chest today.

Has anybody else had this issue?

I'm considering a swift return to my previous supplement, even if to just check out any chances.

Re: Changing brand of supplemental taurine - not advisable?
September 13, 2019 12:59AM
Taurine is an amino acid. All taurine should be the same. There could be other stuff in the pill if they used a filler. I use taurine in capsules rather than tablets.
It is best to take taurine with a meal to avoid stomach irritation.
Re: Changing brand of supplemental taurine - not advisable?
September 13, 2019 01:11AM
Jim Benton
All taurine should be the same.

Should be but is it?

The problem with supplements is they're minimally regulated and not required to provide proof of their actual contents. What's in one brand vs. another is anybody's guess and can vary wildly.

If possible, find a brand that carries a USP verified mark.
Re: Changing brand of supplemental taurine - not advisable?
September 13, 2019 08:50AM
I’ve always used powder to avoid fillers (for 15 years).
Re: Changing brand of supplemental taurine - not advisable?
September 13, 2019 02:52PM
Yeah, thanks guys - this was my concern. They should all be the same but the concern is that they're not.

I've checked the label for 'other' ingredients and both seem the same so I suppose I'll just persevere with the new supplements and see how they go.

For what it's worth, the previous ones were powder in a capsule form, whilst the new ones are tablets.
Re: Changing brand of supplemental taurine - not advisable?
September 13, 2019 06:18PM
I have taken taurine with magnesium and potassium and a myriad of other supplements for years. Recently I have wondered whether taurine has increased my PACs at times. I will take all my supplements and then start PACs shortly thereafter. I have gone days without any supplements and felt fine. I have also tried taking some but leaving out the taurine. I take the same brand for the past several years which are capsules. It seems like it is a balancing act. I feel that at times I need more than other times. I think it helps when i eat regularly and healthy foods. I also take Vit D which seems to make a difference for feeling better. During the summer I when I am out in the sun, I always feel better. I can get the PACs to calm down sometimes by drinking lots of water and low sodium V8 juice.
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