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Can too thin blood cause low heart rate?

Posted by NickC 
Can too thin blood cause low heart rate?
February 09, 2018 12:25PM
INR was 4.4 at last check, heart rate is fluctuating sometimes down to 25bpm. Is it possible that the heart just doesn't like overly thin blood?
Re: Can too thin blood cause low heart rate?
February 09, 2018 02:57PM
INR was 4.4 at last check, heart rate is fluctuating sometimes down to 25bpm. Is it possible that the heart just doesn't like overly thin blood?

No, there's some other cause. In fact, blood thinners don't actually make your blood thinner. That's just an old, misleading name for anticoagulants. But 25 is pretty low and is getting into dangerous territory (fainting, etc). Are you on other meds? Beta blockers in particular can cause a low heart rate. I'd say you need to give your EP a call and tell them about this.
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