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Posted by lisa mac 
February 20, 2018 12:23AM
Hi Friends,

I have had a fib for a number of years- recently I have been diagnosed with brady tachy syndrome and ecgs show sometimes 2nd degree av block . I have slow rate a fib about once a month and my sleeping nsr rate is often in the 30's and 40's. I exercise but my heart rate rarely goes above 80. I have asked my cardiologist about the bradycardia and he says yeah you've got a conduction problem. Now he has suggested starting solotol. I don't think that's a wise plan. I am 70 years old, mild hypertension and not very symptomatic when in a fib- but did have a long episode last week lasting 4 days- had a ecg which showed flutter and rbbb with variable av block. Any thoughts on the sotolol?

Re: solotol
February 20, 2018 01:34AM

Solotol is a beta blocker which will slow your heart rate--which as I understand should not be used without a pacemaker if one has bradycardia or a heart block. Do you take anything for your mild hypertension or is your Doc. prescribing Solotol for it? Anyway, with your low heartrate I don't understand why he is wanting you to take a beta blocker. Try to find a doctor that deals in the electrical workings of the heart, this doc doesn't sound like he understands.

Re: solotol
February 20, 2018 02:01AM
Thanks for your response-
I was taken off metoprolol last year because of heart rate- it just doesn't make sense to me to go on sotolol, but then I'm no expert. I wonder if I'm missing something.
Sorry for misspelling the drug in my original post

Re: solotol
February 21, 2018 12:24AM
I also would be wary of taking any Drug that has Beta-Blocking properties.
Re: solotol
February 24, 2018 11:57AM
I'm on Sotolol, and it's been a godsend to me. But I don't have bradycardia or heart block. No med is for everyone and I agree with getting a consult with a good EP.
Re: solotol
February 24, 2018 04:17PM
With bradycardia down into the 30s I would be very leery of sotolol. Unlike other beta blockers it's also an anti-arrhythmic, so presumably that's why he's proposing it, but it's going to do exactly what metoprolol did, which you already had to stop due to the bradycardia. Also, atrial flutter is often unresponsive to rate limiting drugs so it might not even have the anti-arrhythmic effect he's looking for.

All in all it makes very little sense to me and I wouldn't take it without a second opinion from an electrophysiologist. There are other choices of anti-arrhythmic drugs if one is really necessary.
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