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Awareness Alert: Non-thermal EMF Radiation Exposure and Atrial Fibrillation - Part 1
April 30, 2019 05:58PM
Awareness Alert: Non-thermal EMF Radiation Exposure and Atrial Fibrillation

Subtitle: Studies show wireless radiation exposure impacts the body’s electrical system

Concerned scientists have been tracking the biological effects of EMFs for many years and a connection
has been found to Atrial Fibrillation along with multiple other adverse effects as well.
Explanatory safety alerts have also been published in the scientific literature.

Note well: The key words in this topic are non-thermal microwave radiation waves because those have been ‘dismissed’ by the telecommunications industry regulators as not harmful….. but the science shows otherwise. Also note: The designation of pulsed microwave radiation vs. non-pulsed.

For several years, I’ve researched related studies to learn more about these safety alerts and to verify the observations. Since my collection is overflowing, it’s time to share important study data connecting EMF’s biological electrical disturbances especially that in heart cells and many other important adverse effects as well. For your review, I’ve listed studies that identify these relevant connections. Also included are precautions on exposure and preventive tips. While these study alerts are somewhat lengthy, they are worth the time if you are not already aware of what’s not being revealed. It’s most important to recognize the lack of current industry safety standards and epidemiological studies on these specific types of exposure.

Elevating this relevancy to the forefront, is the additional concern over the related impact from the new, 5G (fifth generation) radiation, so it’s important to keep that exposure in mind when you read the following reports about the Afib connection and EMF radiation exposure observed prior to the launch of the 5G. Currently, there are many more alerts about concerns connected to the 5G exposure so this post is both timely and highly relevant.



This post highlights study findings relating the arrhythmia connection via the voltage sensor signaling effects in each cell aka….Voltage Regulated Calcium Channel (VGCC’s) and that specific impact on the heart’s electrical system.

The biophysical properties of VGCCs and similar channels make them particularly sensitive to low-intensity, non-thermal EMF/EMR exposures. Highly relevant and important to afibbers is the fact that the heart’s pacemaker cells have a very high density of VGCCs and pulsed microwave exposures stimulate VGCC activation4 which connects the dots to Afib, arrhythmias and other related symptoms caused by “influx flooding” of calcium. Sub-optimal intracellular magnesium levels contribute to the problem.

A concluding comment from one of the study summary reports:
It has been clear for a long time that the heating paradigm is indefensible and that a new paradigm is much needed. We now have that with VGCC activation, and while VGCC activation may not be the entire story behind the biological actions of such EMFs in humans and other mammals, it clearly is most of the story. It is time therefore for a paradigm shift away from strictly thermal effects and toward a central role for VGCC activation in the cellular response to microwave and lower frequency EMFs. (Ref. 3)

Additionally, and also very important, facts reveal that industry safety standards or exposure guidelines are based on the thermal EMF/EMR effects; not non-thermal. This is a huge revelation and one that is still not resolved by specific, updated studies. There is also “extensive evidence that pulsed EMFs are much more damaging than continuous wave EMF’s and the fact that all wireless communication devices communicate by self-pulsations which makes them much more dangerous because of that.” (Ref. 5)

Therefore, this Awareness Alert to become knowledgeable and to identify your exposure time and sources so you can take preventive measures not only for Afib and related, but overall, long-term health since studies show many additional, negative health consequences - especially from long-term exposure durations.

Most likely, many afibbers (and the general public) do not realize they may be extremely sensitive to microwave radiation exposure, a condition known as Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS) and/or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS ) caused by various wireless exposure sources including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and non-thermal microwave radiation which can produce a wide variety of symptoms including Afib, PACs, insomnia, depression, memory, fatigue, anxiety, overall feeling of ‘unsettled’ nervousness/agitation, rapid aging, elevated glucose levels, dermatologic symptoms, profuse sweating, syncope, immune system dysfunction, produce oxidative stress and free-radical damage which have central roles in essentially all chronic disease and more. EMF’s cause blood-brain barrier permeability, allowing toxins in, impacting the brain and causing neuro-psychiatric disturbances along with other neurologically-related disorders including, Parkinson’s, depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s; plus EMF’s can produce single and double-strand DNA breaks causing changes and mutations in cellular DNA so there is the cancer connection, autism and more. (Ref. 2) The symptom term, “digital dementia,” is appearing frequently in observational reports relative to exposure time - especially in young children and teens.

Researchers are in general agreement that there’s a latency period of about 10 years or more before the damage shows up which places children at greatest risk since their exposures are earlier in life and therefore, longer duration.

