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Xarelto and Weight gain

Posted by smackman 
Xarelto and Weight gain
October 12, 2017 01:18PM
Has anyone ever experienced weight gain from taking Xarelto? I had to change from eliquis to Xarelto in early 2017 and I have put on weight. My wife eats the same food I eat and she has not gained anything.

Sorta grasping for straws here. I also started taking 20 mg of Prozac a day to cut out the Klonopin. I have read where SSRI's can cause weight gain but my Psychiatrist does not think it is Prozac as many loose weight taking Prozac.

The only other pill I started taking months ago was a probiotic I buy from this vitamin shop suggested by my friend Jackie and it has definitely helped my gut issue.

To summarize, Xarelto,Prozac and a good probiotic have been my changes in the last 8 months. I have put on 25+ lbs and have not changed any eating habits.

Also, I am down from 1 mg of Klonopin 3x a day to 1 mg of Klonopin 1x a day. It is a slow taper but I will get off this bad drug.

Thanks for any insight, help, suggestions.
Re: Xarelto and Weight gain
October 13, 2017 06:15AM
I'm on a diet, and have continued to steadily lose weight while on Xarelto.
Re: Xarelto and Weight gain
October 13, 2017 02:38PM
Many medical websites say that 25% of antidepressant users (including Prozac) gain more than 10lbs.

Re: Xarelto and Weight gain
October 13, 2017 06:25PM
I believe it is the prozac. It just does not make sense because my eating habits have not changed. My Wife has not gained a lb in the last 6 months and we basically eat the same food etc. We both lost a lot of weight in 2010 (90 lbs for me) and I have kept it off for over 6 years but since starting this SSRI, It has changed metabolism or something

Just as soon as I am totally tapered off th Klonopin, I will eventually start the Prozac taper.
I had read online where several individuals taking Prozac have weight gain issues. I hate being on a daily blood thinner but it is better than being in AFIB. One day hopefully, The Watchman or whatever is in my future.
Re: Xarelto and Weight gain
October 13, 2017 11:45PM
I got in the habit of writing down the calories of everything I eat, and stopping when the numbers say to. It took a bit of experimenting with different numbers of daily calories to figure out how many stabilize my weight. For me, about 2150 keeps me even. Varies slightly with exercise. Your numbers will probably be a bit different.
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