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cured my afib with magnesium
January 14, 2018 02:07PM
Happy to say I found the magic bullet to curing my afib with magnesium. I used magnesium chloride and magnesium citrate to get the job done and used more than the recommended amounts to do it. This was after being in the hospital being given drugs that did not work having a cardio version that did not work and being sent home to be told it takes time for the medication to work. Well it did not work the caedioversion did not work but the magnesium did work. It was a mineral deficiency not a drug deficiency.
Re: cured my afib with magnesium
January 14, 2018 03:35PM
Great news. Can you share the doses you use each day? And how do you keep from spending your days on a commode?
Re: cured my afib with magnesium
January 14, 2018 05:56PM
Great news! A lot of us have found that the magnesium glycinate (amino acid chelate) is the form least likely to cause gastrointestinal distress, and is arguably the most bio-available form. Unfortunately, it also tends to be the most expensive, but what is NSR worth? A lot, I’d say.
Re: cured my afib with magnesium
January 14, 2018 06:12PM
NIce going!
Re: cured my afib with magnesium
January 15, 2018 02:31PM
How do you know you're cured and just not in a lull? Not trying to rain on parade, if you are I am thrilled just wanting some more detail.
Re: cured my afib with magnesium
January 15, 2018 03:45PM
That’s good news, but not sure why Afib can and does reel its head when you least expect it. There was a two year span between my first and second episode. Presently, my last attack was in June. so, now I don’t take anything for granted and remain cautiousely optimistic.
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