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New to this list and questions re Natto, etc.
October 26, 2017 01:57PM

I'm new to this group although I have read articles. I have Lone Afib and was not on meds except for baby aspirin and pip metoprolol when needed. But lately I have had more episodes than usual and had to have a cardio version. All other tests were good. Now I'm on propfenone, and metoprolol. I also have to take Eliquis for a month after the conversion. I don't want to take the Eliquis and was thinking of taking Nattokinase. I can across this article and was wondering what anyone thought of it:

"Fibrinolytic agents are extremely dangerous. In years past, we used to treat heart attacks with intravenous fibrinolytic agents like tissue plasminogen activator, urokinase, streptokinase, and others. They have fallen by the wayside, for the most part, because of limited effectiveness and the unavoidable dangers of their use. Fibrinolytics are "dumb": they dissolve blood clots in both good places and bad. While they might dissolve the blood clot causing your heart attack, they also degrade the tiny clot in your cerebral (brain) circulation that was protective. That's why fatal brain hemorrhages, bleeding stomach ulcers, and blood oozing from strange places can also occur with fibrinolytic administration. Believe me, I've seen it happen, and I've watched people die from them."

So now I'm not sure what to do. My doc said to take 325 mg of aspirin after getting off Eliquis. When I was in the hospital for the conversion I mentioned Magnesium everyone (and the doc) said "she's been on the internet again". They did mention Potassium. Ha Ha My mag rbc is 6.1 so I think that's good. I'd love to get off all meds but this last episode really made me feel like crap. I asked my doc about the recommended tests for inflamation (Fibrinogen, CRP, Interleukin, etc) and he said it wouldn't change his treatment and if they were high they would increase my meds. But I said that's not finding out the cause of the inflammation.
Re: New to this list and questions re Natto, etc.
October 26, 2017 02:10PM
Does anyone have any side effects from taking Eliquis? I have 2 tears in my right shoulder and it seems since I've been taking Eliquis I've had more pain/inflammation. But it comes and goes so I'm not sure if it's from that.

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