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Innapropriate Sinus Tachycardia (PVCs & PACs)
December 04, 2017 04:35PM

34 male. 5'10 190lbs. I try to walk 1-4 miles
A day.

I believe I have something called I.S.T (innapropriate
Sinus Tachycardia ) I wore 30 day 3-lead holter...heart monitor.

Electro physiologist said I have inappropriate sinus Tachycardia

I think it might be pots or dysautonomia

I could be laying down heart rate 70s as soon as I stand jumps to 120.

No arrhythmias just had 1 paroximal..episode long atrial fibrillation.

Echocardiogram is normal Ejection fraction 60
Chest x ray normal
Nuclear stress test normal
Cardiac CT normal...I just have a few extra small circumflex branches. I guess born that way

E.k.g normal sometimes non-specfic st-t t wave abnormality

Started 25mg metoprolol tartrate 25mg twice daily

It helps. Side effects suck...


Anyone else on beta blockers.

Side effects?

Thoughts on my condition.
Re: Innapropriate Sinus Tachycardia (PVCs & PACs)
December 04, 2017 09:07PM
No arrhythmias just had 1 paroximal..episode long atrial fibrillation.

I don't quite understand what you mean. Could you clarify?
Re: Innapropriate Sinus Tachycardia (PVCs & PACs)
December 04, 2017 11:54PM
I had 1 paraxomal lone..afib. lasted 1 minute. It's called

Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation:
And lone atrial fibrrlation
Re: Innapropriate Sinus Tachycardia (PVCs & PACs)
December 05, 2017 12:24AM
I had 1 paraxomal lone..afib. lasted 1 minute. It's called

Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation:
And lone atrial fibrrlation

Okay, thanks for clarifying. Lone afib means something rather different, but I get what you're saying. You had one very short afib episode lasting about a minute, but more importantly you've got something else going on, possibly IST or POTS. Sounds like your EP needs to know how to sleuth these things out.

Yeah, spent years on beta blockers, and I despise them. They don't bother most people all that much, but for some of us they really suck and it sounds like you're one of them since 25 mg is a pretty low dose. Talk to your EP about it. Do you really need to be on a daily dose? How about a PIP (pill in pocket) approach where you only take them when you have an episode?
Re: Innapropriate Sinus Tachycardia (PVCs & PACs)
December 05, 2017 01:49PM
Wonder if you could substitute a calcium channel blocker for the beta blocker with fewer side effects.

Also wonder if supplementing magnesium ("natures calcium channel blocker") to bowel tolerance would allow you to back off the meds.

Re: Innapropriate Sinus Tachycardia (PVCs & PACs)
December 05, 2017 04:34PM
The first drug the gave me was Metroprolol. I felt so exhausted after just walking 100 or so meters that i stopped taking them. They hardly made any difference to my afib anyway.
The doc put me on Sotalol 80mg 2x/day. It wasn't as bad as the first one. After a months or so i reduced it (my own decision) to 80mg/day and a few more months later to 40mg/day. After 2 years i stopped taking any.
Re: Innapropriate Sinus Tachycardia (PVCs & PACs)
December 05, 2017 06:17PM
Hello Allen - I can relate to yours and others experience with the PACs and who didn't do well with metoprolol as related to my early stages of attempting to deal with Afib. I agree with George's suggestion to consider adding in magnesium because the majority of people... with and without afib... are found to be deficient in intracellular magnesium. Some get afib and others develop other health issues

Magnesium supplementation certainly made a huge difference for me and actually allowed me to use the prescribed meds (metoprolol and Flecainide) only as a conversion remedy once an event began which we call PIP or pill in pocket or 'on demand.' It's certainly worth a try because you do gain back your stamina lost to the betablocker side effects... at least it worked that way for me.

There is an abundance of information by physicians writing on the majority of people having excess calcium just from the typical Standard American Diet. As a start, it's worth cutting way back on calcium-containing foods and adding the magnesium as George suggests. Results may not happen like an 'aspirin effect' but it doesn't take long to start to notice a difference.

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