Another very important impact area: i.e., the “four types of blindness which are downstream results/effects of VGCC activation as causal factors: cataracts, detached retinas, glaucoma and macular degeneration.” (Ref. 2)

This awareness alert extends beyond Afib…although, it could definitely be our ‘canary in the coal mine’ indicating there is overexposure and the VGCCs excess calcium flooding is causing the Afib which is obviously only one of many potential manifestations. The various other resultant biological effects now revealed may offer relief to those afibbers who are plagued with other symptoms they have not yet connected to these types of exposures or to the hyper-sensitivity status which can be magnified in some, but not others. Silent symptoms are not a benefit. (Perhaps we, afibbers, are fortunate to have this early warning signal.)

Elaborating for emphasis: Non-thermal EMF/EMR exposure sources include that from digital, wireless sources including Bluetooth devices, Air pods, smart phones, cell phones, cordless phones and base stations, “smart” meters, laptops, iPads/tablets, Apple watches/Fitbit, wireless charging stations, routers, “wireless” homes, security systems, baby monitors, smart thermostats, microwave ovens, induction cook tops, autos, offices and public places; ie, schools, libraries, hospitals, coffee shops, restaurants, proximity of cell towers and; now, the new 5G towers and related. (This source example list is not limited to just the aforementioned.) It obviously becomes very important to address habits and cumulative exposure times to help eliminate or substantially reduce the inevitable, long-term exposure consequences. Exposure safety tips are offered in the final pages of this report.

Without public safety interventions, the new 5G exposure apparently will be unavoidable so it makes sense to understand (at least) the VGCC association and try to take remedial steps to blunt as much of the effects as we can… if that’s even possible.

Initially, this was to be a short alert, but it’s morphed into a larger compilation of important, relevant findings gleaned from recent studies as exposure issues multiply. If you read only the study highlights, you’ll still have a good ‘awareness’ overview of the serious health implications. Hopefully, you’ll be inspired to do more research and then share here to continue this very important alert that most likely goes much deeper than most realize. It’s a very important wakeup call.

Rouleaux formation and clot risk?
Following the list of reference studies and weblinks is short clip on the effects EMF radiation exposure has on red blood cells; i.e., rouleaux formation and the risk of clumping or clotting due to the resultant, RBC physical deformities. For afibbers, ablatees and everyone else, in general, this finding presents compelling questions concerning the rheological effects, viscosity and the clot-risk factor throughout the body (not just in the heart). URLs for photos of rouleaux formations/deformities resulting from timed exposures are listed.


Because this topic is so extensive, I chose to highlight study summary findings compiled by scientist, Martin L. Pall, PhD who, for the past 20+ years, has researched the medical literature, the basic medical science literature and related studies on the topic and then organized and consolidated relevant information into his published papers that make the connection to various adverse biological effects and health concerns associated with EMF/EMR exposure. In his talks, he has said there are so many studies with important information but it all needed to be pulled together to make the case, so he has devoted a huge amount of time doing just that. In that process, in 2012, he found the VGCC connection to cardiac effects including Afib and arrhythmias, excessive oxidative stress damage, cellular DNA breaks and many the other negative, biological health effects; and, then published multiple papers examining the topic. Several are included in the following study reference segment… one, as recent as 2018.

Following is an overview of some of the more recent study findings relating EMF/EMR exposure to the cardiac effects gathered by Dr. Paul, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University, Portland, Oregon complete with extensive on-point study references by scientists. By 2015, Pall had given 26 professional talks on EMF effects in 10 countries – emphasizing the tremendous interest in the topic.

Dr. Pall received his bachelor’s degree in physics and his PhD in biochemistry and genetics. Pall’s focus is supported by a large cadre of research scientists world-wide… among them, Magda Havas, PhD, Associate Professor, Environmental & Resource Studies, Trent University, Peterborough, ON, Canada. You may recall Dr. Havas from Cardiologist, Stephen Sinatra’s reporting on the Electropollution topic relating his son’s resulting, near-fatal illness; and also her ongoing work to make schools and public areas safe from the effects of EMR. Her study URL’s are included.

The Physicians for Safe Technology organization offers the following introduction to supportive information on their website:

Executive Summary: Wireless Technology and Public Health

Digital and wireless devices have provided many benefits; however, we are now realizing that the rapid adoption of this novel technology has not been accompanied by adequate regulation, monitoring or safety precautions.

