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Advil Aleve does it cause afib
May 16, 2018 06:38AM
I have some back pain from playing golf occasionally. What should i take for the pain. Does Advil and Aleve cause afib I would like some answers
please send me your thoughts and experiences Thank you steve
Re: Advil Aleve does it cause afib
May 16, 2018 09:30AM
Hi Steve - NSAIDs Aleve or Advil are known to cause leaky gut syndrome LGS- which can cause a variety of symptoms and problem that therefore could contribute to the onset of Afib... 'guilt by association.'....

Here are some of the symptoms caused by LGS -

Why Leaky Gut is Bad for You

Why is leaky gut bad? Because toxic bacteria and food proteins "leak" into your blood stream triggering inflammation that can lead to allergies, autoimmune disease, depression, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.

Not only that, these immune problems may have ramifications beyond just the gut and problems like joint pain. Inflammation can affect the brain and nervous system, causing anxiety (as happened to this patient), depression, irritability, and mood swings.

Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs might not be your best option because they can make it worse! These medications increase what is called "leaky gut," or more technically, intestinal permeability. This allows food particles and fragments of the normal and unhealthy gut flora that inhabit our intestines to get across our gut lining, into our blood stream, and trigger food sensitivities, inflammatory, and even autoimmune reactions.
(quoted from a report by Mark Hyman MD who is a functional medicine practitioner at the UltraWellness Center and also Director of Functional Medicine Center at the Cleveland Clinic.)

1] G Sigthorsson, J Tibble, et al. Intestinal permeability and inflammation in patients on NSAIDs. Gut. Oct 1998; 43(4): 506–511.

[2] Bjarnason I, Zanelli G, et al. Effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on the human small intestine. Drugs. 1986;32 Suppl 1:35-41.

My comment: There are other natural herbals and such that can help with pain by relaxing muscles.

However, often with golfer's back pain... it's a 'repetitive stress' injury that needs more than a pain reliever... such as balancing out and relieving muscle tension by working on spinal alignment such as in a specific chiropractic technique known as Directional Non-Force Technique. As always... better to correct the source of the problem than mask it with drugs and procedures that don't address the underling defect. I can attest that the DNFT is extremely effective.

Re: Advil Aleve does it cause afib
May 16, 2018 10:41AM
Jackie, Thanks i have signed up with chiropractor in town and also am getting acupuncture tomorrow at 1 it seemed to do something last time.
I really dont take a lot of these pain killers at all i have a tens unit which i use and some hot patches that i use. thanks again Steve Daley
Re: Advil Aleve does it cause afib
May 16, 2018 12:55PM
Hi Steve - Glad you are getting relief. Both chiro and accupuncture can be extremely useful in relaxing those muscles that have been under that specific 'golf swing stress' for so many years. Not that you've been on tour - but look at Tiger's dilemma and all he went through. Great that you have the TENS unit... it all works in synergy. The person I've been helping with a back injury likes the TENS and also the topical Aspercreme Lidocaine roll-on although that's just temporary relief.

Mostly, though, it's backing off on the repetitive stress .... as time and use does take a toll. I know all the reasons why that's not a popular suggestions...believe me!

Take care and be well,
Re: Advil Aleve does it cause afib
May 16, 2018 07:04PM
Steve, you might also consider targeted exercise?

I have two bulging discs in my lower back. Used to visit a Chiropractor/Osteopath from time to time. Both gave short time relief .
It was suggested i visit a certain Physiotherapist which i somewhat reluctantly did.

She gave me a set of exercises to do daily and it changed my back problem for the better permanently (find exercising very boring).

When you think about it, it's muscles that keep our bones aligned. While a whack and crack artist (not all of them aresmiling smiley) puts them back into alignment, the muscle tone probably hasn't changed significantly to keep alignment?
Re: Advil Aleve does it cause afib
May 16, 2018 11:06PM
I have never heard of Advil or Aleve causing a-fib...but perhaps it could be a trigger for some people, especially if it caused gastric problems which might trigger a-fib. If you already have a-fib and are taking an anticoagulant, you should not be taking Advil, Aleve, or any NSAIDS because of the additional bleeding risk.
People with a-fib who are taking an blood thinner often have a problem with pain management.
Wishing you the best....
Re: Advil Aleve does it cause afib
May 17, 2018 07:27AM
Re: Advil Aleve does it cause afib
May 17, 2018 08:11AM
Hi Joe - Glad you were able to find relief. I agree about some of the chiropractic techniques. The one I use for spinal alignment is totally different from traditional chiropractic. No twisting, cracking etc.

Re: Advil Aleve does it cause afib
May 17, 2018 10:47AM
When you play golf you always swing the club in the same direction. This is obviously the natural thing to do but it puts uneven stress on back joints and muscles.

A simple - but surprisingly effective - way of overcoming this to do a few swings in the opposite direction after the 9th & 18th holes.
This will feel very awkward and get you some strange looks but it's worth it.

Re: Advil Aleve does it cause afib
May 17, 2018 05:54PM
Sam i heard of that idea and i will try it. I went to acupuncture today and back seems to be loosing up somewhat. It is raining here and will
rain this weekend so the rest will do it good. thanks for input
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