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countdown to my ablation-next week Thursday

Posted by susan.d 
countdown to my ablation-next week Thursday
September 09, 2019 04:08PM
I am not as worried now as before getting it done...however I have to try to remain in NSR since I stopped Flecainide cold turkey on the 19th. I went into AF four days apart twice since stopping flecainide and had to be converted, as per Dr. Natale's PA advise [she was so nice to write a letter stating she wants me converted for an upcoming ablation] because I had v-tac on the 19th. She advised calling 911 instead of driving 20 minutes to my favorite pro-cardio conversion ER.

So to stay in NSR, I am on a Valium experiment. I take a full 5mg when I wake up.. and with current construction going on for my pond [hopefully a peaceful area afterwards to mend], there were glitches because the owner's sister died and he flew away and the workers are running amuck not following his instructions.... but I remained in NSR, thank God. Yesterday I had a lot of PACs [I love my Apple Watch] so 8 hours after the first dose of Valium, I took a half a Valium with mg. Twenty minutes later I was in AF but I converted on my own within a minute. So I think the Valium has helped. It did the trick the past few 15 years. Then only a Valium during AF, not preventive Valium now until the ablation. When in AF I would pop a valium, 400mg of mg and drink it down with 11oz of low sodium V-8 and was successfully converted on my own within 45 minutes. Once during chemo I went into AF and the nurse told me I couldn't drink and they were going to convert me so I asked if I could go to the bathroom...ha ha...and I took my concoction and the nurse was surprised I converted so quickly. Obviously I tell them afterwards because I don't want a cardio conversion without them knowing I drank 11oz and I am prepared to wait the 4 hours for the liquid to clear before being converted.

however the past 8 cardio conversions my magic concoction didn't work so I had to be zapped....except for yesterday because I am loopy on Valium all day and "all is good". Saying that I had a 181 HR the last time I was converted and the same nurses who convert me before asked if I had taken my valium and I said no....so their reply was they could tell because my HR was higher than normal. It isn't the HR that bothers me, it is the fainting and severe dizziness that I don't like.

Family overseas is flying in so I have the support group I need. I meet Dr. Natale next Wednesday for the first time and the procedure will be Thursday sometime. I am told to be at the hospital admissions at 9am.

wish me luck. I have had 12 major surgeries and 4 minor and all had complications. I am hoping to change my luck. I am taking it OK, my husband is not.
Re: countdown to my ablation-next week Thursday
September 09, 2019 05:59PM
Hi Susan,

Wishing you all the best!!

Re: countdown to my ablation-next week Thursday
September 09, 2019 11:20PM
Yes, good Luck, and you were lucky to get in so soon on Natale's schedule.

So when you are in AFIB, does the Valium effect your Heart Rate? Does it go or down or stay the same?
Re: countdown to my ablation-next week Thursday
September 10, 2019 12:05AM
Best of luck to you, Susan, but you don't really need luck because you're in the best hands there are. You'll do fine. :-)

What's hubby's concerns? You can put him on the phone with me if that would help.
Re: countdown to my ablation-next week Thursday
September 10, 2019 12:08AM
Best of luck.
Re: countdown to my ablation-next week Thursday
September 10, 2019 03:17AM
Thank you for all the good wishes. Yes with a Valium my HR is under 100, sometimes high 70s to 90s. Once ER confirmed AF @67. Without a Valium it jumps to 184 my highest. I don’t have much symptoms with low hr but I knew at 67 I was in af
Re: countdown to my ablation-next week Thursday
September 13, 2019 05:11PM
Been a few years since I last came to this page. I had my first ablation with Dr. Sergio Pinski in 2007, Cleveland Clinic, Weston, FL touch up in 2008 and in NSR since. I cannot say in words how pleasant life can be with no afib. By this time you should be post ablation. Hope all is well..
Re: countdown to my ablation-next week Thursday
September 14, 2019 12:26PM
Been a few years since I last came to this page. I had my first ablation with Dr. Sergio Pinski in 2007, Cleveland Clinic, Weston, FL touch up in 2008 and in NSR since. I cannot say in words how pleasant life can be with no afib. By this time you should be post ablation. Hope all is well..

Hi Beney,

I recall you posting about your Pinski (a Natale protegé) ablation. Glad you are still doing well. Your posts, at the time, were part of what convinced me to refer my cousin to Pinksi in 2008. He is also still doing well.

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