Widespread use of digital media and near-constant exposure to wireless devices has caused increasing concern among scientists, health care professionals, psychologists, educators and the public who are now considering this is not only a public health issue but a looming public health crisis. (11,108) It appears that we are at the same point of emerging science similar to early recognition of health impacts associated with tobacco, asbestos, coal dust and lead. (119) These concerns are amplified by industry proposals for a massive expansion of wireless infrastructure and connectivity. [mdsafetech.org]

My comment: While you may think that industry safety standards are in place, in his talks, Dr. Pall points out they are for thermal EMF/EMR exposure and he goes into detail about the lack of oversight and safety regulation on the non-thermal effects, the industry’s blocking of study data on cancer and the lack of study funding (therefore) lack of recent studies. He also indicates that European countries are much more strict on EMF safety and exposure guidelines. So, it’s important to begin reading this report with the correct perspective.

Dr. Pall: “ It has long been known that pulsed EMFs are usually much more biologically active than are non-pulsed (or continuous wave) EMFs and this difference appears to be consistent with the VGCC mechanism. Because all wireless communication devices communicate via pulsations, such devices may be of special concern.” P. 71 of the 90 p. report – Ref 2.

Note: The following study reference list is not intended to be a complete listing of all such studies. However, it does give some measure of the scope of the scientific literature that contradicts the industry’s stance that there are no harmful non-thermal effects from pulsed microwave frequencies.

Knowledge is Power and most importantly, Knowledge is Health!


Let’s begin.

I. The “heart” of the problem:

Since afibbers typically are aware of and understand the excitatory effects of excess calcium on heart cells relative to Afib, these findings help connect the dots to perhaps the ever-increasing incidence of AF diagnoses (compared to 20 years ago), as well as escalating occurrences in increasingly-younger populations. As previously noted, the heart’s pacemaker cells have very high densities of VGCCs and therefore are particularly susceptible to EMF activation.(4)

There are also other associated symptoms common in Afib patients such as anxiety and sleep disruption as well as many other health issues. Overall symptoms include both hyper- and hypotension, neuropsychiatric effects from the VGCC’s excessive activity, anxiety, fatigue, depression, memory, insomnia, cataracts, dementia, tumors and more. Additionally, the excessive oxidative stress production can damage the mitochondria and cause DNA breaks and then, down-stream problems. Obviously, magnesium deficiency amplifies the impact of the excessive calcium influx.

On the magnesium topic, what’s often mentioned in health tips about the importance of magnesium is “that magnesium is required in over 300 enzymatic reactions” …which is an outdated statement. In 2009, magnesium researcher, Andrea Rosanoff, PhD, wrote: "While it was estimated in 1968 that magnesium was a required cofactor for over 300 enzyme systems, that number is now more reliably estimated at 700 to 800.” So ten research-years later, the number is most likely higher which makes the relevancy of magnesium deficiency even more significant in terms of helping to blunt the effects of this VGCC stimulated calcium influx. Obviously, a very important ongoing alert for afibbers.

The following segment lists a few of many related study links and excerpts that should help afibbers understand the potential impact from this type exposure which affects much more than heart issue and, hopefully, will stimulate reader interest to follow the references for a more comprehensive understanding.

A good place to begin reading is the following 2017 appeal letter by Dr. Pall to the California Legislators in which he details concerns about the biological and health effects of EMF’s. It’s a condensed, comprehensive overview/summary of the concerns, the facts, the risks, and the crucial need for appropriate industry testing and guidelines for safety and a great Intro/overview to this topic. That weblink also has several links to Pall’s video talks that offer a good starting point. Sometimes it’s easier to use a video Intro/overview to help grasp the focus of a complex topic; then, proceed to the relevant study summary-reports for more in-depth detail.

II. Study findings

1. Pall Letter excerpts: (Intro clip followed by p. 2 list of electromagnetic effects – Be sure to read the entire letter at the weblink provided)

Dr. Martin Pall Opposes SB.649
Martin Pall, PhD August 7, 2017

Dear California Legislators,
I am Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University. I am a published and widely cited scientist on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields and speak internationally on this topic. I am particularly expert in how wireless radiation impacts the electrical systems in our bodies. I have published 7 studies showing there exists exquisite sensitivity to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the voltage sensor in each cell, such that the force impacting our cells at the voltage sensor has massive impact on the biology on the cells of our bodies[1-7]. These papers are discussed in over 360,000 web sites which can be easily found by Googling (Martin Pall electromagnetic). I received my PhD at Caltech, one of the top scientific institutions in the world. EMFs act by activating channels in the membrane that surrounds each of our cells, called voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs).

