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Worried about medication

Posted by mreinhart75 
Worried about medication
June 12, 2017 01:18PM
I have had paroxsymal afib for the past few years. On my EKG it shows Afib with partial RBB. I am on Cardizem, and Diltiazem. I was recently prescribed fleccainide as a "pill int he pocket" method, along with a stress echo. Before I could get the stress echo i was laid off from my job and lost my insurance and have not gotten it done. I worry about taking the flec due to the pro-arrhythmic properties in certain cases of heart defects(which I assume the stress echo was to look for). I'm not sure what to do, do I take it and just run the risk, or not take it until ive had the test? Any advice would be much appreciated.
Re: Worried about medication
June 12, 2017 10:27PM
Cardizem and Diltiazem are the same drug. Cardizem is a brand of Diltiazem.
Did you have a normal Echo? You said that the Dr. ordered a "Stress Echo"
If you haven't had an Echo, I would wait.
Also, take into consideration how well you are managing your AFIB.
The better you are coping the way you are now, the less sense it makes to take the Flec.
Did your Dr. should have also prescribed a Beta-Blocker drug to take with the Flec?
Finally when people take the Flec for the 1st time, they either start at a very low dose, or go into the Hospital for Monitoring for 6 hours, until it can be established that you do not react adversly to the Drug.

Is your Dr. a Cardiologist or an EP? An EP would probably be better suited to start a Patient on Flec.
Re: Worried about medication
June 13, 2017 12:01PM
sorry I meant carvedilol and cardizem. I had an echo several years ago when i first started getting the afib, but not since. My dose is a 100mg pill in the pocket, and the Dr is a cardiologist. I was scheduled to see an EP before I lost my insurance.. but.. yeah.. I do start a new position in a couple of weeks, so maybe I should jsut hold off on the flec until I get the insurance, and get back into the Doc..
Re: Worried about medication
June 15, 2017 05:35AM
The 100mg Pill in the Pocket is a low dose. You would basically be taking a maintenance dose, just when you had an event to hopefully convert back to NSR quicker. People take up to 300mg as a Bolus dose to convert, but like I said in the earlier post, that is either titrated up from a low dose, or tested in a Hospital to make sure there are no ill reactions.
I agree, wait if only weeks away from getting more Ins coverage. Also the Carvedilol is a Beta-Blocker, so if you do take the Flec, make sure you continue it.
Re: Worried about medication
June 27, 2017 07:34PM
If you have paroxsysmal afib, you shouldn't take fleccanide unless you are in the hospital. I took fleccanide during an episode and it only made matters worse. My heart started racing and my blood pressure dropped and caused me to pass out. Luckily, I was in the hospital and nothing worse happened. By the way, I don't have any heart defects.
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