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3/19/2019 will be the end of the blanking period BUT...

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
3/19/2019 will be the end of the blanking period BUT...
March 05, 2019 04:28PM
Hi Friends -
I am still having some debilitating symptoms and I’m wondering if anyone else has had arrhythmia issues (not afib) after 3 months post ablation. My HR will spike for no reason several times a day (90 to 100% increase in BPM). Also, I always have chest pain and ectopics both PAC runs and PVCs.
Thank you for responding as I feel it comforts us when we don’t feel alone with our symptoms.
Re: 3/19/2019 will be the end of the blanking period BUT...
March 05, 2019 05:45PM
Plenty of people have had arrhythmias, PACs, etc. during their blanking period, but the chest pain is unusual and not normal. Have you discussed this with your EP?
Re: 3/19/2019 will be the end of the blanking period BUT...
March 06, 2019 02:16AM
I had flutter-like and AF episodes so had a 2nd ablation 5 months after my first ablation. It's now been 7 months and so far so good.
Anonymous User
Re: 3/19/2019 will be the end of the blanking period BUT...
March 06, 2019 09:58PM
Hi Carey - I’ve been in constant communication with his N.P so yes, they’re aware of all my symptoms.
My 3 month blanking period is up 3/19. I’m doubtful the symptoms are going to end on that day if I’m as symptomatic today as I was 2 months ago.
I’m concerned that 133 people reviewed this post and only 2 people replied. It leads me to believe this is rare and it confirms what I thought.
Re: 3/19/2019 will be the end of the blanking period BUT...
March 07, 2019 01:07AM
Actually, what you're experiencing isn't rare, or at least might not be depending on your answer to my next question. Has this tachycardia you experience been recorded on ECG? Do you know what it is?

Also, what meds are you on?
Re: 3/19/2019 will be the end of the blanking period BUT...
March 07, 2019 06:02AM
Arj1960, what supplements are you taking?
Re: 3/19/2019 will be the end of the blanking period BUT...
March 07, 2019 03:49PM
Ajr - Sorry for not responding sooner.

As Carey mentions, it's not unusual for people to have a variety of activity during the blanking period... which can last even longer than the typical target of 3 months. .

My AF experience began in 1995 and I've had three ablations so I've had a long time to observe and experience various symptoms and such. One thing I've learned as a result of my own experimenting (which I've shared here in numerous previous posts), is that it can be very important to be aware of various nutrients that can be depleted or imbalanced by a variety of influences... not the least of which can be "just" the stress of going through the ablation procedure, itself.
However, most who have arrhythmia, also have some imbalances and/or deficiencies in important nutrients including the electrolytes.

I've had three Natale ablations 2003, 2014, 2015. For the first ablation, I had AF at 103 days and was cardioverted. After the 2014 ablation which isolated the LAA, I went into A-flutter in the Nashville, TN, airport while waiting for a connecting flight home. That required electrocardioversion as quickly as I could be seen. Six months later, I had more flutter so returned to Austin to clean up the 'stragglers'...and, thankfully, all has been calm since.

My supplement protocols are varied but do focus on the core electrolytes needed for functional stability.... Post-ablations, I've always resumed taking the core nutrients as soon as I'm released from the hospital and found that it minimizes the effects of the stress and pretty much eliminates ectopy... but not 100%.

So, I also would like to know if you are using any supplements.

Best to you,
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