The EMFs put forces on the voltage sensor that controls the VGCCs of about 7.2 million times greater than the forces on other charged groups in our cells[4,6,7]. This is why weak EMFs have such large biological effects on the cells of our bodies! EMFs works this way not only on human and diverse animal cells [1-7] but also in plant cells [7] so that this is a universal or near-universal mechanism of action.

Thousands of published studies show biological and health effects from electromagnetic fields. We now know the mechanism that can explain these effects. The mechanism is a function of the electromagnetics of each cell—not solely about heating effects from the radiation (on which present FCC guidelines are based).

This new understanding [1-7]means we can debunk the claims of the wireless industry that there cannot be a mechanism for effects produced by these weak EMFs. The 20 years plus of industry propaganda claims are false. Rather the thousands of studies showing diverse health impacts of these EMFs can be explained. We now have a mechanism, one that is supported by both the biology and the physics, both of which are pointing in exactly the same direction. I am sending as a separate document a list of 134 reviews, each of which provides from 12 to over a thousand individual citations showing health impacts of low intensity EMFs, EMFs that the telecommunications industry claims cannot have such effects. These 134 reviews and thousands of primary scientific papers they cites show that the industry propaganda has no scientific support whatsoever.

The consensus among independent scientists on this is further confirmed by the 2015 (and later) appeal made to the United Nations and member states, stating that the current EMF safety guidelines are inadequate because they do not take into consideration non-thermal effects. This was signed by 225 scientists from 41 countries, each of whom had published peer reviewed studies on EMF health effects –a total of 2,000 papers published in this area by the signers, a substantial fraction of the total publications in this area.

According to industry, the forces electromagnetic fields place on electrically-charged groups in the cell are too weak to produce biological effects. However, the unique structural properties of the voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC) protein can, it turns out, explain why the force on a cell’s voltage sensor from low-intensity EMFs are millions of times stronger than are the forces on singly-charged groups elsewhere in the cell.

It would be a disaster for the health of Californians to be exposed to the antennas envisioned in SB.649. The State of California would be making a grave mistake to proceed with supporting the commercial interests of the wireless industry with this legislation. Legislators would best pause to understand the gravity of the biological effects, and the ramifications for physical and mental health, as well as consequences from continual damage to human DNA, and learn the facts from scientists who are independent of the wireless industry, not from the industry lobbyists who have a gigantic conflict of interest.

VGCC activation in cells produced by low intensity EMFs can explain long-reported findings that electromagnetic fields and a wide range of biological changes and health effects. The first 6 of these (see below) were well-documented 46 years ago in the U.S. Office of Naval Medical Research report, published in 1971[8]. The others that follow have been extensively documented subsequently in the peer-reviewed scientific literature:
1) Various neurological/neuropsychiatric effects, including changes in brain structure and function, changes in various types of psychological responses and changes in behavior.
2) At least eight different endocrine (hormonal) effects.
3) Cardiac effects influencing the electrical control of the heart, including changes in ECGs, producing arrhythmias, changes that can be life threatening.
4) Chromosome breaks and other changes in chromosome structure.
5) Histological changes in the testes.
6) Cell death (called apoptosis, a process important in neurodegenerative diseases).
7) Lowered male fertility including lowered sperm quality and function and also lowered female fertility (less studied).
8) Oxidative stress.
9) Changes in calcium fluxes and calcium signaling.1
10) Cellular DNA damage including single strand breaks and double strand breaks in cellular DNA and also 8-OHdG in cellular DNA.
11) Cancer which is likely to involve these DNA changes but also increased rates of tumor promotion-like events.
12) Therapeutic effects including stimulation of bone growth.
13) Cataract formation (previously thought to be thermal, now known not to be).
14) Breakdown of the blood-brain barrier.
15) Melatonin depletion and sleep disruption.
Continue to concluding page 3 at this link. [scientists4wiredtech.com] and also check the Pall video clip at that link. (End of Pall letter quotes.)

Then on that page and following Pall’s opposition letter of appeal, check the List of 134 Reviews on Non-thermal Effects of Microwave Frequency Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields and by just scrolling down through, you can see the many exposure areas of concern that everyone should know more about and attempt to avoid or limit. Also, this link adds about another 40 more studies to the 134 review. [electromagnetichealth.org]

NOTE: Bill 649 Vetoed [emfsafetynetwork.org]

Continued in Part 2 separate post - following.
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